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Everything posted by Chaser617

  1. Malbomb.jpg

    From the album Misc

  2. MalStrike.jpg

    From the album Misc

  3. MalAntiShip.jpg

    From the album Misc

  4. A day out with What If

    From the album Misc

    Playing around, doing some set ups for pictures for a Merc story I'm writing. SOmetimes flying helps me.
  5. Ah, gotcha, I've got my TV mapped to one of the rotaries on my X45, that's probably it.
  6. Got an odd problem with my Echo, everything works great but the throttle display in the in game HUD says its always in afterburner and the afterburner sound won't turn off.
  7. Bobrock, since you released the Tornado F.3 I've been toying with making (IE doing an INI edit) of it to turn it into the 'What If' Maelstorm FRS.4I came up with a while back as the competitor to the 'What If' Hornet FRS for he Royal Navy. I was wondering if I could have your permission to do some INI edits and try to come up with a RN appropriate skin to turn it into the 'multi-role' carrier version.
  8. I'm still around, I've been having trouble getting on line at times and ICQ is crapping out all over the place for me, which will explain to Dave why he hasn't seen me on that for a good month or so. But yeah, I know he's a signatory to the freeware act I just like to get permission as best I can anyways. I'm not exactly sure how successful this projects going to be though, since I've got limited hardpoints to play with but if I get his permission, I can start work. I'm tempted to ask if he could 'modify' the win to give it one more hardpoint each but that's asking too much of a moddler just for a small project like this.:)
  9. Destroying The Capitalist's pocket-book one cargoship at a time!
  10. Mig29_2.jpg

    From the album MiGs

  11. Someone is Going to have a Bad Day Comrade....
  12. I agree, this thread is distinctly lacking shots of this masterpiece, so I shall star I think someone is about to have a very bad day Comrade.....
  13. Mig29_1.jpg

    From the album MiGs

    Someone will have a bad day Comrade....
  14. Before my computer crash I had a good anti-ship strike mission with the ships that had AAA and SAMs on them, that was one of my favorite things to do. And C5? No offense? Red heads:D
  15. I did a lot of tests when the original F-111s came out and at full throttle, on the deck at anywhere between 500-700AGL, 700Kts, just as Dave says, your stick of snakes *will* hit the target.
  16. I'd also like to dispute that 'space' isn't simulated because once you get beyond a certain altitude your pretty much along for the ride, controls have very little effectiveness at those altitudes, basically that max-altitude flight I performed was a balistic flight I went up and near enough came straight back down.
  17. watch the Mach indicator in cockpit, that will tell you how fast your going.
  18. Sky Shot Done with Starfighter2's NF-104A, Max altitude 162,332 feet. Found out something interesting after around 120k feet the external camera looses track of you and your internal camera has you down between your legs. Did this as part of my familiarization (god I know I screwed up that spelling) flights to get back into the swing of things after having a dead computer for a long time, that, and I've got a thing for trying to see just how high I can get a bird to go.
  19. Returning Home

    From the album Starfighter Tests

    Just prior to flare-out to land. The entire final portion of this flight was made 'dead stick' from rocket shut-off after initiating zoom-climb till touch-down. This wasn't the typical flight-profile of the NF-104A when it was used. Usually the aircraft had its turbine restarted by the time it crossed 35,000 do to the 'windmilling' effect. However I wanted to try a simulated 'X-15' profile landing. Both the X-15 and F-104 had extreamly similar glide-ratios, on the order of 4 feet forward for every foot decent travelled. You have to be very careful in this sort of landing that you don't either waste your energy too high and stall, or carry too much of it by your flare, and your speed break is very important since its the *ONLY* means of energy management during this portion of flight. As it was? I carried a bit too much energy and hit rather hard, I have a feeling in real life I would have blown a tire at best, worst? Collapsed my left main gear.
  20. Starfighter Tests

    Test flights with both 'A' and 'NF' model Starfighters.
  21. Returning to Earth

    From the album Starfighter Tests

    At around 114,111 feet altitude, the Starfighter has come full nose down and is starting to pick up airspeed again. It isn't until around 80,000 feet that I have any control input response, and not till 40,000 feet that thanks to the Mach 2.2 speed attained during the 'dive' portion of the flight that I fully regained control.
  22. Nose Over

    From the album Starfighter Tests

    This shot is at around 119,000 feet as my nose is finally coming down from the ballistic portion of the flight (where I had no control over where I was going). I wish I could have gotten a picture at the peek altitude, still, this does show you TK even thought of people like me, there is NO control what so ever till around 80,000 feet due to the lack of atmospheric forces on the control surfaces, that up-elevator I have is doing absolutely nothing.
  23. Sky Shot

    From the album Starfighter Tests

    In to climb for my current 'maximum altitude' flight in my test profile. This series of test flights were done in a custom mission on the Desert SFP1 terrain with Starfighter2's NF-104. Maximum altitude achieved on this flight was 162,332 feet. Found out something interesting, the camera in exterior mode 'looses' the aircraft above 120k feet and the in cockpit camera you are looking down at your legs most the time above that flight level
  24. AC-130 replacement

    Ok at the risk of sounding like an idiot we *are* talking about Texan *II*s right? not the originals?
  25. PLANE Stupid

    The closest I have seen is talks of re-equiping the rhinos (as a friend in the navy has infromed me some of the superbugs are called) with METEOR missiles, nothing else, and thats not a serious consideration at the moment, the only game in town for the Navy is the hornet/slammer combination and while its 'ok' its not the best in the world. Too bad the F-22 both costs far too much and is far too fragile to ever be converted into a sea-borne aircraft.

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