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Everything posted by Chaser617

  1. PLANE Stupid

    Wait, if they're retiring the Viking, what's taking its place as a ASW/Sea Control Platform?
  2. Right now I'm running a 'merged' setup with Bunny's pack as the base but with the TMF running attop, its a bit of a hash, especially since I've forgotten what half the weaponsa ctually are.... That and I mistook a Mk82 Snakeye for a Mk82 MOD nuclear device for a CAS strike....
  3. And now, unless its already included, to find shots of the KyANG RF-101C!
  4. I know, silly question but I finally got ahold of WOI, and I was wondering if my old weapons install from SFP1, which is a merging of Bunyap's WP and the MFWP would work with WOI?
  5. Well, I don't use shadows as it is anyway. I'm just hoping to get it running, I just also have to rebuild my efects folder as well because like an idiot that was the one thing I didn't back up.
  6. Hmm, ok, I was mainly wondering because of all the weapons that would not normally be installed with TMF weapons pack, such as Sidewinder-Xs and some of the other stuff I had collected together.
  7. Ok, I feel like an idiot, I'm a longtime member of the community, I *should* know this, I'm trying to remember the patch order from original Gold Release SFP1or if I could go straight to SP4, I don't think I can I just can't remember the order! (luckily I had all my mods backed up save for the F-35, just gonna drop my weaps, effects and aircraft folders back in)
  8. Thanks guys, I just hit another snag, I remembered to back all those files... ACcept my effects folder....
  9. Turboprop Skyraider

    almost looks like it has the same PT6 as the Texan II
  10. Additional MiG-29Ks for the Indian Navy

    The question is does this also rule out a navalized version of the HAL Tejas for the same role or were the Fulcrum-Ks always intended as a 'lead in' to that aircraft? Which incidently is an aircraft I'd like to see in Wings Over series. Ever since I started coming to forums and you've posted Ghostrider I've gotten more and more interested in the IAF and the IN.
  11. My only problem is finding the Chinese weapons files, they're not in the newest mirage factory weapons pack as far as I can tell.
  12. Dels, if it is at all possible may I make a suggestion? If this is going to be and 'armed' version may I suggest adding 'Winder rails to the wingtips?
  13. Really nothing to do because those are part of the MAX files, you can't really change them unless you have access to those.
  14. Beleive me, disapearing has been the *last* thing on my mind, I've even been on the boards but I never post because most the time, I'm being pulled away. We had a bunch of things hit us in succession and needless to say, computer has been on the back burner. I *HOPE* I might be a bit more regular but we'll see. Only reason I posted so earlier today was because they gave us a day off for an eith an inch of snow. *shakes head*
  15. *Agrees with USAFMTL though he has yet to replace his himself* But just to answer your question some of the older models I'm not exactly sure why, the catapult strength on some of the carriers was too much and you had to adjust the ship's cat strength to compensate. But like USAFMTL said, just go ahead and replace your old gear, I'm just spouting knowledge for spouting knowledge sake above:)
  16. I am... a terrifying terrorist.....
  17. I'm guessing I'm going to have to ask and bribe Sundowner to redo his FAA skins for the new SLUF.
  18. I'd be in as well but I have to be back in time for dinner... *blushes and waits for the whipping sounds to commence*
  19. I know the Swedish version doesn't have the false cockpit. I think its mostly the export Gripens that do, mainly Hungarian and the South African aircraft from what I know.
  20. My personal opinion is that this mod has been worth the wait when it comes out, even if it is 'beta' there are many here that probably would jump at the chance to dig into the INI:)
  21. From everything I've been told though its not official the F-2A's nickname among its pilots is 'Viper Zero' for the origins as a F-16 and as an homage to the A6M Risen.
  22. Found, was sitting under my nose the entire time, I just never saw it. The Viper Zero is a joy to fly by the way, nice stable bombing platform.
  23. Dave? I think I got a slight bug report, there is no weapons INI data as far as I can tell in the readme for the drop tanks, unless I'm blind as a bat and its included elsewhere.

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