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Everything posted by Chaser617

  1. Ok, I know this is a weird one but this was a request from a friend that wanted some images for a story she is writing. Basically she was wanting a navalized 'two seat' version of the Raptor (yes, I know, not at all well suited for carrier ops but its what she wants). I was wondering if it was a quick INI mod to add the GiB or if it would require actual modle modding, if its the latter I'm going to give it up right here, if its the former any tips on it or if the Raptor has enough 'room' in the cockpit to add a second seat.
  2. Unfortunately Julhelm that was the aircraft I showed her that she thought was completely ugly.
  3. Eh, My theory on that has always been if they don't like it they don't have to download it, and I'm a tomcat lover myself. Besides the 'Sea Raptor' is really a creation this friend she liked the idea of there being two types of jets flying of a carrier but when I showed her a picture of the NAFT swing-wing she absolutely hated how it looked.
  4. I know, I've had crud for time. Good Lord I miss things around here, and, well I miss goofing off even in just the boards with people. I think I've had more computer problems than anything else recently, I've burned through about three installs of SF2 and still haven't gotten SF2I yet. Welp, if its going to take more than an ini slash and hack to make a 2seater raptor I'm just going to drop that little project
  5. Well guess that anwsers weather or not to update the old What If FAA Corsairs I did with a bunch of people's help a whiles back to SF2, *chuckles* someone else has already beaten me to it. :)
  6. The Seahawk launch from a different angle Been playing around with mission builders in SF2
  7. Screenshot Thread Album

    Where I post all my screenshot thread pics
  8. It was a beautiful day for sunbathing in the Med, too bad the bloody Reds decided to ruin it and force a scramble call....
  9. Seahawks Launching from HMS Eagle

    From the album Screenshot Thread Album

    A beautiful day in the Med around 1953, unfortunately the sunbathing was ruined by a scramble call...
  10. You know, I've had SF2 for a couple months now but its just now occured to me with some Korea and a few WW2 aircraft released, does SF2 do a better job at preventing 'era mixing' than SFP1? I remember the different installs if I wanted WW2, Korea and later because if you were not careful and lumped them together, you could literally have AD's zekes trying to mix it up with Tomcats (which is funny and admitedly a little fun to recreate FC). If this question has been asked and anwsered, sorry guys, you all know my 'search-fu' tends to fail at times.
  11. Ok, I'm going to feel like a real dunce with this one, since I've been around for a while but here goes: I know there is a way to edit your profile picture and not use the 'default' ones that come with the game, however for the life of me I've never figured out how, sorry if its been discussed, my search-fu failed me on this one. Chaser
  12. Thanks guys, and Sorry Wrench I thought it belonged in the KB, you know how I try to keep things from going all over the place...
  13. So basically gotta go line for line on the new effects file and make sure everything matches, got it. Thanks for all the tinkering and tweaking KB, I probably would be lost without you guys since I tend to foul up the little things in the execution of it all.
  14. My personal two favorite aircraft: IAI Kfir C2 Pros: stable patform for bombing, better turn radius than the original Mirage design thanks to to the Israeli refinements to the design, more powerful engine Cons: Even with the canards it still has the same problem every other delta planform has, it bleeds energy much much faster than a traditional layout, be very careful. 'Yank and bank' will cause you to drop from the sky. F-16 Series: Pros: Good bombing platform, very stable, and has great visibility. To me the controls on this aircraft are very crisp and responsive. Personally its my favorite 'current inventory' aircraft for the USAF. Cons: All that being said, its still a light-weight fighter. Even with modern improvements it really can't match something like a AESA refit Eagle or lord forbid a Raptor in Air to Air, power is nothing compared to these two and its radar while good still dosen't have their reach.
  15. so whats in brackets should be the exact same as what the first line in the entry is? Its case sensitive too correct? (I'm asking all these questions now so I don't bork my install like I did first time I tried modding the original game *chuckles*)
  16. Ok, lets see if I have it right KB (I finally bought SF2/WoV2/WoE2 today) if I want the nukes from the current weapons pack I have to drop the 's' on all the effects assciated with it ie: [AerialNukeEffects] AirBurstEffectName=AerialNukeEffect AirBurstSoundName=Nuclear.wav GroundHitEffectName=NukeExplosionEffect GroundHitSoundName=Nuclear.wav becomes [AerialNukeEffect] AirBurstEffectName=AerialNukeEffect AirBurstSoundName=Nuclear.wav GroundHitEffectName=NukeExplosionEffect GroundHitSoundName=Nuclear.wav ? Or have Ir ead the entire post wrong?
  17. My main hang up is the fact that I have a very hard time staying online anymore (our services are kind'a crappy here) and I also don't know exactly what mods are up to the new standards and what aren't. Granted I think I also might just be set too much in my ways as is...
  18. F-22 Raptor Cut today?

    The Question I have would it be less expensive to build an 'advanced' variant of the F-15 than continue the path that we have for the F-22, that has been the suggestion I've seen and part of me wants to say 'no' because I honestly do not know if Boeing even still has all the tools and dies for the Eagle. I've also heard about re-opening the KC-10 production but again, I don't think that's even possible, for the same reason above, the production line simply doesn't exist anymore. The CSAR-X really has stumped me. This seems like a project that is in line with fighting insurgency campaigns because, correct me if I'm wrong, but can't CSAR helo do fairly good 'swing' duty as special operations aircraft?
  19. As everyone who was about when I was a lot more active knows, I had an interest in the 'What If' scenario of the Fleet Air Arm keeping their 'Big Deck' carriers and what the different aircraft they would have flown from their decks. One of the ones I had been planning for a while had been a competitor to my original 'Hornet FRS' mod, the 'Maelstrom' basically a 'Sea Tornado.' Unfortunately I never could make that aircraft because the plan was to make it a 'multi-role' and for that, I needed a good ADV model. Well, two years later, enter Babrock and his excellent ADV, and I've decided to try to give the project another shot . Unlike my other mods (the Tomcat FR.2 with Wrench leading the way, the Corsair II GR.1 the Hornet FRS and the Skyhawk FG.3a that was inspired by Dave and skins provided by Sundowner) this project is going to be a lot more than simple INI tweaks. I wanted to show some prelim work I've done so far in just initial testing, and maybe get some input from the mod community on the 'Maelstrom F/A.4': Anti-shipping loadout: Original Strike loadout with GBU-10s: Bomb-placement test with the GBU-12: These are just very preliminary test shots, and they show there is a lot of work to do to bring this mod to the quality I'd like. If you notice, the GBU-10s need re-spacing in order to prevent 'merging' with each other. Also you notice there are only three bombs being carried, that's because the forward left sparrow station I need to 'separate' from the others because that was where the targeting pod was suppose to go. Things to do (its a long list): ~Re-space the bomb hard-points to prevent 'bomb merging', this will probably require 'adding' brand new hardpoints specifically for bombs on the aircraft's belly ~Separating the forward-left Skyflash well from its companions to allow for the loading of a laser designator pod (still to be determined which pod) ~Deciding on what to do about fuel tanks with weapons loaded on the wing stations. Right now its an 'either or' you either get your fuel-tanks, or you get your missiles such as the Sea Eagle, ALARM and BRIMSTONE or Mavericks. I'd like to see if there is a way to add two tanks on the belly but I doubt there is clearance for that. My ideal solution would be to add a second wing pylon further out for the mounting of missiles. However to do this properly would require Babrock to actually modify the the model to provide that pylon on the wing, and to be honest? The man did a great job with the model, I don't want to ask him to go do more work on it. The solution may simply be mounting missiles in the fuselage spaces though that is my least desired solution. ~Air-to-Ground HUD symbology, this I may simply take from the other British HUDs (the Jaguar and such) but I'm also considering a custom design to fit the Tornado HUD ~Air-to-Ground Radar Modes: This is a simple INI plug in ~Custom Skins: The biggy, the one I have the most problems with, when the mod comes closer to completion I might ask if there are any skinners available to do FAA skins for this model. We don't want repeats of my original FAA Hornet Skins before Mike1 jumped at the chance to do some really good ones. Like I said, pretty long list, and again anyone who is willing to chime in and provide some support or help I'm more than willing to have it.
  20. Annnnd of coarse, this project hits a snarl, my computer crashed... AGAIN over the weekend and while I didn't loose any of my actual flying files, all the INI work that I had been doing on this and a couple other ideas (mainly an update to the Hornet to make it more SP4 friendly) went up in smoke. I got to start from scratch.
  21. would they be linked in the loadout screen or would they be completely seperate?
  22. I've tried to do some measurements and I think I'm going to have to come up with seperate air-to-ground stations to preserve the spacing for the skyflashes. The rear ones need to be moved back about two to three feet, the forward moved back about six inches to clear the forward gear door. Now, the question is how would be the least complcated way of going about this?
  23. From what I can tell, neither RAF nor FAA purchased the air-launched varient of the Harpoon, I don't know how much difference there is between the sea-launched and air launched variants so it might be possible. Again the big problem is that the spacing for the Skyflashes aren't as big as one might expect (see the GBU-10 spacing). I'm going to try a few tests with the Harpoon, the ALARMs are too big to fit with the current spacing.
  24. Unfortunately, actual 3d modeling is far outside my areas of expertise. I can do the INI dance, but I don't know, I don't want the weapons just 'hanging' mid air with no pylon though.

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