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About Nazr

  1. Screen Overhaul - (1920 x 1080)

    I cannot see the text of these for some reason.
  2. Okay so I may have figured out why I couldn't get the lead sight to work, but it doesn't make any sense. For some reason when the Radar Difficulty is set to Normal and the Flight Model Difficulty is set to Easy this happens: the lead sight doesn't lead. If they are both set to Easy it works, if Radar Difficulty is set to Easy and Flight Model Difficulty is set to Normal it works, if both set to Normal it works.
  3. I watched some of his videos, and indeed something is up with how my lead sights work, because in the videos it works as I expected it to. Now Im not even sure if Im doing it right. What even are the steps necessary to make the gun sight actually lead? I did a bunch of guns practice missions and never once did the gun sight lead like in the videos (below):
  4. Do you happen to have some footage of this? Because no matter what I do the lead always just points straight ahead.
  5. realSKY Environment

    I quite like this mod but there is one big problem. The post processing effect can look quite nice but especially in planes like F-14A, the centre of the screen in the cockpit looks so absurdly bright with the vignetting that I literally cant see anything directly in front of me.
  6. I recently got into playing this sim so there are a lot of things I still do not fully understand. Based on what I have experienced so far, the appropriate fighters have air-to-air leading gun sights that sort of point to where you need to aim in order to hit moving targets. However I do not understand how these actually work. I target the enemy, lock on with my radar, and still the gun sight indicator is pointing straight ahead and not leading in any way. What is the correct procedure for making the gun sight actually lead a target?

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