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Everything posted by starfighter2

  1. However: one step further - compared with MiG-19> There was one confirmed but hushed-over F-100 vs. MiG-19 encounter, in the early 1960s over Czechoslovakia. A USAFE F-100 from the 50th TFW accidentally crossed the border, and was forced down by two Czech MiG-19s (actually, S.105s) from Plzen-Line, and landed at that same airfield. Knowing how close Line is to the former Iron Curtain, the fact that this Hun could not outmaneuver and/or outrun those Farmers surely confirms the sluggishness and lack of responsiveness. While the F-100 indeed was a further development of the F-86, the only American aircraft to actually put the lessons of the Korean War to use was the F-104. The Hun offered improvements in range and firepower, but none whatsoever in handling and hardly any in performance - certainly not to the level as was desired by the pilots. Sadly for the USAF, when they got involved in Vietnam they simply did not have a better 'fighter' than the F-100 in their inventory. The 104 was already handed over to the Guards (both for range and it's crash rate), the 101 always was unflyable as a fighter because of it's backflip-tendency, the 102 and 106 were GCI-controlled interceptors in the strictest IA-PVO meaning of the word, and the 105 was a dedicated bomber. It wasn't until the F-4 appeared that the USAF got a real fighter again - all the Century-series aircraft were "excuses" for fighters. From reasonable to hmmm, but excuses nevertheless. The only task in which the F-100 was really successful, was CAS. Obviously, the MiG-19 had it's limitations, it's range being a pretty important one (although there was a number of trials with air-to-air refuelling with the MiG-19). But it was definately useful in it's intended role: that of a fighter. And while the MiG-19PM was a totally hopeless missileer, the handful of MiG-19PM(L?) with the PM's radar and Atolls was a lot closer to a real fighter like the F-8C/D than the Hun ever was. Funny is that the F-100 and MiG-19 had a number of similar experiments conducted on them. Both were used for ZELL trials, and one of the MiG-19s refuelling probes tested was built almost exactly like the underwing-probe on the Hun.
  2. BTW In Nam........ F-100's were used early to escort F-105. Some came from bases in Korea if I'm not mistaken. It wasn't long before Phantoms reached the theator and took that mission over. It was never intended for the Hun to do that mission for the duration of the war. By mid to late 1965 (i.e. not too long after the war had started), the Hun was no longer performing escort duties. Of course at that stage in the war all the North had was the MiG-17, and the F-100 far outclassed it in technical sence (or on paper IIRC). In fact, in most early engagements when attacking MiG's sighted escorting F-100's (or F-104's), they simply turned away and didn't engage. I'd say whether you shoot the MiG's down or not, simply keeping them away from the bombers is a successful mission for the escorts. Oh, and by the way I was doing some calculations on lightly loaded F-100's (i.e. flying a similar profile to that typically flown by the MiG-17 on a point defense mission), and Not as good as the MiG, but certainly not that bad. Of course, seeing as the F-100 was mostly tasked with close air support and other A/G missions this was always much lower, but it nonetheless F-100 isn't as inferior in air-to-air combat as you may think. (or feel on your own skin ingame). Pilot is most important thing - not machine itself - proven so many times so far.
  3. The MiG-17F can maintain 8g turns, attain a maximum speed of 715 mph (Mach 1.04) in mild dive and can climb to 30,000 feet in only 3 minutes, with an initial rate of climb better than 14,000 feet per minute. The MiG-17F was a very nimble fighter that could prove deadly unless respected when engaged by pilots with superior training and tactics such as those used by the U.S. Navy and Air Force. One moment’s complacency when fighting against the MiG-17F could prove fatal. Against a MiG-15 or MiG-17, the best tactics would be high speed slash and run attacks. It would be vital to see the MiGs first, 'case they were smaller. The F-104/F-100 would have been super for this, but it couldn't help take the fight to the enemy. The range was too short(F-104), they cruises subsonically like every other jet, and they can't turn for $#!*. The F-8 Crusader was, I think, the best fighter of the era. It was built to dogfight, and it was so much better than the F-100. hehe, pilots in their F-8s would save the day!
  4. In RL I would rather run away - to fight another day. Ingame - if you can't run, gain up some speed and use attitude advantage if you can - if not - again - run away
  5. I would like to see MiG-35 - whatever the version - as new fighter for Serbian AF. :yes:
  6. Red Faction: Guerrilla

    Yea, 3rd person - not for me then - thx. Pity though.
  7. "Yugo Wars" sucks - it's my personal opinion - everyone who was involved somehow in those disasters feel the same way. My late uncle was F-84G/F-86E/MiG-21F-13/MiG-21PFM/MiG-21UM(as instructor) pilot. I have his notes and I flyed couple of times with him in 21 two seater. Most memorable thing to do - just.......... I love all this in technical sense - but all other stuff sucks for me - big time. I like military aviation very much, but I refused to be a pilot in real life, PVO (anti aircraft stuff) was my field in military. EDIT > Yea Ghost - as you know already - my uncle was test pilot too - on Gnat's and bunch of domestic stuff like J-22 prototypes.
  8. Chuck Norris say > F-104C-10 is good thing to fly
  9. Rugg's Pit for '09

    My wife will kill me for sure if I have this in house..... WOW and LOL
  10. Where? If you want good cheese ask Admiral Dave. If you want realism - fly FSX without droping bombs If you want good fun with less realism - fly SF series and enjoy. Cheers (Cheese) Wrench :yes:
  11. SWEET CHEESE For a delicious, traditional Easter dish that's also great for snacking, treat yourself to this Hungarian cheese.
  12. Mirage 2000TH

    How many HD crashes you had since..... it's "suspicious" a bit my friend :yes: EDIT > back up your things at regular basis - or...
  13. F-4J Skins

    Thanx Rawenclaw, great skins :yes:
  14. GREAT!!! Next.... "A" modell will be nice stuff :yes:
  15. Yes - Lancer is on "to do" list, as well as Bison.
  16. This thing is not ugly. I like it :yes: It will be nice target :yes: (big one, hard to miss)

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