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Everything posted by starfighter2

  1. The Crusader lived on in foreign service. In 1977, 25 refurbished US Navy F-8Hs were sold at a bargain price to the Philippine Air Force as "F-8Ps", along with ten other aircraft used for spares. The last Philippine Crusaders were finally withdrawn from service in 1991. That one will be nice too :yes:
  2. SU-30 story in colour :yes:
  3. Poor FPS

    I second that - SF2 runs quite well here on Vista Home Basic 32bit and with mainstream config - AMD 4000+, 3Gb Ram and ATI 3650(512). All HIGH settings here with mirrors ON...etc on 1440x900 rez. Very nice performance with SF2..... but........... Old SF and clones are unplayable on that level of settings, I must lower some things down (1280x800), turn mirrors and shadows off(low) in order to get decent fps. My son have simmilar config with Nvidia 9500GT card,Nvidia chipset on mobo(still with same proc) - and performance are better a bit. Cheers
  4. It depends... F-100 was multirole fighter/bomber - more usefull then F-101 ... but yea - 2 engine is always better
  5. Fast food worldwide

    Whatever the price, quite good taste and "romance" of fast food, all fast food in this world is junk and very unhealthy stuff. (unfortunately)
  6. Very nice targets - lookin' forward
  7. nice stuff - thx men :yes:
  8. We had only 4 MiG-21MF's in Air Force. Over 180 "newer" (300 in all) was other variants, BiS mainly. All 4 MF's are grounded in 1994.
  9. Yea - Windows 7 rocks in beta 1 stage - OS needs about 15 seconds to start. Looks like Vista (my favourite OS btw), and have speed comparable with XP > If I can judge about present look and feel of beta 1, we can expect final version in 2009, (I hope so :yes: ) but.........Windows has always drawn speculation; probably because it is so intrinsic to everything that we do with computers. Windows 7 was originally time-lined 2011, later reports put it at 2010; and now 2009 ?!? All this smoke of Windows 7, being released in 2009, may have led to confusion in the minds of the Windows Vista user. Did he make a mistake in upgrading? Or should he have waited? Microsoft feels that there is STILL a lot of innovation and value that needs to flow to the customers, from Vista. First - there will be SP2 for Vista (in beta testing for some time), then Windows 7 release.
  10. What is it? J-8II's, or Su-15 with some "fake pilot" addons, or something else?
  11. Look what i got! ;)

    Tek da vidis sta ja sve imam - ha ha
  12. Again WWII >?????????????? Nice work men - for 14.5 (half) WWII game mode users :yes: Cheers Happy New Year

    I wish health for everyone, for rest of the stuff you will manage somehow :yes:
  14. After F-104C-10 and Sabre F-86F-1 my favourite plane ever - B Voodoo - it ROCKS !!! I just love Century Series
  15. Mirage 2000-5 skin

    That US jammer doesn't fit ....kiddin'

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