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Everything posted by charlielima

  1. Yankee Air Pirate moving on

    I wish them well. perhaps an enterprising individual will peddle the individual files. I'd buy YAP3 for the T-28D if i didn't have to buy all 9 missions, that could be still worth it if i wasn't budgeting my sim time tho. perhaps i'll panic buy the helo pack with the H-34. CL
  2. I am a bonehead. I've seen these before and thought they were DH Beavers or single Otters. CL
  3. Lost in Space got it right!

    We should either enslave or eat those ET barbarians before they do the same to us. And then they can migrate here as refugees and control everything we do. Cl
  4. As easy as I can snivel for more pilots ? for a start i'm thinking about Sandy pilots with green brain buckets and perhaps an Air America guy with hawaiin shirt, Head set, and colt 1911 in shoulder holster. CL
  5. How easy is this to do ? Ravenclaw makes it look like building with Legos. CL
  6. Hostile goat targets ? I miss the camels in GS 2000 we could target. CL
  7. That looks so natural and believable. The amazing Macnamara the bean counter just might dictate the Air Force T-Birds use the Crud also and perhaps tour together to save logistic costs. Keep skinning please. CL
  8. Rising Storm 2: Vietnam

    Still waiting. CL
  9. Ah a fine gift to our neighbors to the north. CL
  10. From WOV to Fins Under the South China Sea. This thread is a big nexus for all sorts of stuff. CL
  11. Touchedowns ? Oh land. Thats right. thats why we have reef shoes, fins and boats. CL
  12. Too bad we don't have SEALs or Force Recon to helicast out of the back of Yak's Sea Stallions to get us a closer look or even slow the development down. A-7s and F-4s out of Clark or an alpha strike from the Midway perhaps ? CL
  13. new or upgraded weapons trickling in. @ http://combatace.com/topic/85993-weaponspack-3/ CL
  14. How many of you knew about these guys?

    GREAT Movie. CL
  15. Wow. no radar / radar operator ? I hope they have at least a RadAlt. cl
  16. Those look to right to be fictional. That makes me want to snivel for navy A -1s with an 18 inch (or whatever the small ones are) SEAC roundels for SEA. And Buccaneers too please. CL
  17. Very nice and needed. Any plans for the cone tail version ? CL
  18. And don't forget about Raven or Jungle Jim. This was in SEA. so not a big siege to do this.
  19. http://www.spyflight.co.uk/p2v.htm There is also this plane, just need the skins.
  20. Wasn't the prototype called the "Dauntless II" ? Or was that just the name given to the engineering rendering on the bar napkin ? CL
  21. I think i remember a Marine at Hue say we need stukas. CL
  22. I knew it ! The Japanese did steel the design from us. Or did a shady Dept of State apointee sell it to them . Hmmmm. CL
  23. Affirmative. I'm not to sure those polygonal wheels on the old ponies will work to well on those dirt strips. CL

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