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Everything posted by charlielima

  1. And it looks like they got 2 different canopies going on. I never noticed the Montana state flag on the tail either. CL
  2. The J-34s on Neptune's P2V-7s were operational. This photo was taken at take off. They have doors that close when that turbo jet is off. I'm thinking this shows partial opening because they are idling or they are being throttled down.I've heard them run on fires at higher altitude as well as the Navy birds fire them up as part of the pre landing checklist when I lived in the approach pattern to NAS Los Alamitos. And yes they run on AV gas. I tried to do an Ini to have piston engine sound for 1-90% power and then an added jet sound for 90- 100% power but no joy. CL
  3. Here you go : The Minden One I always thought was the most attractive. Many P2Vs have the jet engines, MAD stinger and the stock torpedo bay intact it appears. Airtanker picture link at http://www.wildlandfire.com/pics/air/air.php US Tanker list with N#s list @ http://www.ruudleeuw.com/airtanker-id.htm CL
  4. And to stir the pot more it appears HFS TBMs were built on a post war ASW, AEW, COD, Night or pick another one airframe or canopy package. what fun, CL
  5. And if the "shape" is the external tank that excludes F7Fs, A-26s, P-3s, P2Vs, and Douglas transports also from the project huh. CL
  6. Oops. I'm a buffoon. We have the Beast (helldiver) but no Turkeys ? CL
  7. Hemet also had TBMs Some rough idea to the rear turret and tank : http://airtankersinscale.proboards.com/thread/110/hemet-valley-flying-service-tanker CL
  8. I think Air Force ADC grey is different then Navy light gull grey. Air Force coin grey is different then light gull grey also. CL
  9. Can we also get white Navy 7 X 2.75" LAU-59, LAU-68 pods for the Black Pony project and my general SPAD mayhem ? http://combatace.com/topic/86266-my-black-pony-project/ Thank you, CL
  10. Maybe He meant TPS in desert color skins for USN F-4 Ns and Ss. V/R, CL
  11. Sweet ! My SPADs can't wait for the MK-82 Snakeye ! Thanks Ravenclaw. CL
  12. Even a land based one would be bueno. I bet It would not be the first plane converted from IL2 to SF. http://freeil2modding.free-forum.net/piper-pa-48-enforcer-beta-vt500.html Perhaps not a "What If" aircraft. CL
  13. A privatly owned tucano ?

    http://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/Cuyama-Aircraft-Crash-Brush-Fire-309071951.html Ironic considering how many T-28s fly out of Cabrillo in Ventura county. CL
  14. A privatly owned tucano ?

    Brazil ? CL
  15. Goodbye and thank you-USS Miami

    Heinous. For what I for foresee we need more LA class boats. CL
  16. I can't wait for WOK. A playground for SPADS and F4Us CL
  17. Good stuff Crusader. 3 MK-4s on a Scooter ? Sure why not. I bet every body here has strapped on at least 2. CL
  18. Awesome and much grass. CL
  19. There is never enough gun pods it seems. There is also the GPU-2/A. Killerbee made a nice Data Ini for it but it hasn't been modeled. http://combatace.com/topic/53750-20mm-for-ov-10s/ Could this be a mandatory ground object ? CL
  20. MK-81 ( 250 lb ) Snakeyes would be splendid for SPADS, Broncos and other COIN platforms. TY / CL

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