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Everything posted by charlielima

  1. Hey Gruppe. According to the Crud driver that runs this site: http://www.cloudnet.com/~djohnson/usmc.htm In 1965 VMF(AW) 212 was hauling 4 2000 pound MK-84 into North Vietnam on strike missions against rail bridges off the Oriskany. A quote from his site: The Lancers pounded targets off Dixie Station for two days, before the air wing was moved into Yankee Station off the coast of hostile North Vietnam. For the airmen, the most noticeable difference between North and South Vietnam was the intensity of the anti-aircraft fire over the north. The F-8’s were modified in July to accept napalm, Mk-82, Mk-83, and Mk-84 bombs on their wing pylons. The Mk-84 two-thousand pound bomb was the Sunday Punch that the air wing needed to knock down the bridges in North Vietnam. Launching an F-8 with a pair of these behemoths under each wing was a problem, until Maj. Harry E. Sexton mandated that the Crusaders be launched with 80% of it’s fuel and topped off in flight. I'm only able to get 4 1000 pounders under the wings by eliminating the inside/outside rack limit and increasing the pylon load limits. Changing load limits on TERs doesn't seem to change anything. Any Ideas? CL
  2. Ahhh! No joy with the mission in WOV. I got to figure out how to use your sceenshot as my VMF(aw)-212 MF F-8E start up screen. Good news is with Malibu's Air Ground Expansion Pack one can fly the Lancers F-8 off the Oriskany in campaign mode. I have 3 SF installs on my computer. no SF-2, WOV-2. I guess the 30 dollar question is do I start over with the 2nd generation version. CL
  3. Downloaded. OK those are 2000 pounders. for some reason I thought those where 3000 pounds each. I cranked my numbers back down to stock accept for my weapon groups. I still have each sidewinder station in a different group. When I feel like cheating I can mount a sidewinder bodied focus AGM in 1969 or 70 and still have 3 zuni pods plus bombs on the wing pylons. But yah after downloading the excellent MF F-8E and slapping some skins on them I got curious about Corktips Splendid VMF(AW)-212 skin, made a separate airplane file for it, and did some research for a carrier campain. I'm still in WOV 1 with no YAP yet. No Joy getting my MF_F8E(early)_VMF(AW)212 in a campain or the Oriskany. Good news is I have about 8 different single squadron Mirage Factory Cruds available for single missions and have had up to 4 flights of them up at a time performing CAS, Escort, Strike, Recon, or Ironhand. I'll plug in that mission file and see what happpens. Stranger things have worked. CL
  4. Ah Yes, Complete with the USMCNM1 pilot too. What numbers did you use to strap those on? CL
  5. Affirmitive. For what we have going on I'm thinking 4 M-117s under each wing would be the "strike" Crud load. Checking my Data Inis on attack and strike planes nothing mounts more then 2 1000 pounders on a pylon in the above 750 pound class. CL
  6. China goes to Sea...

    Nice target for an LA class boat. :ph34r: CL
  7. Nice! I wish we had this skin for the Razbam SPAD. The Chaff and Flare launchers are sweet and can be copied and pasted in your favorite Skyraider. Thanks Group! CL
  8. Awesome. Sounds like a job for A-26s with torps in the sea blue skin I sniveled for from flying legends. PBJs would be slick if we had them. CL
  9. Bitchin, hella wicked, and thanks! I have been sniveling for this skin for ages. This Marine Corps squadron flew SBDs out of the US Virgin Islands performing ASW patrols. CL
  10. I, as well as many others have Fast Cargos excellent saniflush bomb. I thought I had strong AI skills untill I viewed the rest of the load. Can anybody identify and tell me what ordinance and where to get the rest of the load? BTW Gary flew 2nd crewmen with me in HS-12. Good on him for digging up this vid. http://www.midwaysailor.com/midwayva25bomb/va25toiletbomb2.wmv CL
  11. Ah Sierra! The Willy Pete rockets aren't working for me. The CBUs work on the bikes for me. Is there a SUU-Willy Pete bomb I don't have or do I have to kiss the ring of a member of the Munitions Mafia or the Ordy Nostra to get it. Have a swell Memorial Day. Beside the usual I'm also thinking of decommisioned Units / squadrons. First in my mind HS-12, HCS-5, Val-4, VAH-21, Too many to list. CL
  12. Perhaps: TypeName=500lb_bomb FullName=AN-M64 500-lb Bomb ModelName=AN-M64 Mass=226.800003 Diameter=0.510000 Length=1.750000 SubsonicDragCoeff=0.200000 SupersonicDragCoeff=0.770000 AttachmentType=NATO,USAF,USN,ISRAEL SpecificStationCode= NationName=USAF StartYear=1942 EndYear=1964 ? Doesn't the AN- group of bombs have the "box" around the fins? I'm thinking maybe an SUU body. A 500 lb or less version of the M-117? CL
  13. I'm not an AO so I guess I'm not s&it then. On topic with stores. Do these TERs make me look fat? [LeftWingStationInboard] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=13 StationGroupID=4 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-2.90,-0.085,-0.770 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=1020.6 RackLimitOutsideOnly=TRUE AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,RP,GP,TER AttachmentType=NATO,USN,USAF ModelNodeName= PylonMass=108.9 PylonDragArea=0.03 [RightWingStationInboard] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=14 StationGroupID=4 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=2.90,-0.085,-0.770 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=1020.6 RackLimitOutsideOnly=TRUE AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,RP,GP,TER AttachmentType=NATO,USN,USAF ModelNodeName= PylonMass=108.9 PylonDragArea=0.03 [CenterlineStation] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=15 StationGroupID=5 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=0.0009,0.335,-0.9373 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=1587.6 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,EP,TER AttachmentType=NATO,USN,USAF ModelNodeName= PylonMass=150 PylonDragArea=0.02 This works on all our WOX Skyraiders. Take Charge and Carry Out The Plan of The Day. CL
  14. SPADS, Sandys and A-1Es with a mix of small nape, rockets, CBUs, snakeyes or MK-117s allways equals quality entertainment in my cyberworld. CL
  15. I just set up a second WOV install with this mod. The South Vietnam terrain rocks. Business is good. working over the VC "bicycles" during the day with SPADs and night with my wanna be AP-2H TRIM Neptune. A Rung Sat Zone would be way doable as a terrain I think. are the aircraft pegged to a certain base? I like the well populated bridge targets. Collateral damage makes me happy. CL
  16. Good Snivel ! Some land based Navy air supporting brown water navy ops would be awesome. I may have to leave a det of SPADS on the beach for that. CL
  17. No fly Zone over Libya...

    Happy hunting and good luck to all who are going to north africa. CL
  18. img00050.JPG

  19. img00051.JPG

    Very Nice!
  20. Looks good. Of course I'll irratate the skinners for A-20s in an over water blue scheme. B-25s modded up as PBJs. And PB4Ys, PBMs. Anything with more moving parts then a jeep or kubelwagen I'll snivel for SEAC skins also. I'm with Wrench Tho!
  21. DLing now. always liked his skins but never made the time to make seperate ac files for each one. CL
  22. Oh Yah! I was checking to see if our brother here had the airplane drivers to go with his needs. And again I can not confirm nor deny and make any comment about IDF pilots flying missions in Dhimari aircraft. Awesome pilot skins. Almost all the movies are covered. Perhaps Santa can give us a Dieter Dengler skin. V/R All, CL
  23. Oh Yeah! I share your taste in F-86 warpaint severely. Do you have the Isrealy Pilots? CL

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