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Everything posted by charlielima

  1. Awesome video! I believe I saw an AEW Skyraider at the end CL
  2. This is pretty harsh on pesky MIGs. I plugged this in "my" P2V. Copied and pasted from Capuns B-47E: [TailGun1] SystemType=FLEXIBLE_GUN GunTypeName=20MM_M39 MuzzlePosition=-0.1862,-17.5749,0.2923 MaxAmmo=2000 TracerLoading=5 BurstAmount=100 GunnerID=1 MinExtentPosition=-0.25,-15.54,-0.51 MaxExtentPosition= 0.25,-14.72, 0.23 [TailGun2] SystemType=FLEXIBLE_GUN GunTypeName=20MM_M39 MuzzlePosition=0.2281,-17.5749,0.2923 MaxAmmo=2000 TracerLoading=5 BurstAmount=100 GunnerID=1 MinExtentPosition=-0.25,-15.54,-0.51 MaxExtentPosition= 0.25,-14.72, 0.23 [TailGunner] SystemType=GUNNER_STATION SeatID=4 GunnerID=1 PilotModelName= SetCockpitPosition=FALSE Position=0.0,-24.175,0.156 ;MinExtentPosition= ;MaxExtentPosition= PitchModelNodeName=CannonPitch YawModelNodeName=CannonYaw GunRange=2500 PitchAngleRate=45 MaxPitch=40 MinPitch=-40 DefaultPitchAngle=0 YawLimited=TRUE YawAngleRate=45 MaxYaw=230 MinYaw=130 DefaultYawAngle=180 It works fine but the positions and stuff need tweeking. Thanks Gruppe. CL
  3. What are you listening to?

    White Rabbit: Fragging trucks on the road in an AP-2H modded Neptune Somebody To Love: Rolling in on Uncle Ho's stuff with a SPAD loaded with Nape, Snakeye, CBUs, Rockets, and 20 mike mike. Well Doggies! :ph34r: CL
  4. Ranger School

    An Army Mom that has 2 kids in the 3rd Infantry Division sent me these: CL
  5. Random Pic Time

    Shwing! CL
  6. Ranger School

    UN Acceptable!
  7. Most likely not the most fun for a flight sim but I wouldn't trade my 600 hours in an H-3 for anything. But SPAD or Nomad time. Its not all fun and games when rotor heads earn thier pay tho. CL
  8. If accepted these where to be operational around 1972. :ph34r: CL
  9. Happy Birthday Charlielima

    Thanks Gruppe! Disapointed that I'm not running on 18 cylinders. Grateful to god and chevrolet for all 8 cylinders I use every day. CL
  10. US Rifle 30 Caliber Garand

    Play the game group. Sir BUTT plate sir! CL
  11. US Rifle 30 Caliber Garand

    I can't wait until 2 pick trigger housing group. Where is all our marine brothers? CL
  12. I just rolled in with 2 SPADs with Nape, Zunis, and 20 mike mike listening to "somebody to love" by jefferson airplane. And fanged the gommers big time. It would not have been right listening to my favorite "modern tunes" CL
  13. B-2

    Im doing what i can here. CL
  14. US Rifle 30 Caliber Garand

    Wrench, did you watch the Vid? You have to name a part. You should of made this game. CL
  15. Chief Daryl Gates passes away at age 83

    Remember when the requirements to be in the LAPD was that you had to be at least 6 feet tall and had have served in the military? RIP Chief CL
  16. Chief Daryl Gates passes away at age 83

    No Sierra oops I mean Sam? I'm so locked up. My only hope is I can find some bitchin' Jack Webb / Dragnet stuff on you tube. Tribute to the chief underway right now on kfi CL
  17. Sounds exactly like me sniveling for skins for IL2. I got all but one too! CL
  18. Helicopter crashed in Haiti killing 4

    Thats sad Mac. I hope family and friends are able to be with your papa during this time. CL
  19. There is an SH-3h Sea King. With a little bit of work one can have an HH-3A. HS-2 and HC-7 flew CSAR in south east asia in them. CL
  20. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2010/04/07/air-marshals-reportedly-stop-attempted-shoe-bomb-attack/ I trust flight crews, air marshals and maybe that other scary guy I just talked to but not my government. CL
  21. Another shoe Bomber ?

    I wish it was ole Baghdad Bob. The latest I heard was that the young gentleman is a diplomat from Quatar visiting an Alquida in the fed pen. No charges. Free trip home. all no doubt at USAnian expense. CL
  22. Another shoe Bomber ?

    KFI (LA Farm information radio) has Captain Dale Dye with the regular host right now. CL
  23. Kim Jong-il dies at age 69

    Hey group this is no s&!t. Behind closed doors congress just approved a new class of aircraft carrier named after notable government progresive law makers who heroicly dragged the US Navy kicking and screaming into crew configurations that more resembles the population of amerika, Star trek series sequels or college degreed restaraunt employees working in the same job they got after graduating high school. first of the class will be CVN-86 Patsy Schroeder. Others in this class shall be the Loretta Sanchez, Barbra Boxer, Diane Feinstein, Theresa Heinz, and Nancy Pelosi. CL

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