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Everything posted by charlielima

  1. Welcome Home Southernap!

    Sorry M8 but I'm going to give you the same dumb *ss question I always heard from silly villains when I got off cruise with the Coral Sea and back home from the Midway: What are you doing back? I thought you are in the Navy! Welcome Back! Remember to look both ways before you cross the street. CL
  2. On this date in aviation history

    Bummer! I was launched for the last time off building 41 underway also. I posted a bitchin pic of an F-4 on CV-41 being punched off in a pretty wicked sea state. I wish i can find it. It would be so right for this thread. CL
  3. Some Splendid Parade Infantry

    I wish we came home like this. Perhaps the Black Watch does not scare women and small children as much as 6 grey helicopters and 50 or so naval aviation guys. CL There is part 2 also: CL found another: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdOsFbj0AV8&feature=related CL
  4. Room for friends and cold ones too. Ooh wee.
  5. What? You are not telling me they don't fly Skyraiders with green houses in midnight blue any more are you? Oh well, at least somebody is. CL
  6. How to simulate shipboard life

  7. What are you listening to?

    Nomad by the Aqua Velvets. http://www.aquavelvets.com/home.html CL
  8. I Believe this is worth sniveling for after checking out Uncleal post on the pub. Tucanos, Broncos, Dragonflys, and Kfirs if you need a fast mover. I dont know if El Fastama is Puff the Magic Dragon tho. More eye candy at: Hmmm? Tucanos working night shift? CL
  9. Nice F-84 or Mystere (?) kill. CL
  10. Bulls**t heading your way!

    :yes: :yes:
  11. Well Well Well.......Lookie Who Got Caught........

    I'm not quite sure CIA and the office of Homeland INCONVENIENCE belong in the same sentence. DHS is almost as worthless as FEMA. They both use folks in the field from other agencies to perform work on the ground. FEMA and DHS do a great job of generating policy,direction, and what? CL
  12. Well Well Well.......Lookie Who Got Caught........

    The last 2 people I thought should be tried for sedition where elected president. Yeah right now I'm immersed in what our founding fathers went thru and had to look forward to if captured. In the 18th century you could of been arrested and strung by the neck for treason for shoplifting or being any kind of inconvience to His/Her Majesty. I believe these laws are unchanged. What chaps my hide is this young gentlemen now belongs to the US Departement of Justice and not a platoon of Rangers, Marines, SEALs, CIA,or any other boots on the ground that have lost many friends to this young gentlemens activities. Lawyers First and above. I hope somebody water boards him with pig urine. CL
  13. The Black Ponies expended 75,616 Rounds Of 20 mike mike Ammunition in 1970. I assume it was with one of these. I have no clue how many barrels, gatling or not it has. Any help here? Thanks Gruppe, CL
  14. Daah! Ask KillerBee. Thanks I'll give it a shot. I played with my data ini to add a single barrel 20mm gun to see how much of a difference it would make on targets. About 100% improvement on target kills. it also seems like wingmen where more likely to engage with guns with the one 20mm. One thing I picked up on the wickipedia gunpod page was that some gunpods are driven by ram air and some are electric. That made me sad. I have to dive my SPAD, AP-2H,or Black Pony to 300 KTS to get my favorite Gunpod to work? KillerBee Did you whip up that MK-4 Mod 0 up or did you download it? It looks good. CL
  15. Hey What about the Razorback Rhino in Euro? CL
  16. Ah Huh. and there is the GPU-2/A also: From the wikipedia gunpod page: A lightweight gun pod fitted with the M197 20 mm cannon, the unit weights only 586 lb (266 kg) loaded with 300 rounds of ammunition. It has selectable fire rates of either 700 rpm or 1,500 rpm.[15] The pod is self-contained and powered by a Ni-Cad rechargeable battery, with sufficient charge to expend three complete loads before needing to be replaced.[16] This weapon has been tested on the A-37 Dragonfly and OV-10 Bronco.[17][18] At 586 pounds makes the weight for the centerline on Daves OV-10A. It looks like the housing for the SUU-11 could be visually tolerable for this. How do I make one? CL
  17. Russia buys French carrier?

    I'm Hearing hall of the mountain king and get down with the sickness. CL
  18. I was always too distracted with other stuff to snivel for gull grey black ponies. CL
  19. MiG-21 kills in Skyraider

    I think the only MIG kill by a Scooter (A-4) was with LAU-3s We can kill migs with SPADS? Imagine my surprise. I couple of times after getting bounced by MIGs in a flight of OV-10s I was surprised to see in the log that #3 or #4 splashed one with the 4 M-60s in the sponsons. CL
  20. Ah sugar! I fly a razbam SPAD in WOV and I generally have a 60% chance of being able to RTB. Even tho I'm flying back with stuff missing on my plane I feel like the dishware in the bull in the china shop scenario. Always happy to strap on another one tho! CL
  21. Oh Yeah. I believe there is a single seat tucano to. CL
  22. An-72P (Patrol)

    Yup! Mark one Mod zero eye ball. I sniveled for a skin based on the envirnment where the plane was parked in a world war 2 flight sim. The pro skinned it real fast and it got gobs of downloads. CL
  23. Best duct tape story ever During a private "fly-in" fishing excursion in the Alaskan bush, the chartered pilot and fishermen left a cooler and bait in the plane. And a bear smelled it. This is what he did to the plane. The pilot used his radio and had another pilot bring him 2 new tires, 3 cases of duct tape, and a supply of sheet plastic. He patched the plane together, and FLEW IT HOME ! CL
  24. OV-10(X)

    Boeing Brochure @ http://www.ov-10bronco.net/Technical/boeing_ov-10(x)_super_bronco_info_card_2009_01.pdf http://www.flightglobal.com/blogs/the-dewline/2009/09/photo-boeing-pitches-ov-10x-br.html It makes me at least want to put 50 Cals or ? in the sponsons of my OV-10 Alpha. CL
  25. OV-10(X)

    How many A-6Es got new wings and then sent to Davis Monthan? CL

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