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Everything posted by charlielima

  1. What Airbase is this?

    Thier is no doubt in my mind that there have been Scooters visiting or even stationed at this porcelien paved station. :ph34r: CL
  2. F-35 Demon Helmet

    Whew, Thanks Dave. I've been a little concerned about loosing that ability. :ph34r: CL
  3. F-35 Demon Helmet

    Bah! Not Scary or Ugly enough. That couldn't even scare women and small children during a fierce thunderstorm. :ph34r: CL
  4. Somali Pirates Attack USN Ship

    It seams to me 5 middle aged "sailors" with M-1 Garands with iron sights would induce a decision making process for the pirates as they rapidly gain weight in 150 grain increments too choose another target, or career. Assuming they are still capable of any kind of cognitive thought process that is. Well Doggies! I'm still waiting for the news about the " Mother Ship" sinking. Our French brothers are there. Remember the Rainbow Warrior? And that was in New Zealand. :ph34r: CL
  5. What did you do in World War II daddy?

    My uncle Harry was on the Gambier Bay, CVE-73 when it skillfully surrounded the IJN Center Force, consisting of four battleships, six heavy cruisers, two light cruisers and eleven destroyers at 18 knots. The Gambier Bay was the only american aircraft carrier to be sunk by gunfire. My uncle Harry couldn't swim a stroke, but was decorated for saving gobs of his shipmates. I found this interesting poem while researching CVE-73: This intuitive poem was written by L T John P. Sanderson, VC-1O Torpedo Bomber Pilot, shortly before a fatal catapult launching which claimed the lives of L T. Sanderson and his crewmen J.L. Richards and William Zanon, on July 26, 1944, off Saipan, Marinas Islands. Carrier Life "Carrier life is something" we've all heard people say, "If you've missed this grand experience, get your transfer in today." But when it comes to flying, you can put me on the shore. For life on a CVE is something worse than war! They get you up at three o'clock with a whistle and a bell, And you stand by in the ready-room just sleepier 'n hell. Word is passed to man the planes, and you race out on the double. Then word is passed to go below, there is no end to trouble. You'll be sitting in the cockpit when Borries says "fly off!" You jam the throttle forward, and the engine starts to cough. You go rolling down the deck, but you always feel the need, Of just one extra knot to keep above stalling speed. Or you're up on ASP, or combat air patrol Your gas is almost gone, and your belly's just a hole. You'd like to eat, you and your plane have both been cruising lean, But airplot says to orbit, there's a bogey on the screen. Sometimes we're told to scramble, and you go charging to your plane, But you sit there twenty minutes while the shrapnel falls like rain. When the enemy is gone, the Admiral says "Let's go!" So you retire with your gear to the ready room below. They put you on the catapult, and secure you in the gear, Pilgrim sticks his finger up, and looks up with a leer. You're drawing forty inches when Charlie points "away!" And you hope to hell you've power to get in the air and stay. It's when you're landing back aboard that you find it really rough You're high, you're fast, you're low -Christ Mac!! that's slow enough! You're out, you're in your gear, and now Krida signals things "Like Hook Up, Hold your brakes! Spill your flaps, Now fold your wings!" YES Carrier life is something, dangerous and hard Your wings will all turn green, and your ass will turn to lard. Oh take us back to" Dago " , and give us stateside duty, Where once a month we fly four hours, or maybe strop a beauty! ! :ph34r: CL
  6. What is your porn star name?

    My Squady told me this at the station today, and it's too good to keep to myself. The name of your first pet = the first name. The name of the street you were raised on = the last name. 2 dobbies so mine is either Gerta Cornell or Sonny Cornell (Drive?). This could be usefull for a nom de plum tool. :ph34r: CL
  7. Lunch Around the World

    What ever I can take from the cayotes and magpies on the side of the road on the way to work. :ph34r: CL
  8. Well good thing this one isn"t getting butchered: http://tailhookdaily.typepad.com/tailhook_...b-thinking.html :ph34r: CL

    Anything on a Crusty Demons Of Dirt Video. The Disturbed. I'm not getting down with the sickness but I feel like I'm getting stupified. Does Robin Trower count? :ph34r: CL
  10. Hot Sauce

    I have 2 That I can't even drive down the road without. Bufalo Chipotle Sauce. El Yucateco Habenero Sauce. Available at fine carnecerias everywhere. :ph34r: CL
  11. HR 45

    I own a: "gun or 2" wakisashi, cutlass, tomahawk, and a myriad of dangerous kitchen knives. Unless I commit a crime with one of my implements in the economy its nobodies business what I have, especialy a government that takes half my paycheck every 2 weeks and wants more. :ph34r: CL
  12. Swine Flu

    If it's wet and it's not yours, don't touch it. :ph34r: CL
  13. Bitchin'. I recall another non sharkmouth mouth on USN SLUFFs. I can't remember what squadron. :ph34r: CL
  14. VMF-333 TPS skins for the Mirage Factory or TK stock F-8. Hey let's take the Crud into the future. A shamrock skin for my Razbam SPAD would pull my chocks and chains too. Thanks group. :ph34r: CL
  15. What is your porn star name?

    Its about time you checked in on this thread. My girlfriend said she wanted a new tattoo. Cool. But where is the right place for a SEAC roundel. :ph34r: CL
  16. What is your porn star name?

    Your sig pic, CAG 14 on the Coral Maru? :ph34r: CL
  17. Alright CharlieLima...It's Your Turn......

    Nope. It is I that is too late. Bitchin' avatar. If that's you, you made 2 good choices. :ph34r: CL
  18. Alright CharlieLima...It's Your Turn......

    Is this the never ending Birthday? Thanks Jug. I remember seeing U-2 / TSRs on final to NAS Moffet Field. And the same or "what, I never saw one of those flying around here before. Jug driving that?" around plant 42. :ph34r: CL
  19. Bitchin' Slim Pickins in GTH headgear pilot skin too eventually? :ph34r: CL
  20. What is your porn star name?

    Your Porn Star Name. Not your porn STAR's name. :ph34r: CL
  21. What is your porn star name?

    Unfortunatly this "tool" generates a name that may not be specific to your gender Thats why there are teddies and babydolls. :ph34r: CL
  22. What is your porn star name?

    Achtung Gruppen! First name is your first pet, non human that is. Last name was the street that you were raised on. Vlad Voyeour, Oops. I ment, :ph34r: CL
  23. Spare A Thought

    Semper Fi Mack! My Stepfather an old ex Willie Victor driver just told me "Grandpa Pettibone says there are old pilots and bold pilots, but there are no old and bold pilots". I didn't have the heart to tell him his son was going to turn 52 in 2 weeks. Hopefully the lads will come home to thier intact families with grand stories of thier adventures and no recollections of tragedy to thier mates. :ph34r: CL

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