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Everything posted by charlielima

  1. Regional BBQ's

    Virtual BBQ? :ph34r: CL
  2. Bermuda Triangle

    I'm putting a fresh aluminum foil liner in my brain bucket and listening to the George Noory show and hearing about a lost B-50 that landed many years late at Tully. Kingbird 50? I can't decide whether I should buy gold or hord non hybridized seeds neer the arctic circle now. :ph34r: CL
  3. Regional BBQ's

    Balls! Got a new assignment in the same state but way farther north. :ph34r: CL

    Heineous! Thats the Sh......st SPAD story I've heard yet. This is way beyond the challenge of just 2 flight suits on the carrier and you can only get one cleaned a week. :ph34r: CL
  5. Anyone here been to Vandenberg AFB?

    I like Lampoc alot. Many great mexican resteraunts. Never had a bad meal or service at any one. Last time I was there the Wallmart had a really bitchin' salt water fishing departement. Santa Maria is grand. Don't forget to check out Nipomo. Orcutt, Guadelupe, Oceano, or AG. :ph34r: CL
  6. Dogfights!

    You Bet! Thanks large Mac! Awsome! I can't believe that engagement got a whole 13 minutes. I thought for sure all it would get would be a token "A-1 Skyraiders of VA-25 shot down a MIG-17 in 1965, But we got the whole thing. Some fun lines tho: "2 North Vietnamese MIGs have the drop on the Skyraiders." " The Skyraiders have one small advantage" :ph34r: CL
  7. Alright CharlieLima...It's Your Turn......

    Ya'll caught me. I thought I could sneak around this one. Yesterday was a traveling day for me. So the big thank you group is a day late. Thanks for the SPAD links guys. :ph34r: CL
  8. Dogfights!

    Well Doggies! Sometimes being wrong here equals good news. :ph34r: CL
  9. Dogfights!

    I'm not watching until they do VA-25s MIG kill on a RESCAP mission in 1965. @: http://www.midwaysailor.com/midway1960/1960flightops.html No they didn't shoot it down with thier 38 caliber revolvers. :ph34r: CL
  10. I'm a bit weak on Dhimars' relationships with euro countries but if the UK has/had any relationship with them I'm thinking like in WW2 where the UK didn't pull back all thier resources to save the mother country. Sorry about the distraction. I know this is supose to be mainly a Midway campaign, and that really turns my screws, but thier is always other players when the shooting starts. If England is totaly under siege and has bucs flying off the beach overseas they may want to still hold some assets abroad where they are "safe" for a counter attack or they just may get left behind in the fray. I should probably be spending more energy beating up on White Knight for a desert skin for Charlie Lima Marine Enterprise SPADs diverted from thier African assignment to Dhimar. I still can't wait for this campaign. :ph34r: CL
  11. A TK stock Sandy / SPAD? Any comparison with the Monty CZ or Razbam birds? How does Razbams SPADs and A-1Es, and Daves Black Ponies work with this? :ph34r: CL
  12. It looks like we will have a Buccaneer in the near future. Is there, or can there be some room for them in this campaign? USMC OV-10s too please :ph34r: CL
  13. Captain freed?

    If I lived in a cave I would need many wives and barbeque pork dishes, not Viagra. :ph34r: CL
  14. Captain freed?

    I thought that is what is in those "UN" aid containers? :ph34r: CL
  15. What is: It's the only known Aircraft in the world which has done this. Build and flew as a glider Flew as a pure jet Flew as a pure Piston powered Flew as a piston / jet powered Flew as a pure Turboprop powered. Anyone who knows, which Aircraft I talking about???? -------------------- Mojn Henrik Am My how things develop here. :ph34r: CL
  16. Captain freed?

    Why couldn't he just have the Departement of Homeland Security send a social services worker to Somalia to try to understand pirate behavior and then educate us at home and shipping companies at sea why we should tolerate pirate behavior and be more mindfull of cultural diversity. If hijacking merchant vessels at sea and holding them, thier goods, and crews for ransome is a crime he should of just sent Departement of Justice lawyers to sue them or special agents to arrest them. I'm tasting stomach fluids. :ph34r: CL
  17. 1. US Navy OV-10s of VAL-4 supporting PBRs, Monitors or any other brown water navy types in SEA. 2. T-28Ds in SEA. 3. A-1 Skyraiders, Armed recon on Ho Chi Min Trail. 4. AP-2H Neptunes working over the roads and trails. Ack! we don't have one yet. :ph34r: CL
  18. U.S. Navy to the rescue!

    Happy Easter Captain, Merchant SeaMen and Officers, US Navy and others who call B@ll Sh&t on Somalia and thier "marine interprise"! Sierra Hotel and Bravo Zulu. I think the 12th or 13th of April should be a holiday. I could use another reason to BBQ and party with friends in April. I heard Captain Richard went for his 2nd swim and snipers from the Bainbridge took out 3 of the bad guys. Bitchin' :ph34r: CL
  19. How about USMC flying off the beach. F7Fs, F4Us and ADs flying off the beach as a deployment or even a Det can't be ruled out. I like the thot of driving a night fighter F-82. I think any Cold War scenario that turns into a shooting war many types can show based on the "you don't go to war with what you should have but what you have". I could see F6Fs or PBJs / B-25Hs being recommissioned for close air support or anywhere a midnight blue airplane typical of the era left a gap. :ph34r: CL
  20. U.S. Navy to the rescue!

    Shoulder harness' on a lifeboat? I guess a lifeboat can't out run a storm as well as a roll on frieghter or container ship going b@lls out to make money for it's owner. Listening to Mission Impossible theme by Laika and the Cosmonauts right now. Hmm? :ph34r: CL
  21. U.S. Navy to the rescue!

    Latest news a US owned tugboat with Italian crew was hijacked. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,514461,00.html I can't wait to watch the John Bolton video. :ph34r: CL
  22. U.S. Navy to the rescue!

    Life boat develops slow unexplained leak and sinks. pirates unable to swim long with thier small arms. Combat swimmers conveniently close by assist all. :ph34r: CL
  23. U.S. Navy to the rescue!

    I'm wondering how many of those 2070 "troops" aren't "just" aviation marines or the "regular" garden variety amphibious assault marines. A very potent force to put on the pointy end of the sword at any rate. Considering the current regime here in Barrakistan and the appointees from the last regime all 2070 could be lawyers to defend the pirates and federal prosecuters and agents to arrest and try the crew of the Alabama for violating the somali pirates civil rights. I wonder what else is in the dock besides LCACs and amphitracks (hmm, spelling?). Some brown water navy boats? Or? I hope this turns out well without us waiting for John Kerry's debate on piracy to finish. :ph34r: CL

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