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Everything posted by charlielima

  1. Thanks Pappy! A neglected niche finally has a player. Download #29, 1st and 2nd Sniveler tho. I'll take it out for a hop after work. :ph34r: CL
  2. I feel your pain brother. When I strap on a SLUFF, Thud, Vark, Kfir, or Scooter it's like I have to learn how to fly again when I go back to the SPAD. I think you need to strap one of these on the centerline pylon. Probably better on the A-1E. Another guy in the cockpit would be nice to do the fuel consumption calcs once that J-34 gets lit. :ph34r: CL
  3. Ahh. The AP-2H TRIM Neptune. How many reasons do we need for one? Good site @ http://www.vah21.org/ :ph34r: CL
  4. What? A flying dump truck with a full race tractor pull engine? Its not the airplane's fault you can't keep the speed / energy up. It is challenging tho. I can't recall a SPAD mission I've flown where I made a second pass and didn't get some buffeting if I wasn't totaly vigilant about my airspeed. If the mission is strike and iron bombs are the first dish, I'll trade altitude for airspeed and attempt to be straight and level at 500' AGL, 250-300 Kts. and pickle off the Snakeyes. If I wish to make a second pass (Not advisable considering the SPAD's FLAK magnet tendencies) I'll "zoom" out about 3 NM at 80% power and then make my 180 back with rockets or 20 mike mike. How about a JATO or 2 as P-2Vs, C-119s, or C-123s did. :ph34r: CL
  5. Oooh....Aaah! Looking forward to this. I find it interesting that on midnight blue AD-5s that the MARINES decal lines up with the bars on the national insignia and the NAVY decal is elavated a bit. In gull grey the Navy decal appears both ways. :ph34r: CL
  6. Paul Harvey is "off the air"

    Now we "know the rest of the story" :ph34r: CL
  7. Name This Boat

    Flying, sailing or what, This target in most sims would be a sampan, junk, or perhaps even a gunboat. I get dibs on thier fishing poles and tackle. :ph34r: CL
  8. IAI Neshers and Kfirs then? :ph34r: CL
  9. My first thot was AMXs but they were not available until the late 80s. What about F-8Es and F-8Js operated by a, ah, reputable contractor? Cannon armed Sabres / Furys, and Ginas make sense. :ph34r: CL
  10. Bear over Canada

    Peace with honor! :ph34r: CL
  11. Bear over Canada

    Ahh, Motorcycles? I remember when sex was safe and motorcycles where dangerous. :ph34r: CL
  12. Nice skin Pappy! The orange and white T-28s, and TA-4s I've seen at Pensacola where pretty bright and squeaky clean. I imagine they could get pretty grubby after a day of carrier quals on the Lexington tho. Especially if one has to spend any time chocked and chained to the deck during flight ops, but I believe that would be a rare event for a training squadron that mainly flys of the beech. I don't have any knowledge of what the routine for AD-5s in VT (AW?) squadrons was, but I bet they left clean and shiny and arrived with exhaust and maybe gun stains if gunnery was part of thier curriculum. It appears this VT squadron has a pretty comprehensive weapons delivery unit in thier program. :ph34r: CL

    Oh Yah! when Captain Chuck has a bad day Bombs drop in SEA. :ph34r: CL
  14. Just testing a sig

    One needs instrumental big guitar tunes too. My recommendation is Laika and the Cosmonauts. :ph34r: CL

    Better off open. Hey you never know. A brother member might post because he's kicking rocks because he lost his job making widgets. Another member can't find enough widget makers in a place that the first members significant other always dreamed of moving to. If this dry internet "Pub" has anything in common with a real local watering hole, folks will talk about both good and bad and network. I believe the temperance movement in America was more about keeping men from communicating and organizing as a group then dealing with alcholism. How about some imagery? My gripe today is I'm hung up in the eastern sierra with a very cold rain watching snow melt. Mrs Lima is going to Fontucky to go watch Nascar racing with our friends :ph34r: CL
  16. NF-104A

    From the Right Stuff. Kid: Are you a man? Moderatly burned test pilot: God Damn Right I am. :ph34r: CL
  17. Police baffled... again

    It looks like my real name is Commercial Driver License. I must search for my lost relatives. It never dawned on me my friends where calling me by my first name. I thought they were calling me a commy. Run Mr Prawo Jazdy! Run! :ph34r: CL
  18. Nyet! Kampayne not Finnish, Amerikan! Unfortunate Bastard in photographic imagery only wingman. There is much comrades that stand in line to die with much glory as my unfortunate wing comrade. :ph34r: CL
  19. Buy This POS

    Good Tech Journalism. How can I recieve regular broadcasts of the Onion News Network? My local cable and dish network don't have it available. Will I have to buy another box? :ph34r: CL
  20. What happens in some other pubs

    Oh Yah! Sub Micro Culture Drinking Rituals. Brings back memories of doing the "Elaphant Walk" after a rugby game. :ph34r: CL
  21. The F-84, Can I Get the Real Story?

    What was LeMay thinking? Republic made flying locomotives, not fighter planes. There are F-84 A2A victories tho @: http://www.acig.org/artman/publish/article_307.shtml A gripe I heard about the F-84 was its engine. Long take off distance might = its nickname the "Lead Sled". :ph34r: CL
  22. I prefer Mud Moving. A knife fight after wrecking ground targets can be a swell time tho. :ph34r: CL
  23. About Damn Time!

    Ex Border Patrol Officers Ramos and Compean where released in El Paso Texas this morning. http://wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.printable&pageId=89176 I'm looking forward to chapter 3 of this horror story. :ph34r: CL
  24. The Shower: Men Vs Women

    Ah, well, ah? I guess once you piss in your wetsuit it's all down hill from there? Urine is a usefull last resort sanitizer tho. Hopefully its one's own if one gets to that point. :ph34r:
  25. Aviatrix

    From chrome to bare aluminum and olive drab: Not as tantalizing or "jaunty" but quantity has some value. :ph34r: CL

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