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Everything posted by charlielima

  1. 20yrs ago on the 13th of Feburary 1989

    "what game is this?" :ph34r: CL
  2. It sounds like its a Q-400. Doesn't sound good. S&@T. It looks like it went down in the economy. :ph34r: CL
  3. Aviatrix

    More Imagery! Less comments. :ph34r: CL
  4. Just So! Piston slapppers are "flak magnets". The first combat fixed wing loss in the SEA conflict was a T-28. some 20 or so were lost. T-28s are faster then SPADs too I believe. In WOV ground fire takes my SPAD out neerly 50% of the time. With the new patch when I direct the rest of the flight to attack ground targets, they seem to go for the guns and SAMs more then before so my survival rate is improving. :ph34r: CL
  5. Airliner makes emergency landing in Hudson River

    This is no Sierra! There is a new cocktail called the Sully. 2 shots Grey Goose and a splash of water. Some are saying its best shaken with ice. :ph34r: CL
  6. Way to Go Navy!

    Affirm! Good to see we can still do it. :ph34r: CL
  7. Topgun II in the works

    I hate it when that happens! :ph34r:
  8. Ya'll need to rent a room. Looks pretty enticing tho. If putting bombs on target is still on topic, I'm pretty happy with the sight / hud on the Mirage Factory A-7s. :ph34r: CL
  9. Good Deal! Got it all loaded, working and my pony flight is Kilo Alpha. Any here who wants to fix thier bronco pit you have to do this: Replace the cockpit folder from the OV-10D to your OV-10A. Take the cockpit config setting file from the OV-10D and rename it "OV-10A_COCKPIT" and replace it to your OV-10A. The "New" update rocks Dave! It has all the skins and you fixed the sidewinder rails to take the twin zunis. That was the first thing I ever did to a plane besides skins or pilots. It still has Diego's excellent prop driver pilots too! :ph34r: CL
  10. I'm still trying to figure out why the rest of the WOV heads aren't going ape s&@t over a COIN fighter that can out climb and and out turn a P-51. I always wanted to be a blackbird (raven?). I met one once when I was I bartender. Saw a look in his eyes, asked him "what did you fly". He said "T-28Ds until I was captured". :ph34r: CL
  11. Ah found it. I've been driving Daves first release Bronco. Didn't relize there was an updated version. :ph34r: CL
  12. The Marine Pony. Painted Pony? This one: Wow. you are faster then a cheetah with a rocket pack. :ph34r: CL
  13. Excellent! Thanks. The source for the bitchin' skin? :ph34r: CL
  14. What part has the updated OV-10 Bronco? I don't have enough space right now for the whole mod but I'd like to get the proper pit for my black pony. :ph34r: CL
  15. Got SPADS? The MF F-8s, A-7s. The updated F-111s. The weasel thud and A-6B are grand for your ironhand / SEAD needs. :ph34r: CL
  16. With twin props we might get a decent canon on the centerline instead of a couple 50 cals slung under the wings. VAL-4 Back? The black ponies? :ph34r: CL
  17. Why do I keep hearing this? :ph34r: CL
  18. The Person Below Me

    True. The person below me is heating his home with garden waste :ph34r: CL
  19. Affirm! All those plus Wings of Gold by a Crud Driver. :ph34r: CL
  20. Cyber "Warriors"

    How about we have the Cyber Guys beat up the taliban with USDA and IRS computers. Starting with My Forest Service laptop and desktop. If they can get rid of those, They can never be decorated enough for me. :ph34r: CL
  21. I really need to quit spamming the boards......

    Is SPAM an acronym for Snouts, Parts, And MSG? Or could the M stand for Mung? Perhaps thats why there isn't "garden" or tofu SPAM. :ph34r: CL
  22. I really need to quit spamming the boards......

    Heinous! I too prefer eels. Japanes BBQ eel in eel sauce is good eats. :ph34r: CL
  23. It's a crazy idea, but it just might work......

    Ah Sugar! I forgot about the helos and Cruds. I think with all the flight deck and hanger space we are stacking our fixed wing assets with, we'll need a DDG size ship with 4 spots aft for 2 SAR / Combat Logistics Helos and 2 Cobra's. Nothing messes with Helo ops more then fixed wing cycles. Or is it the other way around? At any rate a carrier should have a small boy escort and helos for plane guard. If the detailer is filling asignments my request is to be the skipper of the A-1 squadron. We'll have a mixed bag. SPADs and 3 AD-5Ns for ASW and COD duties. Lawyers? can someone mod up a lawyer pod? :ph34r: CL
  24. Battle of the Bulge!

    The skin is the NWCG compliant scheme on a well worn out Type 4 Incident Commander. Whites leather personnel carriers. Bendix King avionics. Brunton and paper maps navigation system. Kern County Campaign. Dozer line rehab mission. :ph34r: CL

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