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Everything posted by charlielima

  1. What to do when in a rip? Interesting Story, read here

    1. Swim Parallel to the shoreline out of the rip and undertow. 2. Smartly resume aquatic recreation in the marine shallow water environment. Sheila is watching you. :ph34r: CL
  2. Looking good in that ANG Euro skin. :ph34r: CL
  3. It's a crazy idea, but it just might work......

    Sounds like we have a whole CAG / Airwing now. Cats, SLUFFS, Bucks, Scooters, SPADs, And Typhoids wicked new concept A2A capable Hummer. Did I miss any? I move we convert the brig into a "wet" debriefing space. :ph34r: CL
  4. It's a crazy idea, but it just might work......

    Well Doggies! My girl always looks hot in midnight blue. So does Mrs Lima. Is the Clemenceau long enough for a deck run? It would all be fun and games until you get a cold cat. Make it an AD-5. I've been doing WOV so long I'll need help with the rudder pedals If I did it for real. Ya count me in. Are adult beverages authorized for all off watch, duty and other responsibility? Balls. You're Cruel and mean. If most Navy Aviators can't pick thier airplane I guess I can't pick my Skyraider if given the chance. If I had to pick one on looks that AD-4N would be first. Roger Ball. :ph34r: CL
  5. Bitchin' The BUMF has a home. I thought the Evaluators where VX-4 and later VX-9, Det Point Magu. :ph34r: CL
  6. It's a crazy idea, but it just might work......

    Negatrons! I have been shaving with razor blades made from the Oriskany, Bonnie Dick, Hancock, Boxer, Leyte Gulf, Monterey Bay and more aircraft carriers I can name. Its Frances' turn to help me in the battle against " Ape Neck" (I have a beard so I'm low impact on the Navy steel supply) To bad for the Clemenceau. Old and obsolete aircraft carriers make splendid LHAs. If a country is to have a Navy and an expeditionary force I would think this vessel would have some value still in service. :ph34r: CL
  7. Airliner makes emergency landing in Hudson River

    The audio is out: http://www.faa.gov/data_statistics/accident_incident/1549/ Sully's calm response " We'll be in the Hudson" as a reply to to the air controller was classic. When I heard the audio all I could think about was Fast Cargo's statement about driving the plane, going thru the checklists and the air controllers still want you to talk on the radio. I'm amazed every body got out. When a plane with passengers ditches somebody usually picks the wrong way out and they don't make it. Good work by the flight crew. My recollection of multi engine US Navy airplanes ditching with crews trained to get out of the airplane usually resulted in a loss of an air crewman. Ya I know a shallow river is not the same as the North Pacific, or insert your most heinous sea state location here. We lost a P2V off the California coast back in the 60s. Nice suucessfull ditch on what I believe was an unusually mellow sea state for that time of year. One Naval Aircrewman was lost. He had a big reputation for his swimming / aquatic skills. :ph34r: CL
  8. VW Hippy Van

    I always wondered what the 7.62mm guns where good for. :ph34r: CL
  9. Will the real Bitchin' Betty

    Bitchin' :ph34r: CL
  10. 4 years ago...

    Wow! Thats Epic. Good luck to all who choose this life and wish to do it as long as they can. I believe most carreers are cut short by politics and nuisance health events then warfare these days. In the mid fifties USN flight surgeons worked my dads eyes over for a ridicuolus amount of time on an exam until he failed. I guess someone thought the Navy had to many Naval Aviators at the end of the Korean War. :ph34r: CL
  11. BUMF definatly. Totaly in agreement with Say What and Spinners. Hey why not? The Phantom was originally designed as a strike aircraft. Hey Spinners has anybody told you your avatar is kinda scary. We might not have got the splendid F-4S either. :ph34r: CL
  12. Gun jam

    Yup. Jammed all 4 on the A-lE. I was pretty well lined up and wasn't yanking gobs of Gs. Bummed me out. There was a couple of targets I was saving that where perfect for a swell gun run. :ph34r: CL
  13. OK Gruppe. I am no fan of this airplane that if we named it would insult anything on God's green Earth if we named it but it might have a home or at least a niche in this warpaint: Hmm? I should snivel for a Skyraider in this skin. :ph34r: CL
  14. Battle of the Bulge!

    Pound down a pint of quality, Welchs is my choice, grape juice before you go to sleep. Check out Nancy Clark's work. The Atheletes Kitchen is my favorite work. Good info for all here for anything you want to do. If you need some burly man thing for your diet needs, she was the dietician for the US Rugby team once. Good Idea C5. Rather then documenting my body wieght online I'd rather spend my time sniveling for skins. I'm on another program that seems to work. The joints are starting to complain tho. :ph34r: CL
  15. But every body likes manatees. Because of the short nose it does make sense. Tuna? :ph34r: CL
  16. AC-130 replacement

    The Texan II (2). I'm not sure if this is a Beechcraft design or an American Pilatus PC-9? I would think US would have huge interest in the Super Tucano. They have some interest or they wouldn't be paying Blackwater to operate them. I know we aren't in a piston engine aviation world anymore but one of these makes more sense to me :ph34r: CL
  17. About films and productions

    Bridges over To Ko Ri? Back in the 70s there was a movie about 2 SPAD drivers, one pilot was a black gentleman, in the Korean War where they had to shut down a tunnel with iron bombs. I wish I could find that one. :ph34r: CL
  18. EA-6B landing in Wilmington, NC?

    EA-6Bs can show up any where. I've seen them in Tennessee and the Eastern Sierra Nevada. Work ups, red flag like stuff, returning home from a cruise or a det, or "E" Any reasonable explanation that could possibly occur in Naval Aviation. Was it loud? Well Doggies! I've seen EC-121s taking off at LAX, Argentinian Scooters flying at plant 42, P-3 Orions at just about every major commercial airport I've been at. I have also been waken up by a flight of Navy SH-3H Sea Kings flying as low as legal over my desert home way off the military VFR corridor to the west way beyond when I thought they were retired. :ph34r: CL
  19. What do we do with the.... ahh F-111B? Did it have a name? Can't be Sea Pig. My H-3 got first dibs on that. If the "B" was totaly unsuited for carrier ops. perhaps we should paint them up as VF(AW)-3 planes flying off the beach as ADC birds as that squadron did with F4Ds. Argh! No North Island base. How about Whidbey Island. Navy and Marine squadrons det out and change thier homeport. :ph34r: CL
  20. Boffins? Are they as dangerous to aviation as starlings, seagulls, canadian geese, or flying tree eels? :ph34r: CL
  21. AC-130 replacement

    Any Marine Corps interest? There was talk about bringing OV-10s back. There could of been some confusion with contractors. :ph34r: CL
  22. Very nice. Took It for a hop while waiting for the weapons package to download. Its nice to download a vark and not have to hunt down where I put the pit. Thanks gruppe. :ph34r: CL
  23. Zombies ahead

    Slide show of 5 of the Road sign warning of undead hazards: http://news.aol.com/article/zombie-road-si...in/322482?flv=1 :ph34r: CL
  24. Zombies ahead

    Use skip semi chisel chain. Its more aggressive. Hmm? to "kill" mindless undead sh&t eating zombies we have to destroy thier brain? Does anybody have a link or any means to contact the Frog Brothers from the movie The Lost Boys? They killed vampires with stuff one could buy at a hardware store for the cost of what one could get by recycling a trash bag of aluminum. We need thier input here. They seem to have some succesful experiance with the undead. :ph34r: CL
  25. The Person Below Me

    Go Fish. The person below me has posted a bunch of threads on this forum after gatting totaly sh&t f&c&d at the pub and is amazed why none of thier posts were deleted or why he doesn't have a polite, kind, but firm pm from a moderator. :ph34r: CL

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