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Everything posted by charlielima

  1. A PM from a royal Dhimari family member: We are delighted the great force of America come s to help in or time of need. The news of the Marine Corps Squadrons with the Phantom S is good news indeed. Please so we don't look week in front of our people That the great squadrons VMFA-531 and VMFA-333 arrive at our bases painted as desert and not ocean so as not to upset the people who wish to be thier most friend. We wish you to appear as us as we are you. The planes from the sea can have the ocean paint. Many will not see these. Always your friend and servent, (Deleted for security reasons) :ph34r: CL
  2. I did. Again and again thats why I had to edit my post a bakers dozen times because there was a big gap between my personnal knowledge of CV-41 that stopped in 1985 and didn't get it again untill I saw the news that the boat was finally back in the US. Excelllant choice on the Midway tho. The Coral Sea is at Norfolk too for your what if pleasure. :ph34r: CL
  3. The USS Midway was The Forward Deployed Carrier home ported in Yokosuka Japan until it returned to the U.S in 1991. No need to haul her out of Bremerton and re activate the US Navy's Foriegn Legion for another war in the 80's when It Is allready there. Using the Midway in any military campaign anywhere between the far east and mid east would be fare dinkum. Especially when The excrement hits the fan in this area. CV-41 was no stranger to gonzo station. The purpose of the Midway then was to buy time before the The big show arrives. When I left CV-41 / CAG-5 in 1985 we had this flying off the boat: 2 F-4 squadrons. Not sure whether they were Ns or Ss 2 A-7 squadrons. 1(2?) A-6 squadron. 1 EA-6B Det. 1 E-2C Det or Squadron? H-3 SeaKings, HC-1 det 2, 3 or so birds was relieved by HS-12, 6 birds. Some det out to surface fleet units. The Midway more often then not stopped at Subic / Cubi on the way out and back home. Thier was no shortage of USMC F-4s at Cubi Point. I could see some planner having us to stack the deck with VMFA-333 F-4Ss while sailing west. There was also A-4s (SEA Camo Aggressors) with VC-5 there at Cubi also that might be another airplane we could haul out to the fray. Cool project! :ph34r: CL
  4. Any board gamers here?

    Yup, Made me appreciate just flying a lone A-6 Intruder in snotty WX. Anything more and one would need some serious square footage or alot of friends to staff a Sim room and an Ops room. :ph34r: CL
  5. An excellent game you should be good at

    Heineous! Barely 1.3 seconds. :ph34r: CL
  6. TRIM? Try: http://www.vah21.org/ Assuming Aviation is still on topic. :ph34r: CL
  7. Try: http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/ The T-41 is in the Beta section. :ph34r: CL
  8. dreaded tank sims anyone.?

    Cool I'll check out Panzer Elite. What is the big forum for that? :ph34r: CL
  9. dreaded tank sims anyone.?

    If I choose to go tactical with or in some heavy junk I choose to be in north afrika in Rommels Afrika Korps. I want it all. Patrols in a kubelwagon with an mg 42, those bitchin 4 wheel drive scout cars with the 20 mike mike gun. Well Doggies! Oh yah I want the tracked panzers too. :ph34r: CL
  10. The Person Below Me

    Bull Sierra! The person below me went on a total alchohol binge because every tart in the economy with a mission to take them home off a barstool looked like thier ex. I never saw so many 6 foot + blondes in my life until then. Mid size brunettes are...quite refreshing :ph34r: CL
  11. The Person Below Me

    False. I do spinout in my real pickup once a year on the ice. The person below me has never changed the Data Ini on thier favorite airplane in WOX. :ph34r: CL
  12. hi

    Welcome aboard from The high desert and eastern sierra in california. Thanks for the grapes. Our best ones go to europe. :ph34r: CL
  13. One must have enough knowledge to obtain knowledge. Thanks for being part of this process Ya'll :ph34r: CL
  14. Madprof could be using it but if he has Vista He's probably using valuable flight time trying to find out where the files are going. :ph34r: CL
  15. A friend of mine lost his external hard drive. Work and personel pictures and maps. He was able to get them back because he shared them all. Most of us either saved them in our hard drive or where to lazy to delete or save them from E-Mail. I'm currently loading my mods and stuff I tweaked for myself on a 8Gig thumb drive. I don't trust disk drives. :ph34r: CL
  16. 20 years ago: How i nearly started WW3

    I never loose any sleep when Our State Departement has to actually do thier jobs. Good use of improvised munitions and application of appropriate response. I think displays by both sides is what keeps bullets and worse from flying in tense areas such as this. However I've always tried to appear to treat potential adversaries with respect. You never know when you can end up on the other side of the fence and be thier "Guest". If you were rude and acted like a barbarian the likely hood of being treated like one by your unintended "host" will be exponentialy increased or you even may dodge doodoo if you're even on the right side of the fence. :ph34r: CL
  17. Fruit Helmets

    Cruel inhumane animal testing? :ph34r: CL
  18. Fruit Helmets

    Industrialized / Ag nations are allready spooling up for this. Is this another tentacle of the green movement? It seems some comprimises have been made for shipping over ergonomics. Americans scaming Nigerians on helmet issues would be a hoot. :ph34r: CL
  19. Stay safe Mannie...

    Good luck to all there. I'm hearing things are heating up to the north. and it's not global warming. :ph34r: CL
  20. Ever been in an accident?

    Hmm. Didn't we just hear a few years ago an excessively hostile EP-3 killed a mig using the inhumane tactic of strait and level flight? 4 engine prop ACM must be a very sensitive program. I don't see any P-3s around Fallon, Nellis, doing that Top Gun, or Red Flag stuff. :ph34r: CL
  21. Ah shoot. Julhelms F4D Skyray. :ph34r: CL
  22. Hmm? Flying AT? I meet gobs of guys in the economy that were on Willy Victors. I'm a bull GIB? I just checked out the P-8 on the site. There is no flight engineer. Another black day for Navel Aircrew Men. I remember gobs of folks kicked and scratched and all we got was one enlisted in the back of the S-3 Viking. Every day I pin "stuff" on my current uniform it feels wrong without my aircrew wings. :ph34r:
  23. Hey Typhoid, Are you a tube rat? I'm not but: :ph34r: CL
  24. Thanks. Those are 2 I wasn't sure about, and I new someone here would fill in the blanks. Did the Bear start off as a strategic bomber? Shackelton, Catalinas, Albatros, Goose, Mariner, Mars, Ventura / Harpoon? WW2 pilosophy placed some bombers in the ASW roll. B-24, B-17, British types. So India only ordered 8 P-8s because they have Dornier Do-228s? Dornier Do-228s? Please. I'd rather do ASW with a 2 seat grumman air tractor, binos and an M14 rifle. then that crate. Hmm? Single engine turbo prop plane with a towed MAD bird, MK-46 torp? Peter O'Toole had less then that with a grumman duck in Murphy's War. The Embraers? Good choice. You think India could of picked up some Soviet Mays at one time? No dis to any country here but I have a strong belief that all soveriegn nations should have a wicked ASW / sea surface control force. India is on the pointy end of the sword (Kuhkra?) here. :ph34r: CL
  25. The Mirage Factory's Cruds and SLUFs for sure. The new patch. all my flight chase charly like rats across the the tundra when I tell them to attack ground and they bug out when I tell them. Big Negatrons. The new patch is not kind to my Razbam SPADs. :ph34r: CL

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