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Everything posted by charlielima

  1. Wrong bridge with a nuke ? 1. Inadvertant contact with terrain features while going to the fridge for a barley pop with wing leveler on. 2. Getting bounced and zapped by MIGs for the same reason as #1 3. Getting zapped by an SA-2 in my SPAD at 400 ft AGL with my ECM pod on in a canyon. 4. Posting without reading specs with poor spelling skills. :ph34r: CL
  2. The only Naval land based ASW bird I can think of that was not based on a commercial design was the P-2V Neptune. Hudson = ? Nimrod = comet Orion = electra The way this 737-800 thing is going I bet within a year somebody here will snivel for an AP-8 Spartan gunship. Okay I want one. No two. One in Hill Grey and one in Euro camo. :ph34r: CL
  3. Cockpits...

    I'm thinking AD-5 / A-1E because I'm mentaly stuck behind a prop. Or a P-3 Orion or an A3 Skywarrior. With 2 "seats" one would probably get popular enough for a 3rd to want to sit in as a flight engineer, EWO, or TACO. Enough room for more with all the stuff we manage when we "fly" :ph34r: CL
  4. Favorites/cool pics

    A Firm. SIERRA! I saw that and was pretty stoked to see him on that. I didn't know ah, he was off the roster. Rest in peace Robin. :ph34r: CL
  5. Cockpits...

    Build a 2 place side by side pit. Make her drive. Be her beeny, WSO, bear, or even her beer holder. She will probably ask you to download the new patch and add ons for your relationship. :ph34r: CL
  6. Favorites/cool pics

    There are people also: :ph34r: CL
  7. Look what i got! ;)

    In California there is at least 2 laws against cellular phone use while driving. One time use anti armor weapons? Not sure. The lawyers will have to prove its a fire arm. Show up at the bar with that cigarette and they will bust you for smoking. :ph34r: CL
  8. Patriots out

    Ouch! Football season is over for me. :ph34r: CL
  9. Ah, you beat me to it. I'm still hung up on extrating the lod and data ini. I attempted the conversion on a different plane and got the plane to go A2A only with the prefferred skin but wasn't happy with the whole package. Thanks for the details. A couple things I got right but don't know why. :ph34r: CL
  10. using this utility? http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...mp;showfile=343 :ph34r: CL
  11. Favorites/cool pics

    :ph34r: CL
  12. Ahh! I'm making this worse with each keystroke. Big snivel here. My file is going to be F-4C_Hi_ANG. If anybody here has a Data ini and a lod (file or ini?) for an F-4C I can use I'd be most gratefull. I know how to diddle data ini's about to change weapons, pilots, and miissions. Sierra. My SPAD and A-1E carry snakeyes and SUU-11s on the wing pylons. I'm just failing miserably at getting all the stuff together. :ph34r: CL
  13. Aloha

    Roger That. Still struggling with the 2nd and renamed folder thing and a data ini for it. :ph34r: CL
  14. Ah... Well. It appears from the picture this does not involve women. Heinous! :ph34r: CL
  15. Playing around with some birds with a data and lod ini. I got the new file plane to fly with new name and texture. I'm trying to change Its missions so its just an A2A bird and doesn't show up to the wild west show loaded up with aload of A2G iron to move mud. Plane doesn't start with a load. Its probably the same way as AI. Thanks Russouk! :ph34r: CL
  16. Hey I'm attempting a 2nd F-4c file so I can make the plane different then the box stock one in WOV without overwriting or modding it in place It appears you are the unit to ask. It appears I need a data ini and lod file to make this work. None for the stock plane. Any generic ones out there so I don't poach someone elses work? If this was going to be for "F-4C_ New" which files or lines would I have to rename so that everything works? Thanks, :ph34r: CL
  17. Aloha

    If I was able to make a a second F-4C folder for the 199th TFS Hawaii Ang and make it strictly and air defence airplane, What primary and second roles would they have if deployed? :ph34r: CL
  18. How Southern are yew?

    45% Dixie. Barely in Yankeedom. I went to school in Louisiana for a year. Military service, living in oil producing areas, and a more then healthy appreciation for southern and cajun chow keeps a good chunk of my vocabulary in the southeast. We are what we eat. :ph34r: CL
  19. Doh! 2 jet engines on a land based ASW plane is not new. Even though this is an artist rendering, I bet when dropping this depth bomb or torpedo alot of knots where stated on the check list to get ahead of this explosion. 2 turning and 2 burning where probably requiered or desirable when operating this low. Indeed low but not slow. :ph34r: CL
  20. I'm the newset noob now.

    Start Here Skydog: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showforum=81 Make sure you have your chores done first. Welcome Aboard. :ph34r: CL
  21. Hmm? Is that a KF-4B or KF-4J? I've been told it is best to tank off a similar aircraft. :ph34r: CL
  22. My perception is that the A-7 replaced the A-1. It appears all the A-1 Squadrons that operated in the SEA conflict went to the A-7. Then again I rarely think past WOV years unless I see it flying over my house. :ph34r: CL
  23. Perhaps thier low and slow patrols will be faster? Unfortunatly it appears the era of prop driven maritime patrol is coming to an end. Sniff. My choice would still be an overpowered 4 engine turbo prop that the the crew would shut a motor down to save fuel. Replacing a fast swept wing turbo prop with a fast swept wing turbo fan doesn't sound to radical to me. Monitoring sonobouys is generally done at a relative high altitude. Mad runs are done low. So a multi engine hotrod would be a candidate for ASW and Sea Surface Control. My Dad flew P-2V Neptunes and 737s when I was a kid. He liked the 737. He said he felt like he was flying a fighter plane. I use to ask my dad alot of dumb questions about aviation but I never thought of asking him why the Navy didn't use 737s instead of P-2Vs. I think the P-8 is an adequate choice. The 737 is a very sound airframe. It should save us alot of headaches and even tragedy that we had when we built all new technology weapons systems such as the H-3 SeaKing, F-111, Harrier, and V-22 Osprey: http://www.boeing.com/defense-space/military/p8a/index.html A 737-800 with harpoon or tomahawk? Sure I'll take one. With AIMs it could be a wicked P-3 Hunter. With Mavericks ya'll will be chasing pirates like rats thru the tundra. The towed decoy will be interesting and should drive modders crazy. :ph34r: CL
  24. No Brainer. The 10 to 15 pound overwieght girl with the sparkling eyes that can't keep them off you. Scooters or sluffs? Ah um, well. Scooters then. A few years ago we had Alpha 4s pounding the pattern here at Palmdale. More then I saw in the Navy in the 80s. The word at the watering hole was that they were A-4Ds hauled out of Davis Monthanan, stripped down to bare metal and totaly rebuilt with really bitchin' avionics for Argentina. Alot of the guys on the project that never seen them before were pretty stoked about the condition and construction of the scooters. Flyable, Upgradable, and Exportable. :ph34r: CL

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