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Everything posted by charlielima

  1. Bitchin' skin Nicki. The Marine Corps flew Venturas as night fighters. Gobs of 50 cal on these little bruts. Hmm. That squadron marking on the nose looks familiar. :ph34r: CL
  2. Harrier transitioning from hover to forward flight or vise versa especialy in a training squadron is where is I expect to here this kind of news. Doesn't make it any better tho. :ph34r: CL
  3. Same here. No decals for My AD-6 and AD-7s with corktip skins. Decals work great with A-1E tho. :ph34r: CL
  4. Quad digits!

    B*LLS! I thought I was sh*t hot for celebrating my 500th post with a screenie of my SPAD flight downing 2 MIGs. If a Navel Aviator gets a centurion patch for his 100th trap, what does a CA member get for his 1000th post? :ph34r: CL
  5. 2 SPADs and 2 MIG 17s. :ph34r: CL
  6. Aloha

    How are these Hi ANG birds doing? Looking forward to them. The discusion on tail codes for AF birds is very usefull for all here. And yes I did confuse seeing the HI tailcode on an F-4 while I most likely saw them on a Thud. :ph34r: CL
  7. But, Ahh. Usually in WW2 I am the U boat menace. Schnell boote menace too. :ph34r: CL
  8. Do you have the latest patch? I didn't know we had LGBs and Walleye until I patched up. With the pod my wingman nails targets just fine with LGBs from an F-4S. I'm kinda hooked on the walleyes right now. :ph34r: CL
  9. what do you want under you xmas tree.?

    1. M-14 20 round magazines to replace the ones my brother said where unservicable after he barrowed my rifle so he could have some 7.62mm NATO punch when he was on his boat detail. 2. New production A-1 Skyraider for WOX with a TWI, ECM so wicked it fries any of the bad guys electronics when I hit the Z key. 2-4 hardpoints wired for Maverick ACMs. 3. Good days for all our members, guests, friends, and families here. :ph34r: CL
  10. Peace on Earth and good will towards men. Hope here all have a splendid holiday of your choice for this month. This is one of the few communities where diversity works for all. Merry X-mas gruppe! :ph34r: CL
  11. I'd suggest an ugliest airplane thread but I think the blackburn wins. That plane is so heinous that I'd be afraid of being banned here if I posted that pic. Is the nose big so the flight engineer can work on the motor in flight? :ph34r: CL
  12. Shots From Work

    Yup. Plant 42. New storm today. Looks like snow level will be 4K feet. Good thing, that last fair dusting we got shut everything down in the high desert from Grape Vine to Las Vegas. Merry Xmas all. :ph34r: CL
  13. Ooh, Ah. could this lead to a PV-2 Ventura? :ph34r: CL
  14. best ww2 flying thingy.?

    I like the Pacific Fighters varient of IL2 way to fly in WW2. Can't add New planes but gobs of skins. :ph34r: CL
  15. My Grandfather has passed.....

    Too often we lose our nations best and our closest family members this time of year. :ph34r: CL
  16. F-18 down

    Pilot ejected but the plane went down in a residential nieghborhood by Miramar Damn! :ph34r: CL
  17. F-18 down

    If he was feet dry when he lost his first engine Miramar makes since to me. I wonder how many times while in the simulator he lost an engine landing and stayed commited to the same destination. I bet every time. Thats some strongly reinforced Recognition Primed Decision Making. I'm glad to see those involved in Marine Air are holding together on this. :ph34r: CL
  18. I believe all the mud movers flew strike missions south. Navy flew off of Dixie Station to support stuff south. Thuds flew missions that where "no counters" because they where south. B-52s flew close air support. Marines flew F-4s, A-4s, and F-8s off the beach in support of ground troops. I'm looking forward to this. :ph34r: CL
  19. Favorites/cool pics

    Wow. Too many splendid pics to comment on. My favorite is: Or is it this one: :ph34r: CL
  20. My Drawings

  21. I was going to get in the frey with Maneuverability vs Stability. High wing loading vs low wingloading but I thought this would be more interesting: http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/ac/x-39.htm Check it out. I'm trying to figure out the difference between a narrow flying wing and a wide lifting body, (not the ones in a gym) but I think the UCAVs are where the concept is applied for real. widening the body gives more space for weps. I think every body wants more Weps. :ph34r: CL
  22. IT IS ALIVE!

    Bitchin' :ph34r: CL
  23. Most likely I would need more then a nip any season to go to war in that stringbag. It is a handsome airplane tho. :ph34r: CL
  24. Aloha

    Bitchin Stuff WDH. I remember seeing the HI tailcode on some USAF Phantoms. Lost to where but I'm way sure I wasn't confusing them with the German F-4Fs out of Holmgren with HO on the tail. You got your skin and decal act together? If so this should be a quick treat for you. If you do go for a Tiki face make sure Its wicked enough to scare women and small children and make grown men stumble around confused for a day or 2 or even a week or so. I'm quite, ah anxious for SoulFreaks HI ANG skins. Another must have for a Bear intercept. Well Doggies! :ph34r: CL

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