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Everything posted by charlielima

  1. Aloha

    I just took a a hop to check out the skins in that pac. It has grey warpaint for Idaho ANG, Nellis and a base in Germany, that I don't want to irritate the group by mispelling it, that has a SP tail code. I am clueless if Hi ANG had F-4Gs or not, but I see no reason why a Weasel Det from Idaho or Nevada could not be at your favorite MCAS, NAS, or AFB in Hawaii when the incident for your project breaks out. If you do snivel big for an Hi ANG F-4G skin, Try to get a tiki style mouth on that bird if its going to be fictional. There was no shortage of faces on Phantoms and Wild Weasels. :ph34r: CL
  2. Aloha

    Try this Package: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=1575 I believe it has Grey, Euro, and SEA and some wraparound scheme in it for the Weasel Phantoms. The grunge grey, TPS? scheme for F-4Ss, There where alot of splendid skins done but had black insignia and branch. I don't remember seeing this on the Navy and Marine F-4S and F-4Ns on the Coral Sea, Midway, Cubi Point, and airfields and facilities in Japan in the mid 80s. The insignia I believe where the same color as the rest of the markings. I'm gratefull for and still use those skins, despite the black markings, every time I strap on an F-4S. Back on the Main Topic, Those are splendid skins SF! ANG F-4s in Hill Grey or Euro rock and ah.... have soul. :ph34r: CL
  3. Sometimes I just like shooting guns. :ph34r: CL
  4. F-18 down

    My first thought about the report of a USMC fighter down in the economy was the end of the Great Santini. And of course the lack of airspeed and altitude, usually results in a scenario where one won't even have to participate in the decision making process to manage risk or have an effect on the outcome. The 2 survivors are in for some tuff times. :ph34r: CL
  5. Betty Page died 12-11-2008

    If you listen to AM radio after 2200 the shows' guest will tell you one allready exists. Perhaps not the next best thing but: http://www.bettiepage.com/gallery/gallery.html :ph34r: CL
  6. Huh. It's a Disphenoid with a fan tail. A skinny flying wing.I notice with flying wings and the new UCAVs there is not a defined point where the fuselage ends and the wings start. :ph34r: CL
  7. I don't always go feet dry to drop bombs. :ph34r: CL
  8. Betty Page died 12-11-2008

    Rest In Peace Bettie. Not the best picture I have of her, but the least risky :ph34r: CL
  9. Looks cool already. Probably not very maneuverable. Meet you halfway? :ph34r: CL
  10. Fem-Bot

    I doubt it. Auto body men are quite skilled in the use of bondo and that green putty. They also have respect for anything of beuty, and want our return business. The Fem Bots with Austin powers apear to be built more for my liking, but at least Le made his a brunette. :ph34r: CL
  11. F4D-1

    Back in the Cockpit! I don't know what I did right or different with my second attempt, but both Razbam Skyraiders, Daves' OV-10, and Geos' F7F work splendedly. It feels great to be back "home". Driving the F-4, F-8, A-6, A-4, A-1, FJ And of course the F4D. Lining up on a target with a stick or 2 of MK-82s at 250 to 400 Knots makes more since then running at a target with 2 set torpedos at 30 Knots. Every boat on the water is throwing everything at me with 50 cal, 20 MM, 37mm, 40mm, 4 inch, 5 inch. I swear if I down load another mod for that sim my target will probably throw the ships hostile cat on my bridge, claw the watch officer's and the Skippers eyes out and shut down my diesel motors for the lack of a cat box on board. Oh yah I have full control surface function with the Ford. 1 Mig 17 kill with a sidewinder B, 3rd shot. :ph34r: CL
  12. F-18 down

    OK I'll Say It. The young gentleman was micromanaged to a point were he had only 2 bad decisions left. :ph34r: CL
  13. AP-2Hs. TRIM Neptune. Ooh....Ahh! :ph34r: CL
  14. F-18 down

    Witnesses said the pilot had landed in a tree close to the crash site. He was later taken to Balboa Naval Hospital with injuries, officials said. This indicates to me that he stayed with the plane as long as he thought possible. :ph34r: CL
  15. F-18 down

    F word. Getting worse every minute. 3 dead. F-18 driver was directed to RTB while he was over water. Why didn't he land at North Island? I'm not sure if San Clemente Island, or Imperial Beach can handle a fast mover. Bad day for all. :ph34r: CL
  16. Welcome to General Schedule Pay Grade Dave. I was a GS-8 from 2001 to 2007. Currently GS-7 step 9. Took a downgrade to get out of SoCal. :ph34r: CL
  17. F-18 down

    2 dead :ph34r: CL
  18. F-18 down

    We do alot of chainsaw work in my silly villain job. I tell the lads Gravity works every time. I'm not sure this is a good reason to trade the bugs in for a new ride. My gripe with the F-18 is that it was slower then the F-4 Phantom and couldn't carry the same load as the A-7 Sluff. Or even the Phabulous Phantom. New and Improved is more of a joke in a my house then a reality. Romantic? Yes. But there were targets in Vietnam that A-7s couldn't touch but SPADs or Sandys could. My A-1 Skyraider book has a pilot from the 1st Air Commandos saying I'd rather have a P-47 Thunderbolt. Sierra! I just heard on the radio 2 are Dead.
  19. F-18 down

    ABC News Says 2 houses, Nobody hurt. :ph34r: CL
  20. Favorites/cool pics

    Perhaps not my favorite Pics. My ride tho. :ph34r: CL
  21. F-18 down

    I'm no fan of F-18s but it seems to me that every time a military airplane goes down in the economy we lose 2 Navy, Marine, or Air Force air stations. :ph34r: CL
  22. Help...

    And kill like a champion. :ph34r: CL
  23. Marine Air Art Work

    Yah, If I was born earlier that would be me with the M-14. :ph34r: CL
  24. Remember Pearl Harbor

    A serious day for Americans and us that have or currently wear the US Navy uniform. Yah, our fine brothers in the Army and Marine Corps had a bad day too. My grandfather enlisted in the cavalry to go to Hawaii or the Phillipines. Fortunatly they sent him to Oklahoma. But then again if they sent him west he would of re enlisted and would of been the toughest thing the Japanese ever messed with in the Phillipines. I only have 1 relative who was in the PTO campaign. My great uncle Harey, US Navy. His swimming skills were so fine tuned that his only hope for survival in a salt water environment was to sink as fast as he could and run like hell for the beach. I saw this with my own eyes. Uncle Harey drinks 2 Margeritas. Decides its time to cool off, dives into the deep end of the pool and then walks to the shallow end to breeth and get his 3rd Marg. He was on the Gambrier Bay when it got bounced by Japanese Cruisers and sunk. He was decorated for saving gobs of shipmates with previously undesplayed and never seen again swimming skills. Men like this and better where there.
  25. Still get the occasional Warbird in; Pat Harrington (Schinder from 'One Day At a Time') has a beautiful P-51D paintd up in 112 Sqdn Desert 2-tone; Ooh. You got a picture of that bird? I'm lucky enough to work in Eastern California / Western Nevada. I was working on a big saw project and once or even twice a weak we could hear 12 4 stroke cylinders and a 4 bladed prop over our chainsaw noise, pulling an aircraft around, terrain masking thru canyons and draws. We shut our chainsaws down. pull out our ear plugs and get to see a P-51 hauling buttocks at low alt and then perform and emmelman. Wow! I'm not sure if it was Hilton or not, but 9 times out of 10 If I'm burning or have a fire that way a white beech stagerwing will usually fly out to check out what we are up too. Hey Suicidal, Every A36 I've flown in the 2nd row of seats were facing aft. :ph34r: CL

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