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Everything posted by charlielima

  1. Accident aboard Russian submarine kills 20

    Damn it! My heart goes out to our Russian sailor brothers. My core belief during my navy years was that the sea was our worst adversary. It seams this was a safety mishap more then a sea style tragety. My philosophy in my SAR mode was save them all. Someone else will sort this out. This is really bad being this close to Veterans / Remebrance Day. One day at a round robin session where everybody had to vocalize thier goals for the year, all the kids where talking about more quals and advancement and other ambiteous stuff. My answer was that we all go home to our family, friends, and loved ones for Thanksgiving dinner. I wish this too for all here. :ph34r: CL
  2. Hmm. A Naval single engine turbo prop strike aircraft for WO(insert sim here)? Sure I'll give it a spin. Loaded the beast up. Bitchin. It has it's own pit and sound file. Test hop in WOV v11.05.04 went well. No gripes. Took 4 plane formation on strike mission. 1&2 AD-7s. 3&4 Wyverns. Enroute to target on autopilot #3 formed up with my SPAD before my wingman did. #2 barely beat #4 into formation. Mission went well. No losses. FAA gets Its first bite in the SEA conflict. Since I don't have WOS (Suez) some SEAC skins would be splendid for us driving these planes on this side of the globe. Thanks for the wicked machine Skippy! Until your DL, I thought a Wyvern was a SeaKing squadron. :ph34r: CL
  3. What do you fly?

    1. A-1 / AD Skyraider. 2. FJ Fury. 3. F-8 Crusader. :ph34r: CL
  4. Bitchin' It looks like a vigy with a cranked delta wing. :ph34r: CL
  5. Oh Yah! I don't even have to snivel for a VF(AW)-3 skin. Thanks Nils. I bet it won't be too long before we see Corktip, Gocad and many other splendid skinners paint our Fords. Bitchin plane! Mine spins out tho. I need to get my patchs current. :ph34r: CL
  6. Most true Mako. Varks and Switchblades are da kine. There is at least 5 other Aircraft I would like to see on our sim before we celebrate a McNamara / DOD failure / F-111B. :ph34r: CL
  7. I'll bet dollars to donuts TFX is a dirty word in any household that has gold or silverwings on a uniform. Mention F-111s in service you will think you invented the Vark chearleaders. Your Navy Vark looks bitchin Warlord. Switchblades flying off the beach in Navy warpaint? Many navys outside USAnia have land based bombers. Anyway a sea vark (not the F-111b) to replace my tired viggie, or the A-3 and AP-2h I still don't have would be splendid. :ph34r: CL
  8. Mutual Nitpicking to sort out the history / timelines ? :ph34r: CL
  9. I love the Vark. Bean counter types like McNamara? Yah Priceless. The F-4 Phantom was originally designed as a supersonic attack / strike aircraft (AH ?) and I believe cancelled by congress. Hey McDonald, how about a fleet intercepter? Wait a few. Here you go. The Phabulous Phantom. Any Navy F-4 was superior to the F-111b as any sort of bomber / strike / attack A2G platform. Any honest to God Varks flying off the boat as a one time launch off a carrier as Dolittle's B-25s off the Hornet or the P-47s off the Natoma Bay in WW2, or wearing Navy warpaint would be not out of line the least bit. We flew AD-3 whales off the Coral Sea, Midway, and even the Oriskany. There is room enough for a real Vark on an aircraft carrier. Whether there is room enough to displace F-4s, F-14s, and A-6s, I won't touch that one. :ph34r: CL
  10. Schnellboote los!

    Here we go Kenken. Disk is in the mail and mods are on the hardrive. :ph34r: CL
  11. no topic for this game /?

    Hey I play SH4 alot with my boat skinned up. And I fly gobs of aircraft that have 4 letters that look like NAVY on them. For me it's really difficult to seperate the A2G from what the friendlies are doing on the deck or on the beach or water. Yeah I'm driving the airplane. Petty Officer Brownwater is driving the PBR. Lt Bushmaster is running his platoon. I usually post, snivell and wine on the Subsim site. Dollars to donuts there is more then a handfull of CA members who take a boat out that is designed to surface after it sinks / dives. I just ordered Sh3 so I could drive the Schnell Boot. Check out Mr Flecks' video @ All his videos rock. Sometimes I just play them for the music. Happy Hunting :ph34r: CL
  12. Most Interesting! Ex Petty Officer Chuck the Rotor Head calls the sound wicked and TSGT Dave calls it noise. Either way. When you have seen or heard the Bear, wether you where in the cold war or not or even working up for our next gig. It's impressive and It's the real deal even tho our box stock P-3s are faster :ph34r: CL
  13. Turboprop Skyraider

    Well, um, ah. Tuna tanks look cool on an A-26, Beach Bonanza, and Sky Kings' Cessna 310. Really Wicked on my dads' P2V, and my uncles EC-121 / Willy Victor. What motor is that? when I visualize a gas turbine Skyraider I immediatly think of the A2D Skyshark / Exploding Cigar. I'm not sure I like a Viscount style turbine pulling my SPAD thru the sky unless it was a product of our British Brothers. If a Turbo SPAD / Sandy in USAnian warpaint was to fly, my thot would be it would be draged thru the sky with a big Allison type that C-130s or P-3s use with a big intake under the nose. Yup. My bias is that SPADS should have short noses. If some one does mod the long nose turbo raider. I'll probably be the first to download it and paint the hill side with aircraft grade aluminum with my hose nose turbo raider. I've sniveled for a Sky Shark. I bet all of the SPAD drivers on this site take what we need and give what we get. :ph34r: CL
  14. Speaking of Bears and fun, It looks like I'll have to straighten out my F-4N and F-4S files out for those north pacific Bear intercepts and escorts off the Coral Sea and Midway in the early 80s. I hope our Russian friends here get us a bitchin sound file for this AC. It doesn't sound like any other airplane, jet or turbo prop or fan I've heard. It sounds pretty wicked from those counter rotating props blowing gobs of air on to those swept wings. Was there a tanker version? That would be a sweet target. :ph34r: CL
  15. I really like MIGs. Mostly when they get into a turning fight with my SPAD. It does make me sad that I have to pickle the optimized A2G load that took me 5 whole minutes to load my flight with. Yum! 20 mike mike candy. :ph34r: CL
  16. Wow 3 pow, 5 or so KIA on one cruise. and the squadron deactivated after that? I can"t imagine what it would be like. I like driving Scooters and Spads but I'm not sure I would want to fly a mission that was one of ours' bad day. I'd rather ditch a Spad and wait till it settles on the bottom and swim out as LTCDR John did. I guess thats why I'm here and not in a sage green zoom bag anymore. V/R all! :ph34r: CL (I removed the political comment.. Please keep it on topic, NO political comments please.)
  17. You Don't Mess with the Zohan

    I always suspected humas was good for something. :ph34r: CL
  18. Another good effort that fills a gap. :ph34r: CL
  19. "Dear Leader" is dead?

    I saw a black helicopter yesterday! :ph34r: CL
  20. Does It show up as a target when you hit the E key? If it does and it's a nuisence a couple of M-117, MK-83, or even a stick of MK-82 Snakeyes will work. :ph34r: CL
  21. At: http://www.totemgames.ru/main_en.html :ph34r: CL
  22. Caption This

    Whew! Another dud. If you didn't drop it, don't touch it. UXO protocol I don't think it was built in a prison or by a blind person so it must have been supplied by the lowest biidder. US Federal Supply System policy :ph34r: CL
  23. So what do you fly?

    SPADS, Cruds, Scooters, Thuds, Phabulous Phantoms, Intruders and Black Ponies in that order. Ah, FJs too but I don't know where to rank them since I either fly the snot out of them or not at all. :ph34r: CL

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