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Everything posted by charlielima

  1. Real men don't ask for directions or read the instructions. This is how I deal with ground targets: Mig17s and 21s are best suited for public parks and playgrounds. Not ground attack. Especialy here on my favorite playground. :ph34r: V/R, CL
  2. Bitchin'. Somebody beat me to a SPAD request. And best also got a product. Someday we may get a proper mid 60s SPAD driver. Story of the toilet bomb at http://midwaysailor.com/midwayva25bomb/ Good Job Gruppe! :ph34r: V/R, CL
  3. Cruds and SPADS! F-8 is my favorite jet. A1s to zap stuff on the ground. F-105 Thuds are grand to haul iron bombs and RTB quick like. :ph34r: CL
  4. Aussie Vigilantes?

    In the early 80s we were with CAG 14 with the NK tail code flying off the Coral Maru. Later CAG 5 off the Midway wearing NM. I know squadrons change CAGs (airwings), ships and tailcodes. I don't think CAGs change tail codes. Will the weps on the A5B pass for the Australian A5? :ph34r: V/R, CL
  5. Hey Gruppe, PBYs are bitchin' But you can haul a sierra load of A2G ordinance in a P5M Marlin. Armament 4x 2,160 lb (980 kg) torpedoes or 4x 2,000 lb (907 kg) mines or bombs or 8x 1,000 lb (454 kg) mines or 16x 500 lb (227 kg) bombs or 16x 330 lb (150 kg) depth charges or 1x Mk.90 "Betty" nuclear depth charge I think the JDF made a turboprop version. I'm still stuck in SEA / WOV. :ph34r: CL
  6. and another @ http://www.vah21.org/ next question please :ph34r: CL
  7. Bitchin' I was wondering if You were going to do VA-25 also since I am a FOTF fan (FOTFOTF? thats a moniker up for grabs). The pics I've seen out there show both 57X and 58X numbers. Check http://www.midwaysailor.com/midway1960/1960flightops.html And http://www.midwaysailor.com/midwayva25bomb/index.html for the special weapon. Someday I'll bug wrench for one. I like to show the Migs in my screenshots. :ph34r: CL
  8. Didn't the Great Santini fly a single seat F-4 Phantom? I don't recall any GIBs inthe movie. There is plenty of room here for phictional Phantoms. What about the real single seat F4D? :ph34r: CL
  9. Much needed! Can't wait. Are those the stock pilots? If so mine are missing. :ph34r: CL
  10. File Name: f86fdhimar File Submitter: charlielima File Submitted: 16 Apr 2006 File Updated: 2 Feb 2007 File Category: SF F-86/FJ-2/3 Fury Skins Early work by Whiteknight. National ensignia works with SF, not my WOV. :ph34r: CL Click here to download this file
  11. Hey gruppe. Anybody know of any work or progress on the T-28d Trojan, T-28f(s?) Fennec for WOV? It's the last COIN plane we don't have yet. :ph34r: CL
  12. Bitchin'. Godspeed on that "other" project. Wil it be payware or free? :ph34r: CL
  13. Seaplanes

    Well Dogies! if its that easy I bet ole Hieneman also drew a skyraider on a bar napkin with floats or even an AD5 / A1E with an amphibian style hull like the grumman duck. Back to what is not a seaplane, here is Dilbert taxing back to building CVA-41 parked @ 16 knots in the tonkin gulf. It looks more like the connie or the kennedy to me. :ph34r: CL
  14. Not really a stupid question. AI was my desk job in the Navy. The Lead sled was the F-84 Thunderflash / Thunderstreak. The F-105 Thunderchief was the Thud. Sled in foreground. Thud in background. This is an F-84 dunderstreak, I mean thunderstreak. This is the F-105 Thunderchief or thud. Any questions? How about green knight, green pawn, and shamrock skins for SPADs? The F-111 doesn't count? :ph34r: V/R all, CL
  15. Seaplanes

    Sorry Mates. The black pony is one of my sigs, not a seaplane. :ph34r: CL
  16. 2 SPADs

    Fist of the fleet SPADs. :ph34r: CL
  17. Seaplanes

    Hmmm. Since I choose WOV, I choose the the P5M Marlin. Gobs of weps: Armament 4x 2,160 lb (980 kg) torpedoes or 4x 2,000 lb (907 kg) mines or bombs or 8x 1,000 lb (454 kg) mines or 16x 500 lb (227 kg) bombs or 16x 330 lb (150 kg) depth charges or 1x Mk.90 "Betty" nuclear depth charge An HU-16 Albatros would be bitchin too. The USAF flew SAR feet wet with Navy SPADS escorting them. If you land on easy with gear down you can land on water. I did it with an F-8e with a dead engine. :ph34r: CL
  18. What Are You Doing to Stay "Green"?

    Green? Hmmm. Let's see here. I'm all about recycling and one of my favorite stocks I own obtains thier raw materials that way. Carbon Footprint? I'm looking forward to finding out what mine would be. If I'm not slicking off a big patch of brush, sage, or even timber (That we used to be able to sell and use as consumers) on a burn show on a major wildland fire, I'm performing mechanical thinning. That requires gobs of internal combustion engines. Ooh wee, wildland fire engines, crew buggies, industrial powered chippers, and of course my favorite, gobs of chainsaws with 2 stroke power heads. I also own a KDX 200, The last of the 2 stroke enduro dirt bikes. If someone invents a 2 stroke cell phone I'll buy one. If I could commute to work in an A-1 and recreate in an F-8 I would and Vise Versa Too! Burn more gas. The trees and bushes need more CO2. :ph34r: CL COUNTER INSERGENCY CIELING FAN
  19. Flight Of the Intruder is about Jake Crafton, who's squadron flew off the Shilo. (CV / CVA what?). In the next A-6 book, what Marine Corps squadron did Jake fly for and boat they fly off? :ph34r: CL
  20. Dhimari Sabres in 2 different skins over the desert. :ph34r: CL
  21. The soundtrack to Endless Summer by the Sandals is back again, Some solid early 60s instrumentel stuff. But if we had to vote for the official band for this site my nomination would be for Laika and the Cosmonauts. V/R Gruppe. :ph34r: CL
  22. Huh! What, How, Where? Gimmee! :ph34r: CL
  23. Bitchin' Dhimar would also be supplied F-5s and AD-4s maybe even surplussed B-66s and B-47s. There is a new sled / F-84 out. I don't know If your good ole desert and SEA skins will work on it. :ph34r: CL
  24. How about a P-5M Marlin? @ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P5M_Marlin and http://www.feightstudios.com/marlins%20milieu.htm for us stuck in the Tonkin Gulf? Gobs of ordinance! :ph34r: CL

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