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Everything posted by charlielima

  1. I ordered the AD5 and never got it. A vehicle took out my mail box. I'm moving also. When all my "data" settles down I intend to order the AD5 and SPAD. It would be spendid if somebody did finish the cockpit of Monty CZs SPAD. With the good model and cool skins It would be a shame to Pickle it. :ph34r: CL
  2. Representatives of both the Isreali and Dhimari governments will not confirm or deny the use of Isreali aircraft or aircrews in the so called charlie lima sector of Paran. CL
  3. Does anybody else have this problem with thier F4U / AU corsair hose nose bent wing ensign erasers? The rest of the flight model works bitchin tho. :ph34r: CL
  4. I get this much in sfp1. No roundels in wov. Both with dhimar in the texture set. The fin flash is part of the splendid skin by whiteknight. A small part of the parani desert is going to get alot hotter then the wx channel is forcasting today. :ph34r: CL
  5. Good request Delta6Actual. Good product USAFMTL. What is the award / ribbon on the side. I can't get enough AF birds in the euro warpaint. :ph34r: CL
  6. Dancing Pilots

    This could be thier plane director( Help me out USAF Bro's.) @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJoXVq2l2OQ&NR=1 And we all are aware of leaders intent. @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDaOCiFMHNo&NR=1 Navy LSEs, LSOs, Ramp Rats and Roof Rats are known for thier body language, but it appears its on. V/R All :ph34r: CL
  7. Quote from ALLENJB42's: Also, let's not forget that that the proposed A-6F and A-6G models would have given the Intruder extra wing stations for carrying Sidewinders outboard, thereby freeing up the existing stations purely for fuel/A2G weapons, and they would have gotten a new radar with the capability for using AIM-120 - which is a whole other debate! It appears it is part of this debate now. If the CAG wants to launch aircraft for the Bear or Badger, yah He'll want fleet intercepters first but if there is A-7s or A-6s on the cats with Arms and CBUs guess what thier mission is now. folks in Navy / Carrier Air are always being pulled in one or more direction then they have the right weapons platform, training, experiance, and flexibility for. Remember the movie The bridges over Toko Ri? The carrier used up the SPADS to do what tugboats are for. Sure thats fiction, but those of us who went to war (Peace if there is such a thing @ sea) in a big grey building with a roof load of airplanes know or have experianced something equally absurd. Part of the joy in the Naval Aviation adventure is the pride we take in performing something twisted, executing it profesionaly, getting a bitchin' out come for shop, squadron, airwing, ship, and country. All for the best reward I can remember: a glass of bug juice, detailed direction on what I don't know, what we didn't do, and what didn't happen, and a hearty Bravo Zulu from a guy twice my age and 5 times the experiance and worth as me. :ph34r: CL
  8. Does this mean I get an A6B? :ph34r: CL
  9. Bravo Zulu Flanker! And same to USAFMTL for sticking to your guns. A "B" would be most bitchin' for us cement heads stuck in the WOV time period. :ph34r: CL
  10. Bitchin'. Sounds good. Too bad my provider / computer does not have the temperment for that size of a download. The good news is I'm moving and most likely I will have to use Satelite Internet. WELL DOGGIES!. Great! Now I need more storage. :ph34r: CL
  11. Dancing Pilots

    Sugar! I had no clue how bad it was out in the mideast. The boys, oops excuse me. I saw captain bars on the young gentlemans shoulders, have to keep thier body armour on in the sh*tt*r. Good Vid! If I got to drive the C-130 for a living I would also going bug sierra like theses guys. I hope these happy trash haulers have a sequel and join our group here at CA :ph34r: CL
  12. Two brothers of wings of gold

    :ph34r: CL
  13. Ahh,.. well...um. So ya'll are asking me for a way to shred our beloved 1960s AC with ground threats. Although I admire treachery and diabolicol stuff. this hurts. I thought this was a flight sim not a FLAK or SAM sim. I think its fair to snivel for a C-130 with extra armour to go feet dry and LAPES some armour to play your game. So sorry but this as polite as my response can be. :ph34r: CL
  14. Because I'm a Pilot

    No video. No links: The Able Dog Pilot What was it like to be an Able Dog pilot? Wading through the rivalry between the attack and fighter communities we think Art "Swede" Hedberg, a former fighter pilot, said it best in his description of the men and the plane known as The Able Dogs: As aristocratic, elegant, and elite fighter pilots, my mates and I always tended to avoid association with Able Dog drivers. For one thing their military appearance and grooming habits were atrocious! Their flights suits were always sodden and black with oil, grease, and other foul smelling liquids. Their aircraft were always spotted back on the aft part of the flight deck in the "cheap seats" where the snipes blew tubes over them on a regular basis and they were always filthy with stack soot and clinkers. Everything they were around soon became grimy and disgusting and their ready room looked and smelled like a garage heap. On top of that they were loathe to bathe and carried their own atmosphere, like a large bubble, around with them wherever they went causing more genteel folk to veer out of their way, their sensibilities deeply offended. What is worse, Able Dog drivers prided themselves in these disgusting habits! In addition to this they were unfair and unscrupulous in the air. They were fond of grinding around at low altitude and when they saw one of our gallant fighters start to make a run on them they immediately turned on a dime and positioned themselves directly under the heroic fighter pilot who, upon being pulled vertical, directly saw nothing but water in his windshield and was forced to frantically pull out with frazzled nerves, sweating heavily, and with pucker string two-blocked. This maneuver was a killer. And the Able Dog drivers gloried in this un-sportsmanlike conduct!!, gleefully sneering to themselves and applying spit wetted fingers to the insides of canopies to mark up points. It must be known that I still harbor a deep resentment over this ungentlemanly and scandalous behavior. Despite it's lack of speed the old Able Dog could surely take care of itself and I always marveled at the veritable junkyard of nasty stuff it could haul around to drop on the bad guys. ~ Art Hedberg :ph34r: CL
  15. New Chinook

    I'm trying to figure out how a goony bird with no wings or props can move that chinook from below like that. :ph34r:
  16. Wow. I think every Navy and Marine squadron that spent more then 45 minutes in Japan has a photo of them in front of Fuji. This is the first I've seen of The CAG's birds and the COD to. :ph34r: CL
  17. anyone playing SH4?

    How does it compare to the old, DOS, MPS, sim Silent Service. I had a blast with that one. Good graphics and a full selection of historical campains missions and boats. :ph34r: CL
  18. Osprey to deploy to Iraq

    I'm no fan of the aircraft, just the concept. I never felt safe in a H-46 but the manual for it is written in blood. I'll bet there is a couple of seaknight drivers out there who are getting some pointers from thier grandfather who drove the same AC in the SEA conflict. At first the H-3 sea king was controversial and dangerous. It had alot of new technology that was being tested and proven by wrecks and funerals. Pushing hard in the fleet in Ronnie Reagans' navy seaking crews had a 90% survival rate in a crash, land or sea, day or night. I'm not sure if that includes HS-2's losses in Vietnam but those are good numbers. I hope the history of the Osprey is similar for the folks involved with that bird and aside from a lecture from thir sons or daughters for keeping thier grandkids up to late with thier war stories, I wish them nothing but success. :ph34r: CL
  19. Hmmm. some of the above seem like good points for a "beyond A6E" mod, a skosh amount of extra hard points for the big mavs and AIM-9s. If we had a functional key to get help from the mig killers and such, I'd say every pound for air to ground. But we don't. Was there ever a Mud Moving Mafia movement? A10s carry AIM-9s. I would not be supportive of them being mounted on SPADS, or USAF COIN equivilents. :ph34r: VR, CL
  20. Modeling an F8U3 Super Crud might be too ambitious. An F8J or FGR 1 flight model packed in the F8E carcass sounds like the way to go to me. :ph34r: CL HS-12 Typhoid!
  21. Yah the wright R-1820 cyclone engine sure makes a statement. Last year I was fortunate enough to go to a dozer boss class for wildland firefighters at Camirillo field in Ventura County. There is a group there that operates Gobs of T-28Cs and Ds, They only have one cyclone each tho. The Stoof has 2, but the constant sound of all those jugs turning those 3 bladed props was just as good. An added plus was the sound of the tracks of caterpiller D-6s. I got to drive the dozer but no joy for a hop in the trojan. :ph34r: CL
  22. Does this mean the S2A was defanged of ASW toys and what we would call a "flying truck". When I was on the Coral Sea we had a C1 trader / COD onboard. The captain CAG or whoever aways had them launch by deckrun from a spot back by the arresting gear. He would even announce on the 1mc to have all hands not on watch come topside to view the glorious site wich it definatly was. At the ole watering hole a brother desert rat asked me what it was like. I did my best to do it verbally with engine noise complete with dopplar shift. The girl sitting next to me thot that was the most helarious thing she ever heard. An ole Willie Fud (WF / E1 / stoof with a roof ) crewman came forward and told me yup thats what it sounds like. Anyway how do I down load from your site Capun? :ph34r: V/R, CL
  23. Hey gruppe, Usafmtl, Montycz, Kesselbrut, and others have downloaded for us the A5b. Heavy Attack, cruise at 460 KTS. Oh Yah. This plane has got to have the best PIT ever, Not only do we have nomex clad legs extenting to the rudder pedals but the young gentleman has a kneeboard with a map and a polaroid of his Auntie Norma Jean. I wish all of our pits had the same resolution, attention to detail, and stuff this has. :ph34r: CL
  24. Very cool site Sag! but this is where I'm confused. Pasted from your link: S-2A/S2F-1 The first production version wasn't much different from the prototype. The engine power was increased from 1500 hp to 1525 hp. The S2F-1 had an AN/APS38 search radar in the fuselage that could be lowered during ASW missions and a MAD boom in the tail area that could be extended 9 feet. On the fuselage, over the cockpit a APA69 ECM antenna was installed. This was later replaced by an AN/APA69 antenna in a radome. The fuel tanks could contain 520 gallons of av gas, enough for a combat range of 841 sea miles or a 6 hours flight. The cruising speed was 130 knots and the top speed was 230 knots. Under the right wing a very powerful search light was installed for night missions. Later version received an even more powerful light. The Tracker could carry three underwing station for 5 inch HVAR rockets, Mk54 depth carges or 2,75 inch rocket pods on each side. In the internal bay the S-2 could carry a Mk34 or Mk43 torpedo. In the end of both engine nacelles tubes were installed for 8 SSQ2 and 2 SSQ1 sonobouys. A total of 755 S-2F-1s were built. :ph34r: V/R ALL, CL
  25. Wow, my squadron flew off the Midway in the mid 80s. We were home ported in Yokosuka Japan. Before that we were homeported at North Island where the carriers dock still. While homeported there we flew off of the Coral Sea ( sister ship ). I forget which carrier but we did bump out a Marine RF-8 squadron for thier space. LZ your post wraps alot of my gig together. This is the best picture of North Island I have. :ph34r: CL

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