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Everything posted by charlielima

  1. When are you going to release your subs Torno ? CL
  2. Wow. I never thought of asking that question before. I think the hijo just called somebody an idiot. CL
  3. I'm not sure if I should laugh or cry.

    Is that Cadet old enough to obtain a drivers license? CL
  4. Really ? An Air Force F-4 with a battle E award on it. CL
  5. I'm not sure if I should laugh or cry.

    That's the rudest bus stewardess i have ever seen. As a taxpayer that MOS should be cut. And they have that many senior O's with nothing better to do ? CL
  6. Navy 0-2s ?

    If it was only 1 i would say it was probably an owners paint preference. But then again, if he had 2 ? CL
  7. How to properly use dumb A2G munitions

    Use an A-7C or above. It has an A2G pipper / CCIP. CL
  8. Some days ago St. Petersburg, today Stockholm

    Pork test all immigrants. CL
  9. Obviously a new deceptive camouflage campaign to confuse attack and bomber crews so they will unload their ordinance on schools, hospitals, orphanages, and baby food factories for their twisted propaganda doctrine. CL
  10. Yup just what stratos said ! When can we get the SUU-14A dispenser and all its lovely contents charlie is anticipating ? CL
  11. Missing ya Crapgame-RIP

    RIP He was doing shows in Nevada up till last year. CL
  12. 100 years ago today: ... tomorrow the World !

    And the Marines ? CL
  13. The Honorable Typhoid

    Bravo Zulu. CL
  14. Navy 0-2s ?

    Oh yah affirm. P2V Neptunes come to my mind on that note. CL
  15. Navy 0-2s ?

    I wonder if that explains the handfull of grey and white T-28Cs with NJ tail codes in the 1970s. CL
  16. End of the trail for the Scooter (A-4). CL
  17. I need to do something similar to run original Ghost Recon in windows 7. I really miss that FPS. CL
  18. You Might Be A Veteran If....

    You cant be a veteran until you join the military tho. Oh and being a man helps. And their other stuff is good too. CL
  19. Nice work. Welcome to Strike Frigates 2 ? CL
  20. Thanks again great one. I'm looking forward to the M-77 and of course everything else you build. CL
  21. From outboard to inboard: BLU-10Sip, 440 lb BLU-10S, 440 lb BLU-10B, 250 lb These are splendid. I believe you made these. CL
  22. To answer questions from a congressional committee about green C-130s and their deployment ? CL
  23. Yes, but can it battle Martian tripods?

    Heinous. We need faster acting germs. Armor piercing, HE, and fragmentation. CL
  24. At any rate we could you some better skinnage for those mid weight napes. I'm thinking about The BLU-10 group. CL

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