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Everything posted by Heck

  1. F-86E

    Thanks for the info, folks. I appreciate it. You read so much contradictory stuff when it comes to the Korean War. I read a website the other day put up by Lt. Col. Joseph R Clark that started me thinking about the era again, and some of the things he claimed on the Website. I wish the Air Force hadn't classified the 2008 Rand study. I know they released the summary of their findings, but the summary doesn't tell us the methodology they used, or the sources they used. I know the Air Force probably didn't want to burn sources, but it is a radical revision of what has been "history" up to now. Oh well. It took me thirty years of casual reading to find the words, "Jabara! You're shooting at me!"
  2. What do we need?

    I would love to see that, Geezer. This was a very important aircraft and it's missing. I know we have the CL4, but the CL2 was more widely used. And I second ojcar's vote on the French tanks.
  3. What do we need?

    LVG C-VI, Rumpler CV, FK8, Motorcycles, Halberstadt CL-II, Visiting dignitaries (Kaiser Bill, Boom Trenchard, etc.), Village church bells, various civilians for villages behind the lines (Workmen, Townsfolk, Washerwomen, etc.).
  4. Halberstadt D.V

    I believe the curvature was called washout. If I remember what I read correctly, the Germans used it to counter tip stalling.
  5. What beautiful detail. The 3d modders here are truly amazing.
  6. I knew someone of knowledge would finally answer. That's what I love about these boards. Almost any question that's asked will find the right answer.
  7. As long as you have the right amount of rivets around the door.
  8. If it does say, "N'OUVRIR LA PORTE QUE POUR LE TEST, Google translates it as DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR FOR THE TEST. It all depends on what that first word actually is. Is it actually N'OUVRIR, or something else? My old eyes can't see it even with a magnifying glass.
  9. My Hovercraft is full of (Massive) Eels!

    A Gator! A Gator! My Kingdom for a Gator!
  10. They are in the TERALPHAOBJECT.FX AND TERSOLIDOBJECT.FX files themselves. Open the files in notepad and scroll down. You'll see them.
  11. This works in SF2 for me. Make a copy of your Default.ini in your controls folder. Keep the copy as your backup. Copy the following into your Default.ini and overwrite: [RangedControl001] AxisControl=PITCH_CONTROL MaxValue=1000.000000 MinValue=-1000.000000 DeadZone=10.000000 Saturation=100.000000 ReverseJoystick=TRUE MouseScale=10.000000 UseMouseRate=FALSE ReverseMouse=TRUE LimitValue=TRUE SelfCenterRate=0.000000 KeyControlRate=0.150000 //SelfCenterRate=2.000000 //KeyControlRate=1.000000 AllowKeyControl=TRUE IncreaseControl=PITCH_DOWN DecreaseControl=PITCH_UP CenterControl= [RangedControl002] AxisControl=YAW_CONTROL MaxValue=1000.000000 MinValue=-1000.000000 DeadZone=10.000000 Saturation=100.000000 ReverseJoystick=FALSE MouseScale=10.000000 UseMouseRate=FALSE ReverseMouse=FALSE LimitValue=TRUE SelfCenterRate=0.000000 KeyControlRate=0.150000 //SelfCenterRate=2.000000 //KeyControlRate=1.000000 AllowKeyControl=TRUE IncreaseControl=YAW_RIGHT DecreaseControl=YAW_LEFT CenterControl= [RangedControl003] AxisControl=ROLL_CONTROL MaxValue=1000.000000 MinValue=-1000.000000 DeadZone=10.000000 Saturation=100.000000 ReverseJoystick=FALSE MouseScale=10.000000 UseMouseRate=FALSE ReverseMouse=FALSE LimitValue=TRUE SelfCenterRate=0.000000 KeyControlRate=0.150000 //SelfCenterRate=2.000000 //KeyControlRate=1.000000 AllowKeyControl=TRUE IncreaseControl=ROLL_RIGHT DecreaseControl=ROLL_LEFT CenterControl= This will make your arrow up and down keys on your keyboard pitch trim, your left and right arrow keys your aileron trim, and your comma and period keys your rudder trim. How you map these inputs to your joystick is up to you. If anyone is still flying out there with a keyboard, please don't use these. I tested these before I posted, they work in SF2, to trim the P-51 Mustang. You can adjust the KeyControlRate= to get different amounts of input. If you go to external view, you can see the amount of trim visually. It remains there if you move the stick. Just remembered. I'm patched only to July 2012, so if you're patched further, you'll have to test to see if it works for you.
  12. From what I remember from a previous conversation here http://combatace.com/topic/20222-french-underwing-codes-1940/it's a military matriculation number, according to ErikGen. Unfortunately, the link given by christian59 just goes to the site main page now. Apparently, it's a French military acceptance number, but I haven't been able to find anything specific on how it was generated. Sorry. Okay, someone please correct me if I'm mis-remembering this. The Letter code is a code letter for the French military establishment that accepted the aircraft into French service. The number following was the number in sequence that the aircraft was accepted by that facility, ie: 656 was the 656th aircraft accepted by that facility. This is part of it, at least.
  13. Great book, Wrench. Another book I've enjoyed reading to get the Russian impression of things is "Mig Menace Over Korea" by Nicolas Sutiagin, for its descriptions of how the Russians conducted their operations over Korea. The first impression I got was that violations of the border were much more common than previously thought. Like any pilot stories, you can't take everything at face value, especially claims, but you can get good impressions of what both sides thought were happening now, something that we never had before.
  14. From the US training vids from that time I've seen (Zeno's Warbird Drive In), they talk about RPM and Manifold pressure. I know that's not what you're looking for, but that's what they used to use.
  15. Stupid question, but I'm good at those. Can the distance a building's shadow can be seen from be adjusted in the sim? Never mind. Found it. Knew it was a stupid question.
  16. Thanks, Guys. Thought it was Geezers, Now I need to look up how to create static aircraft from SF1 days. Time to do a forum search.
  17. Terrain object, Wrench. So, it was a real duh moment. Tried the experiment, didn't accomplish what I wanted, so I restored my backup. On a side note, your Korea 3 terrain looks absolutely fantastic with Mue's new TERALPHAOBJECT.FX/TERSOLIDOBJECT.FX mod. It is, bar none, my favorite SF2 terrain, and the main show in my favorite mod. Such a great time period for SF2. With Fubar's and Baffmeister's flight models, your terrain, and all the other mods out there, it is as close to perfection as you can get in SF2. Thinking of that, I've got to find that old Woody I saw somewhere, to plunk down at a few airfields. I like the little touches when I taxi in after a "Maple Special," and I know I saw a picture from the Korean War that had one parked at a base.
  18. Open the Options.ini file in your GermanyCEV3 mods folder. Copy and paste the following into it: ObjectsFade=FALSE //ObjectsFade=TRUE Set DetailMeshsize to 12 in the FlightEngine.ini in your mods folder. With those two changes and the files in your GermanyCEV3 terrain folder it should work. Hope this helps.
  19. Thanks for the update, Mue. This mod really transforms the sim for me. Incredible work.
  20. I find that too, just not as often as it used to happen. I believe you're going to encounter some, simply because of the way the game engine works, if I'm understanding things correctly. What this mod does for me is put those issues far off in the distance on my relatively modest computer system (8gigs ram, Quad core, 1gig nvidia card). That I can live with, as opposed to whole blocks of cities popping in and out relatively nearby during a dogfight. The settings I use for this mod are 18000/3000 and DetailMeshSize=11 based off of Mue's formula. These settings give me the best compromise between distance and frame rate on my system. The mod doesn't end all the graphical problems with TK's game engine, but it does eliminate a lot of the constantly irritating immersion issues for me, that's why I'm loving this.
  21. This really increases immersion (oh, that word) in the sim, Mue. Thank you. Wrench's Korea 3 looks even more incredible with these changes. The pop goes the building thing was one of the biggest immersion killers in the sim, for me, at least.
  22. What an incredible man

    Truly amazing. An inspiring soul.
  23. New Galicia Terrain - WIP

    When I set up an active battlefield mod ages ago, I found I had to fly over the area, crash, and then use freeview mode to see from the infantry or artillery position to see what they could actually see. I had to create static units, both artillery and infantry, who had terrible accuracy and lots of armor, so they could fire at each other without actually harming each other. If I didn't, their battle would be over before I ever reached their section of the front. Very time consuming to set up, but it does work if you choose the terrain wisely.

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