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Everything posted by FastCargo

  1. Falcon 4.0 BMS 4.33 now released

    Heh, makes you wonder considering the timing of the GOG release of Falcon barely a few weeks ago... FC
  2. FastCargo's Helicopter Lesson

    Honestly, I probably won't be going back...mainly because of expense. I had a blast, even though I probably worked harder on that flight than I have in a long time in almost any other airframe. Most fixed wing flying is fairly consistent across different types of airframes. If you are a decent pilot in one type airframe, you can probably be functional (note, NOT an expert) in most others with very little training. Other than things like tail draggers or floatplanes/amphibians, you'd probably get the basics in a particular airframe pretty quickly. Helicopter flying, for as much of a cliché as it sounds, is fundamentally different once you slow below translational speed. It really does involve a different set of priorities, especially for things that require precision positioning. In a light helo, like the R44, it's more noticeable because you are dealing with positional references in fractions of individual meters. You can get away with some slop in a Cessna or an ultralight...not so much when you're trying to hover within a foot of a reference position in all 3 dimensions. It really was a lot of fun, and I did find it a true challenge. But it wouldn't be cheap and between the expense and time needed to get comfortable, I just don't think it's going to happen. FC
  3. Falcon series released on GOG.com

    Awesome! No more do you have to search for dodgy torrents, or buy an old F4 disk off of eBay (not like I had to worry about either of those, but still). Agreed, insta-buy! FC
  4. B-2A Spirit (Version 0.90)

    Version 0.90


    B-2A (Beta) by FastCargo. ********************** Version 0.90 *********************** SF2 Version for Jul 2013 Patch. Original model from tf3dm - 3dregenerator Modifications to import into TW sims by FastCargo Textures and most decals by FastCargo Cockpit, ModPilot, and Aces II seat from B-1B Redux Package by Dels, et al Included weapons from The Ordinance Shop II by 331KillerBee and FastCargo Hanger and Loadout screens credited to the respective individuals Thanks to ST0RM for high res photos allowing me to complete the area around the cockpit Templates for all textures and decals included Any errors are mine... Aircraft include: B-2A - All 21 tail numbers are included in the Block 30 paint scheme (operational). Notes: This release is a beta, and as such, is somewhat incomplete. The cockpit is from the B-1B. A new weapon has been included, the GBU-57 Massive Ordinance Penetrator (MOP). Big boom...but only one per bay. JASSMs have been slightly modded to have more realistic flight performance. The weapon bay loads have been built to realistically hold the proper number and types of weapons the real B-2A could carry. The FM has been tweaked to allow the player and AI to fly with reasonable accuracy. There are still a few bugs...mainly the AI likes to be nose down during the approach and landing. Also, there can be weapon bay visual errors when the AI is dropping weapons (ie the bay doors may not open). The weapon bay errors are limitations in the code that can't be fixed...it has to do with more than one weapon station using the same bay door animation slot. We are still working to squash the remaining issues...and one day we will have a proper cockpit for this machine. Have fun...report any crippling bugs (except trying to use it in SFP1/WOV/WOE/WOI...you're on your own) in the release thread at CA. FC 07 Jul 14
  5. Interception of aircraft in international airspace was a staple of the Cold War. However, even in international airspace, there are rules that are followed. One of the most important is the idea of 'well clear', a distance of 500 feet. Inside that distance, maneuvers need to be controlled and slow. If you are doing wild acro maneuvers and closing to within 100 feet of an aircraft that isn't part of your formation in a peacetime situation. .you are being reckless, and are putting everyone at risk. And understand, you as the fighter are primarily responsible if you collide with the other aircraft. I guarantee if you eat a wingtip, it's because you were stupid. Large aircraft aren't interested in playing chicken because most of them don't have loud handles. FC
  6. Bummed that I missed it. FC
  7. Nothing that is for public knowledge. Please do not solicit such advice here. FC
  8. Mad Max: Fury Road

    I saw it last week and it rocked! I personally don't think of the Mad Max universe in the "All the stories must fit in the timeline" way. I'd rather think of them as "stories from the Mad Max universe". I mean, lets face it, in the post apocalypse, who is going to bother with a metal guitar player with a flamethrower as his fret? FC
  9. I was wondering myself because he got physical access. But now I have serious doubts based on my own research. http://www.appy-geek.com/Web/ArticleWeb.aspx?regionid=1&articleid=41917536 FC
  10. Mad Max: Fury Road

    I really want to see this movie....I've heard nothing but good things about it from everywhere. FC
  11. Is this only a WOV limitation? I seem to remember we could get 28 per bay in the B-1Bs for SF2. FC
  12. Airbus A400M down at Sevilla

    Contamination of the fuel filters would do it. In the DC-10, if you got a 'Fuel Filter' light...that was shorthand for a 'land right the hell NOW' because the next signal would be an engine failure. If the aircraft was being built in Sevilla, all the fuel lines would have been open. It could literally have been some sort of adhesive, etc, that was accidentally left in the main fuel tank that broke up into tiny grains when it was filled with jet fuel. Those grains would act like sand in a car gas tank...clog the fuel filters...and that would be it. However, this is all VERY early speculation. FC
  13. WWII fighter throttle position in cruise flight

    That's really going to be different for every aircraft and engine combination. Not to mention altitude, temperature...etc. FC
  14. No. An ini edit does NOT alter the LOD...it takes advantage of the quirk of the game to not show a particular mesh. The FakePilot method also does not alter the LOD, it adds a new part using a different LOD via an ini edit. What you are proposing the LODViewer to do does alter the LOD because you are rewriting its structure. Not the same thing. It is the difference between putting a tarp over a wing of a house to hide it and bulldozing the wing of the house. And realize that this is all a legally gray area. BMPs, JPGs, ini files use standard nomenclatures and file structures...their formats are not proprietary. You can create new OR altered versions of said files using legal and free tools like photo editors, paint programs, text editors, etc. LODs on the other hand are a specific proprietary format. The creator of that format has not provided ANY legal tools to alter the structure of the LODs once created. He has provided tools to create LODs of your own, but not to alter the LODs that already exist. This strongly implies that those LODs are inviolate and the intent is not to mess with or redistribute the ones already created. FC
  15. The difference in the ini/fakepilot method is that the original LOD is not altered and is not redistributed in any way. Your proposal is exactly that. No. What mue has done here is fantastic as it is. If he wants to do more development that's great, but there have to be limits. FC
  16. Oh heck ya...when I modded the F-15C cockpit to have a working MFD, I had to make a buttload of ini entries and meshes for all the combinations of weapons. And that was for only an air to air bird... FC
  17. I was wondering about that myself...it would be nice if clouds reached to the horizon too. FC
  18. EM Drive Test Sucessfull

    You wouldn't put this on a fighter jet. Thrust is measured in milliNewtons...that's thrusters on a satellite. Take any achievements measured in units barely above threshold error with a grain of salt. FC
  19. Stary, I'm beginning to think a Green Hell mod with the shimmering TOD shader fix plus this shader fix plus your clouds and terrain would really show off a 'lush' Vietnam. Of course, this would be for top range computers (though I'm running a 2 1/2 year old laptop and it seems to do really well with it so far). FC
  20. Okay, now I'm impressed...set as 32000/3000 with DetailMeshSize=18 and it reaches darn near all the way to the horizon. Little trepidation loading at 30% though...first time with it set at 64000/3000 it crashed the sim. I'm also not seeing any sort issues with Stary's clouds in his Sarcasm mod (flying high). Good frame rates too. Anything I'm missing? FC
  21. Nope...set as TRUE. Let me run some other tests.... FC Damn it...RTFP...I just realized I'm supposed to set it as FALSE...sheesh.
  22. I'm not seeing any difference in pop-up / fade in distance. Are there any other factors that affect that? FC
  23. I'm assuming this is for TODs? So we can have forests that extend to the horizon? FC
  24. GoG did it again!

    Oh Goddamnnit GOG! First you release KSP yesterday, and now this: http://www.gog.com/news/star_wars_day_on_gogcom Rebel Assault I & II, both X-Wing and Tie Fighter CD-ROM Collector Editions, Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy. Shut up and take my money! FC
  25. I've wanted to make some custom pilots too but I know my skills aren't good. Sounds interesting. FC

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