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Posts posted by FastCargo

  1. Actually, I just read the article a few minutes before you posted it.


    The problem is that the article is too vague...it talks about supposed threats to the ACARS system (which we do use) and the FMS.


    In our aircraft, the ACARS gets information from the FMS, but doesn't give information TO the FMS. The FMS is what controls navigation in modern aircraft...think of it as your computer you program to tell you where the aircraft should go. The FMS of most modern aircraft (as far as I know) use GPS, INS, and available NAVAIDS (VOR/DME, TACAN, ILS, etc) to come up with a 'blended' solution as to where the aircraft thinks it is and where it thinks it's going. Again, the ACARS in our aircraft (A300/A310) does not send any of this information to the FMS...so it has no influence on it (again, as far as I know).


    Now, the best way to think of ACARS is as a cheap ass cell phone that can send and receive texts, and record information to send to the company...a terminal for a mini 'black box' as it were. You could, in theory, maybe, send a spoofer text to the aircraft. But I have no idea how secure the ACARS link is. And if you sent a text to do something weird, I'm pretty sure the first thing the pilots will say is 'WTF?' and call the company to get confirmation. Again, as far as I know, there is no way for the ACARS to directly affect the FMS, INS, GPS, etc in any way, shape, or form.


    It's an interesting article, but it simply does not give enough information to make a determination as to the validity of the threat.



  2. Unfortunately, this kinda shows a point I've been trying to make for a while:


    Coding air combat sims that use AI, electronic warfare, and missiles (basically, most stuff post Korean War) is not easy, takes more time and costs more than you think.


    The only 2 consumer products that I know that address this (air combat, AI, electronic warfare, missiles) at all (other than pure arcade products like Ace Combat) are DCS and TW. Everything else is either civilian (MSFS and its ilk), pre-missiles (IL2 and its derivatives, War Thunder, etc), multiplayer only (TacPack for MSFS - drones that don't fight are NOT combat AI), or hobbies (Falcon, EECH, Janes F-18, TAW, etc).


    Unless someone knows something I don't, that's all there is...which is disheartening to say the least.



  3. Those are pretty great. Speaking of pranks, being a part of the (pretty small) B-1 community FC, did you hear about the guy in my unit that marshaled out one of our jets in the most NSFW way possible?


    No I hadn't...that's hysterical! Bummer that some folks got in trouble for it.


    I remember the days where on your last bomber flight you reached the GNP (Get Naked Point) and tradition was to do most of the flight in your birthday suit. One guy had to go to the tanker on his last flight, so he had taken one of his old flight suits and cut it in half, so he could wear the upper part while on the tanker...thus 'technically' not be clothed.


    Yea, I suspect nobody does that anymore in this day of cameras everywhere...



  4. Hello all!


    As Stary pointed out, I'm striving for a very detailed model (which is a lot of hard work and some of it can get very tedious:( So whenever I start feeling like it's "work" I step back for a while and let the enthusiasm stir up to a point where I'm enjoying it again.


    I guess I'm still on one of those breaks ..


    If this upsets some people, well I guess that's too bad .. that's the way it is ..


    Thanks for your interest guys; it's doing a lot to stir my motivation!!!!


    Hope to be working on her again soon:)


    Take your time. We all get that way sometimes...real life has a way of doing that.



  5. This is probably a language barrier problem. I don't believe that Morteza's wording is reflective of his intended tone. I don't think he meant it as an attack on Sophocles. At least I hope this is the case.


    This is quite possible...intended tone can be problematic even between people who speak the same language when it comes to text. We still aren't quite at the 'Star Trek' level of translation software.


    Let's everyone take a step back.



    • Like 2

  6. Dude, what did you expect was going to happen? Anytime you make changes to the system folders (the main install), especially something like adding a new exe, the first time you run it, that is EXACTLY what happens.


    Several times we warn to move or copy your mod folders, run the sim, then put your folders back. I make duplicates of my mod folders, then run the new exes, clean up the created mod folders, then copy my mod folders back. Keep the copies until I've run and verified the new mod folders work how I expected.



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  7. @fastcargo: is the modification for the Python you mentioned in your old thread still working in SF2 July patch?

    do you still know the exact modifications you made?


    Modifications were specified in the referenced thread.


    I did not try this in SF2. The main reason is because the AI did not attempt to use the missiles in SF1. I VERY seriously doubt TK would have added coding to make the AI shoot missiles backwards.




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