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Posts posted by FastCargo

  1. The permanant, all inclusive, you-only-get-the-hump loadout.


    As I mentioned in my previous post, I have already done everything mentioned in the thread. However, I can still select something other than the ALQ-100 for that station... Don't get me wrong, I can make the A-4L look correct by selecting the ALQ-100, but I can also not select it. Does that make sense?



  2. "Something in the neighborhood of 90% of F-105 combat losses were due to flak."


    But where in their flight regime did it happen? I'll put money that most of the losses were on the attack run, coming in on a predicible flight path, diving from high to low. Think about it, if you're a AAA gunner at or very close to the target the aircraft is trying to hit, his lateral and vertical movement from your perspective is very little once he's on his final run. On the other hand, if you're trying to shoot straight up at a target moving across your vision at full speed, his vulnerability goes down as his altitude goes up.


    AAA at high altitude, even radar guided guns, are still vulnerable to simple distance and time issues. Once the shell leaves the barrel, it's unguided, and the target only has to jink a little vertically or horizontally (preferably both) to throw off the targeting solution. Even the KS-19, a 100mm AAA gun with a muzzle velocity of 1000 m/s at the barrel, would still take at least 10 seconds to reach a target at 30k (assuming no speed loss due to drag or gravity). Assuming the target is traveling at only 6 miles a minute (360 TAS), he only needs a 10 degree heading or pitch change to change 100 feet. If the target is faster, higher, or does more of a jink, the AAA gunnery solution is even tougher.


    The best way to minimize the 'wall of flak' defense is to do multi axis/mult altitude attacks to minimize coverage in any one direction. Other than that, standard SEAD tactics and staying out of range with standoff weapons is the best way to avoid it.



  3. Hey folks,


    Had the same issue, the notes here fixed it...however, I have a question.


    Obviously, for preset loadouts (using the aircraft as AI in single missions, or in a campaign) the loadout.ini will always place the hump. My question is, how do you get to 'place' it permenantly...ie so you can't put anything else there if you're flying the A4L in a single mission... Is it even possible?


    What I mean...can I force the program to not allow the option to place anything but the hump there in any circumstance?


    Or better yet, make it part of the aircraft component list as stated in the data.ini file?



  4. -The pilot does not seem to be affected by high-G manouveres,even in non-COFFIN aircraft.


    You sure that's not some Ace Combat term (ie like the names of the fictional fighters, countries, etc).


    The only time I've heard of the term 'coffin' in reference to an aircraft is the 'coffin corner' or refering to a particularly dangerous aircraft, a 'flying coffin'.




    PS Oh wait, just found this reference:


    "All of the planes in the game (with the exception of one tanker) have an operation system called "Connection For Flight Interface" COFFIN system."




    Gotta love the internet!

  5. Congrats Brian to you and the wife.


    I just thought of something.......


    11 POUNDS!!!!!!!!!


    Holy cow...........


    Congrats...and what Dave said!! My son was HALF that weight at birth...



  6. "What kind of plane is it? "


    "Oh, it's a big pretty white plane with red stripes, curtains in the windows and wheels and it just looks like a big Tylenol. "




    "Shanna, they bought their tickets, they knew what they were getting into. I say, let 'em crash. "




    "Passengers certain to die!"


    "Airline negligent. "


    "There's a sale at Penney's! "




    "All right, give me Hamm on five, hold the Mayo!"

  7. As Hrntfixer would say...DUR TA DUR!


    No, no, no...if he's quoting Carlos Menica, it's 'Dee Dee Dee'! He even reiterated this on his latest episode! :)


    And like other people have said to the OP, dude, learn to ask better, or even more than that, learn to and do it yourself!


    And for you newbies...for the love of God, stop asking about an F-22...


    I could never be a moderator...I'd end up squashing people like bugs! At least 'English is a second language' folks have an excuse...



  8. "If you value your lives, be somewhere else!"


    One of the most awesome lines ever!


    Damn, now I gotta watch that ep again! Funny, we were rewatching Season 3 and finally realized why the actor (Vaughn Armstrong) who played Admiral Forrest in ST:ENT looked so familiar. He was the Nightwatch security leader who tried to co-op Zack against Garibaldi. Of course, he had a lot more hair back then...:).


    I have the TM trilogy, the Centauri trilogy, the Psi Corps trilogy, the book about Anna Sheridan and Morden's trip to Z'Ha'Dum, and that single book about Sinclair between the end of S1 and his return.


    We have all those as well...but do you have the comic trilogy "In Valen's Name" which details the re-reappearance of B4? :)



  9. I didn't know Bones had been cleared to drop 500 lb JDAMs.


    But I just did a little research, and the wiki:




    Says it's only capable of carrying 17 of the 500lb JDAMs (referencing the MX loading document in a 6 6 5 config).


    Now, I'm not trying to be a 'rivet counter'...I looked it up because I was curious. When I flew Bones 10 years ago, we had 3 types of racks. 1 rack could carry 28 Mk82 500lb bombs, 1 rack could carry 10 CBUs, 1 rack was a rotary rack, and was used to carry 'specials' and SRAMs, later adapted to Mk84 2000lb bombs and JDAMs. 1 rack fits in 1 bay...a Bone has 3 bays...you get the idea.


    17 is an odd number...you would think you could at least carry the 500lb JDAMs on the same rotary rack as the 2000lb ones...giving you 24. Or if the tail kits were just a little too long compared to a standard 500lb 'slick' or ballute, that would explain only 6...but why only 5 in the last bay.


    81 standard Mk82s is a little odd too. The configuration we flew with was a 24 24 24 setup...why was there one taken out in the new doc? Maybe there is a new box in the aft bay that precludes carrying one weapon...which might also explain the odd 17 500lb JDAM setup.


    I also read a B-2 recently did a test with the 500lb JDAMs, dropping 80 inert warhead 500lb JDAMs in a single sortie. Oh man, to have that capability in an aircraft. You could take out an ENTIRE airfield in one pass (buildings, aircraft, runway, trucks)...


    Anyway, I just thought 17 was an odd number, I like 82 JDAMs much better!




    Okay, so I HAD to know. Today in the squadron, I accosted a recent Bone driver (I'm old, he wasn't even in college when I last flew Bones...sheesh) and asked about current weapons loads. What he told me is going on with the Bone is even more astonishing than I figured.


    Appearently, Bones have become the CAS darling in Afganistan. The combination of loiter time, response time, and precision has become a big deal. The loadout document is correct though, Bones can only carry a max of 17 500lb JDAMs...apparently the tail kits are in fact just a bit too long. And the old conventional racks just didn't have the extra room to take the standard amount.


    However, I found out that the rotary racks don't just take 2000lb JDAMs. They also fit JSOW and JSSAM...on the same rack! You can carry 3 types of weapons on one rack at the same time...amazing. Also, the computers are smart enough that even with a mixed load, you just tell what type of weapon you want on the target, and it will automatically cycle the racks to drop the right weapon at the right time.


    Also, they are going to the FOL mounting Lightning targeting pods on the wing glove just outside of the engine nacelle. It seems CENTCOM wants that capability RIGHT NOW...so they're totally bypassing the normal flight test route and going straight to operation. The only reason they aren't being mounted on the external hardpoints (yes, the Bone has external hardpoints) is because the START treaty required those to be faired over.


    Finally, and this is just a proposal...but the B-1Bs primary radar is a derivative of the F-16s radar...but with WAY more power. Testing has been finding out that it isn't THAT hard to reintergrate the A2A capability back into the B-1B radar...but with lots of range. Combine that with adapting a Bone to carry Slammers...24 on 3 rotary racks...


    I like it!


    It's funny, 10 years ago, when I left, the Bone community was not a happy place. Funding was iffy at best, we hadn't participated in DS, had several teething problems and high profile accidents. It's amazing how the system (and the attitudes) have changed in a decade...



  10. Crusade got to a rough start (thank you TNT...:( ) but would have gotten better as they got into the groove. We've got the Crusade scriptbooks on order...and are still getting our B5 scriptbooks...awesome!


    Oh, have you read the Technomage trilogy? I'll tell ya, Galen has had a lot of BAD stuff happen to him before we meet him in "Call to Arms" and "Crusade". No wonder his outlook is all FUBARed.


    Can't wait for the first B5 direct to DVD movie...




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