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Everything posted by Darrin

  1. perfect dont know how i missed it but thank you.-D-
  2. i was looking for a way to convert b1b from sf2 to sfp1
  3. try spyware terminator from pc world fdl.might get ya by just a sugestion.-D-
  4. at column5 i dl mig pilot my question is does anybody have it? mine is always the yellow and black helmit.if not thats ok. as im sure this is probably old news to you.
  5. I just was in the concert of my life

    i remember when in wichita angus stood on top a tower of speakers playing.top live heavy bands next to metalica,and judis priest.not much change from studio rec to live. AWESOME PICS. PS whats your camera
  6. If Only They Would Run This At Christmas Time

    these are awesome.one draw back. Started to show a couple friends raging rudolph then i noticed my 4 year old daughter and shut it off.Now this is the heart breaking part.imagine telling your 4 year old that she can't watch santa even though she knows the original.talk about tears.shes 16 now and loves it like her dad.
  7. ok no answers yet.so heres the deal im working on a subhunting mission. just started.so im reading a lot.any how figuring out how to place subs and factory as you fly over after the periscope target. good concept so im figuring out how tile sets aere different thats all.o and working on s3 with sonar bouy using refuling drone.try ing to change drone tip.no good pics yet. all right hope you enjoy this stuff as much as i do.Kansas Coyote-D-
  8. thank you lots this explained exactly what i was looking for...
  9. Random Pic Time

  10. is there a cool way to add ships and see them .Cause i add them just get 1 to get in the game are these for campagin modders. any way if already discussed please send me in the right direction.happy hunting -Kansas Coyote- D
  11. you know i put these in my game pre final patch and flew a lot and never got to see this hard spent work.i installed as directed just never got one to pop up.really just started to wrap my head around it.since have updated
  12. yes this is the types of changes i was looking for now while i start to wrap my head around some flight secific stuff thanks. cool Kansas Coyote -D-
  13. cool subs but do i need a mission file to see sub in game all i get is how to install . help thanks. -Kansas Coyote- D
  14. i did and not really a place for the question in the KBase as of so far. carriers to camps dons't really keep my downloads to a minimum. a lot of exiting looking stuff in ships but have never got the mission to see one. unles of course camps and indivual mission.
  15. Turkish Star Wars

    truley awesome the power of belief in a spoof
  16. Crab_02 Returns...

    thank you and a beer for you! and welcome home.
  17. Clash of the Titans....remake

    i know some people love these but what theyve done with cartoons and comics is worse.they do what they want now a days transformers optimos prime wrong truck.star scream wrong plane F-15.gi joe duke and scarlet not rip cord.etc... i wish they realized why these were special. my nephew doesnt realize why i shake my head.
  18. Roll Call

    kansas coyote here
  19. Star Wars Games

    i actually collect all starwars and have X-wing,alliance,battle fronts,battle grounds,knights of the old republic 1-2,jedi knight darkfoces,rebal assalt,jedi knight outcast,jedi knight jedi acadamy,
  20. what plane has been the best sub hunter in the U.S.' arsenal ?
  21. first filight loaded with jdams but no way to lock them on target any help
  22. i was wondering if there was a way to mod the f15I's cockpit to usafmtl's f-15E cant seem to get the targets to show up or drop laser guided bombs but can very acuratelly in the f-15I just want that acuracy with the f-15E if anyone can help thanks...
  23. Check This Out 2

    these are really cool pictures thanks

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