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Everything posted by Tailspin

  1. weapons editor question question

    It shouldn't be any more difficult to get the third party weapons to work now than it was before. We just couldn't do it because we had no working Weapons Editor to update the WeaponData.dat in the Exp. Pack. As for all the "legwork" sometimes necessary to update everything after a patch...well that's life in the Thirdwire world.
  2. Hmmmm....Its been a while but IIRC that error message usually results from a mismatch between patches and the weapons pack? I always patch up then install the latest weapons pack as the last step.
  3. I was just flying a "bomb target" mission with Fe2c's (still trying to tweek the 37mm mod so they don't always slaughter the AI). The target was an airfield. Alt-N to target. I order the squadron to engage ground targets while I sit and watch the AAA vs. AI. I'll be darned if the AI didn't bomb and destroy most of the AAA guns around the field! I also discovered the Rejoin command is a valuable tool to help save AI lives. On another less successful mission I watched as the AI, after missing most of the AAA, just circled the field getting themsleves shot to hell. It occured to me to try the Rejoin command. When I did the remaining AI peeled off and headed for me. I guess the point is that we sometimes underestimate the value and effect of the command system and some of what we attribute to "dumb" AI may be inadequate leadership from the squaron commander.
  4. This was pretty cool....

    I don't think they attack your target. In the case of the ground attack I had the airfield targeted and they went after anything but the airfield itself. I think another often overlooked factor is pilot experience. This shows in the debrief at the end of a mission. More experienced pilots consistently get more kills. There is also a randomness built into all this. One thing is for sure. If I forget to "signal" them to attack they hardly fire a shot. BTW....I'm not using Peter's AircraftObject.ini. I do a lot of observing (F6) and I can't see where the AI aren't being agressive enough. There are green pilots and aces and those in between and I think that's well reflected in the game. I don't want everybody to be the Red Baron. Thats not very realistic, IMHO.
  5. I'd suggest altering the dates in the Options.ini of the sim. That way you can download all sorts of earlier A/C and play "The Cold War Goes Hot" from the end of WWII on. "Russian captured" German jets from '45 and early Soviet models vs. P-80's, Meteors, Vampires, etc....kind of like a Luft '46 scenario with a twist.
  6. The data is in the wwiCambrai.ini. You can extract it from the wwiCambrai.CAT file. Here are the stock Cambrai dates. See Gepard's post for the date for his Vogesen terrain. [season001] Directory=Snow StartDate=1/1 EndDate=1/27 ScatteredChance=0 BrokenChance=40 OvercastChance=50 InclementChance=10 [season002] Directory=Spring StartDate=01/28 EndDate=06/21 ScatteredChance=40 BrokenChance=25 OvercastChance=17 InclementChance=8 [season003] Directory=Fall StartDate=09/21 EndDate=11/25 ScatteredChance=25 BrokenChance=40 OvercastChance=17 InclementChance=8 [season004] Directory=Snow StartDate=11/26 EndDate=12/31 ScatteredChance=0 BrokenChance=40 OvercastChance=50 InclementChance=10
  7. Hmmmm....The weather effects are date specific (see the dates in the data provided by Gepard). Are you sure you are flying missions during the correct dates? Do the weather effects work for Cambrai in your install? IIRC Max's terrain is just texture repaints and doesn't overwrite .INIs so that shouldn't affect the weather changes. I'd go back to a basic install without the Vogesen terrain and make sure the weather effects are working, then install the Vogesen terrain making sure you follow the installation procedures exactly. Re: the cloud problems. Its a problem with the sim. Seems some people have it worse than others though so it could be driver/vid card related but you will get textures like trees showing through clouds regardless, I think.
  8. OOTL....

    Sorry I've been out of action for the past 9 days. We had an ice storm hit Monday before last and Comcast just now hooked the cable back up. Looks like some good stuff is happening. BTW...the 37mm AA mod is still a WIP but should be completed soon. Gotta get caught up.
  9. Some WiP's

    Good to see you around, Laton.
  10. Whats Your Favorite Airplane Movie

    Mine was always The Flight Of The Phoenix ( the original version). I actually got to take a ride in a C-119 from Scott AFB to Alpena Michigan when I was in the C.A.P. in the late 60's.
  11. flabbergasted

    Never tried FF. Been using a Logitech Ext. 3D Pro for a couple of years. Just lost the rear quadrant of the hat and 3 buttons. Quit working exactly 2 months after the Circuit City 2 year full replacement warranty expired. For 42 bucks I'll probably buy another.
  12. 37mm AAA

    Some of you may have already done this but I remembered there were two 37mm AA guns in the Gundata.ini and I've been playing around with them. One is the 1pdr Vickers MkIII (PomPom ?) and the other is the 37mm Sockelflak. Both are similar weapons and have a ROF of around 120rpm. Since we don't have proper 3D models for the guns I can set them up just like I did the AAMGs. I have flown a few test missions and these things are death if they hit you. Anyway, if anyone is interested, I can put together a download with all the particulars. Yea or Nay?
  13. Hey Everyone...

    Glad you're back with us Barkhorn 1X. That reminds me. I've got some new stuff I have't backed up yet.
  14. 37mm AAA

    THANKS for the model P10ppy! I tried your discovery with the caliber and thats the visual effect I was looking for. Make it 13mm and the tracers burn out @ 5000ft. Just about right IMHO. Changing bullet diameter doesn't seem to affect effectivness...still hits like a 37mm. Still planning on tweaking some things like accuracy and targeting range etc...
  15. 37mm AAA

    Thanks for the info. I was wondering what some of those factors did. But what I'm wanting is for the tracers to go higher. Of course I'm not sure what the max. effective altitude for these guns were...I've read up to 4000ft.
  16. 37mm AAA

    Hmmmm....having a slight problem. Seems these guns are such low velocity that the tracers burn out at around 400 meters or so. Kinda kills the effect. Any ideas on how to make 'em burn longer? Can't find anything in the GunData or the ParticleSystems.....
  17. 37mm AAA

    The British Vickers MkIII 1PDR basically looks like a Maxim on steroids. :yes: Google pom pom gun. http://www.britishempire.co.uk/forces/army...s/armpompom.htm About that GunEditor...I think I just assumed that both were broken. Thanks for pointing that out.
  18. 37mm AAA

    Very nice P10ppy! I haven't messed with the effects much. Right now all you get is a tracer. I thought of changing the size or maybe the color (slightly) to help tell them apart from the machine gun tracers. I haven't got real good look at the effects yet. These are not airburst shells just contact fused. I dunno, we could probably mimic the earlier gun by changing the rate of fire and the burst rate but that will have to wait until the new Gun and Weapons Editor released, I think. Anyway, your model would be a welcome addition to the game. Of course if you release that one, you'll have to make a Vickers too.
  19. 37mm AAA

    Here's a shot of the "Sockelflak" in action using the Parabellum as a model.
  20. Building missions and campaigns

    Hello Peter K. Welcome to CombatACE. I'm not a campaign/mission builder but I'm sure someone will come along who is. Meanwhile the tutorials available for the SF/WOV/WOE series apply to First Eagles too. Check the Knowledge Base in the Strike Fighters forum.
  21. See the First Eagles File Announcements section for a screenshot. I've added a sandbag gun pit for the AAMGs. Read the readme for installation instructions.
  22. New MGAA sandbag pit....

    Thanks! The Bridges for Cambrai mod is nearing completion. I found that TK has already done some extra AAA, bridge, and object placements so figuring out what he has done, what needs doing, and checking everything out is taking a lot longer than expected.
  23. The contents of the pilot folder go in the main Aircraft folder. There is a section in each aircraft data.ini that defines which pilot model to use. // Crew --------------------------------------- [Pilot] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT PilotModelName=wwiPilotNew2 PilotHeadNodeName=head Position=0.00,-0.6,0.7 MinExtentPosition=-0.3,-0.3,-0.1 MaxExtentPosition= 0.3,-0.85,0.9 This example points to a "stock" pilot model. Custom pilot models may be used by changing the PilotModelName= to the appropriate model name. The components of the custom model (LOD, BMP, and INI) must be placed in the Aircraft folder for the custom model to work. Again thats the general Aircraft folder and not the specific aircraft folder itself. The stock pilot model files are already in the .cat file so you won't see them in the Aircraft folder.
  24. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...ode=sst&id=5931 File Name: MGAA Pit File Submitter: Tailspin File Submitted: 2 Feb 2008 File Updated: 7 Feb 2008 File Category: Ground Objects Mods File Version: No Information Website: No Information This is a mod to add sandbag pits to the AAMG gunners provided in both my AAMG mod and the Bridges for Verdun mod. This will work for both the original and Expansion Pack 1 versions of First Eagles. Please read and follow the enclosed read-me. I apologize in advance for the lengthy installation method but I cannot think of a way to do this without re-writing (and thus "breaking") any mods you may alread have done to your Targets .ini. If you have any problems please contact me at CombatACE.com and I will help you out. Have fun, TS A BIG THANKS to geo of www.geos-aircraft.com for providing the 3d model and the original skin, which I used as a basis for the one provided. NO PAYWARE!!! Click here to download this file

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