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Everything posted by Falcon161

  1. And I have looked through the Official patch thread with a no joy! I even used the search button
  2. Well just Installed WOV on my new Gaming Laptop and it runs perfectly I downloaded service pack, works perfectly! I just installed a couple mods Mirage-2000D, Su-27SK, and bunyaps Weapon pack and It seems that the Mirage and Flanker now have no weapons! Plus another interesting thing happend when I tried to edit Weapondata.INI, it came up with an error message stating for me to check to see if the file name was correct! Any suggestion to my problems?
  3. Any FSX pilots here?

    Really? Thank god! Now I can calm my nerves before shipping off too Boot Camp by blowing something to kingdome come
  4. Any FSX pilots here?

    I fly in FSX quite often now since I have Vista and dont know how to run WOV in it! But I will fly with ya sometime!
  5. ^ Like this one very much! Now I am just waiting for some bad a** Aggressor skins. Keep up the good work fellow skinners
  6. Sorry if they offend I thought the first one was funny although a little big should I resize it? BTW I have friends in the NAVY as well as the ARMY we like to give each other hell
  7. oooh love the IAF paintscheme! The tigermeet one is cool I just wish the full plane was like that
  8. Wahhhh :cray: damn I am having WOV withdraws! Kinda pissed too cause I lost a lotta skins when I got my new computer, but thankfully not my stories! Well it looks like I'll have to start rom scratch when i can find a way to run WOV on VISTA
  9. Well I have a SAGER gaming laptop with 4GB RAM, 2.4GHZ processor, and an NVIDIA 8600GT-M Graphics card! But I have Vista and cant seem to run it :( I feel a little left out now! BTW I leave in 16 Days for Paris Island, SC for Marine Corps Boot Camp! I was supposed to leave August 25th but couldnt Since the Job I wanted, Infantry, wasnt available
  10. VISTA:(

    Well with little over a month to go until I ship out it looks like I will be waiting till I get back from Bootcamp :(! Oh well cest la vie!
  11. VISTA:(

    YEah I just got a Sager 2092 with a 2.5GHZ Pentium Duo core Processor, 4GB of RAM, and an NVIDIA 8600m GT graphics card. I installed the game and runs perfectly up until I try to start a mission then.....CTD!!!!!! I read about how TK was either going to patch the games to run with DX10, or re-release them with the capability to run with DX10, but it sucks since I leave September 15th for Boot Camp and I really want to play WOV on my laptop. BTW when does TK plan on releasing the DX10 compatible versions cause I need my WOV fix b4 I go insane!!!!!
  12. Easy guys it will be released when it is ready! Keep up the good work man this bird has been on my want list for a while now.
  13. tomcat Canards

    Never knew the Marines were interested in the Tomcat! Now we need to see some Marine Corps Skins for the TomCat oorah!
  14. As always Zur Awesome bird to fly around in! Cant wait till the fictional Attack Osprey is released Keep up the good work my friend!!!
  15. F-22 Camo

    A partialy built model I bought from an airshow in 2005.
  16. Aircraft Camouflage

    I think it is time for our Air Forces to definitely switch from the dull gray pattern they are using as it really does take the personality out of the plane. Thank god hyper stealth did this for the Slovakian Airforce And No it is not photo shopped this is a real pic of a real plane!
  17. Digi Mig-29

  18. Woot! Hopefully someone will make some damn good camo schemes!
  19. Ibuypowe.com

    Alright guys im in the process of getting enough cash to get a gaming laptop and have been looking at Ibuypower.com and found a gaming laptop for under a grand and it has the features that I want. However I have been reading conflicting reviews on the website but I also had the same problem when ordering my moped and the reviews were wrong. So what do you guys suggest
  20. Ibuypowe.com

    Never mind took a look at xoticpc.com and they have some damn nice looking machines! Thanks suhsjake I think I will be getting the Sager NP2092 from them
  21. Same here getting a CTD cause of something in the avionics. But Julhelm this bird is gorgeous!! Just cant wait to fly her
  22. That Bird looks fantastic julhelm!!! Cant wait till it's release man I've been looking forward to flying this bird for some time
  23. oooh damn I cant wait till Julhelms stealth cat is released!!! Any Idea on a name for it or is the moniker stealthcat sticking.
  24. Ibuypowe.com

    Took a look on that brand and the Gaming larptop im lookin at costs a grand and has a everything im lookin for and costs less. It's called the Battalion 101 FX-922Z
  25. GRID

    Well I need to be able to start from a bone stock car and make it the way I want it or it just seems dull

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