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Everything posted by Falcon161

  1. New skin WIP! Here is another Skin that I am currently working on it is based on CoolHand29's snow camo skin. This F-16A BLK10 NDC is painted in the 25th Tactical Training squadron of the TMAF. Though it is a training squadron they are required to serve two tours in a current conflict. This is one of five TMAF training squadrons based in Tacoma T.M. Air Force base near Crownpoint, New Mexico. This squadron also operates MIG-23MF's, and MIG-29E's. I will post up the MIG-23, and MIG-29 Skins pictures soon.
  2. 25th TTS "Jesters"

    From the album Falcon161's Album

    This F-16A BLK10 NDC is painted in the 25th Tactical Training squadron of the TMAF. Though it is a training squadron they are required to serve two tours in a current conflict. This is one of five TMAF training squadrons based in Tacoma T.M. Air Force base near Crownpoint, New Mexico. This squadron also operates MIG-23MF's, and MIG-29E's.
  3. Australia goes with Fullbacks?

    hmmm...interesting. I think if Australia bought and used the Su-34's it would be really cool! Plus I think if they buy them they will more than likely give them western avionics and arm them with western weaponry.
  4. hmmmm...yall just gave me an idea with the F/A-37! Coming soon Baby blue, Pink, and yellow camo!hahahahahaha
  5. Iranian Revolutionary Guards play with fire

    I laugh at the Iranian navy for doing something so stupid! But I think that they want us to open fire on them so they can say that we attacked them in their waters! But in all reality those armed bass boats would just be target practice for our destroyers. BTW does Iran have any destroyers?
  6. We need an SR-71 addon. That would be awesome! That could definitely be used as a high altitude aircraft!
  7. It's alright man you wouldnt mind if I gave it a shot man? BTW JA-37 it is the eyes man! As soon as girls look at you with those eyes it's all over dude! That poor A-4 looks like it was painted by a group of high hippies.
  8. I agree and they all look like they are taking design aspects of Their Sukhoi/Mig and our F/A-22 and F-35 and splashing them together to make some very cool looking fighters! I may have to use one in my short stories just to get it out of my system, but definitely renaming it. Im hoping someone makes these into flyable models!
  9. here are a couple more skins that I've been workin on. This skin for the F/A-37 used deadheads skin as a template. The color scheme is not in my short stories since the T.M. doesnt use this aircraft. It is a perfect example of what happens when youre bored! This skin willa ctually be in a mod of the MiG-29OVT, called the MiG-29ATVF(Advanced Thrust Vectoring Fighter). This scheme represents the 9th TFW "Red Stars" of the TMAF. I used the blue hungarian puma camo as a template as it was the pattern I was looking for. I still need to put their symbol on but the USAF markings will do for the preview! This skin represents an F-15C of the 234th TFW "Blood Ravens". Who are in the world of my short stories are the T.M. Air Forces 2nd most feared squadron with 45 total kills and no losses. The First is the 321st which has already stared in my first one. This skin represents the distinct Red Splinter Camoflauge pattern of the 31st TFW "Black Crosses" of the T.M.A.F. I used Flanker 562's great splinter camo as a template. BTW Flanker562 was wondering if you could possibly do a Jungle version of this camo as it would be a great addition to the Flanker skins.
  10. Red Camo.jpg

    From the album Falcon161's Album

  11. 23rd TFW Mig-29 ATF.jpg

    From the album Falcon161's Album

  12. Im the one who should be apologizing sparkomatic as I misread your words. But im working on some new projects guys including a new camo scheme for the F/A-37 check back soon!
  13. J-10 would be a nice addition to the game. But does anybody else notice that it looks somewhat similar to the EF-2000?
  14. sorry man. well yes I do want to know what the bell curve is as I have never heard of it. But can we just drop this though man cause I dont want to argue with you friend. I feel as adults (even though Im 18) we are better off not arguing like little children. BTW sparkomaric do you have any fictional skins to show?
  15. I dont want to argue with anybody but I will say that there are alot of girls that can beat the most physically fit guys in our military, example my friend Jenna who has proven to me numerous times that she is tough. For example she has beat the crap out of a Marine before when he kept on hitting on her. And she didnt get charged with assault since it was self defence, I am a witness to this incident. Oh and as for the PT tests the reason why they lower standards for females is because they dont think highly of them! If we would set the standards as the same for females as they did males you would see that they are just as capable as us guys. And as for not being fit for combat well the Japanese did use female soldiers back in the days of the Samurai quite effectively. But like I said I do not wont to argue and start a flame war. BTW look for more projects in the future, currently trying to make a decent skin for the AH-1W but that is proving to be harder than it looks! Im also working on a full mod of the MIG-29OVT to make it a U.S. aircraft, it is almost done I just need to contact the author of the OVT and get permission to realease. I will post screens soon to show the skins I have for it
  16. Whats wrong with all female squadrons? Trust me man the stories I am going to post will explain alot about that topic. If ya want my personal opinion I think women can handle the stress of being in combat situations and that they are just as capable as us guys. But I write fiction and you will find that my stories are enjoyable. But I just want to know what ya think of my skins man. Would yall like an excerpt from one of my stories that explains why the Teen Military uses females in combat and has all female squadrons? If yall have any questions about my stories or the squadrons in general post them here and I will answer.
  17. Hey guys new skin to show yall. This one will be released as soon as I make a decent Pilot Skin. This is an F-14J of the T.M. Navy painted in the 44th Tactical Naval Fighter Wing "Orange Orchids" paint scheme. This paint job was used in the defense of Florida in 2006 against the Cuban Navy's attack. The 44th TNFW is also one of the 9 all female Naval Fighter Squadrons.
  18. F-14J 44th TNFW

    From the album Falcon161's Album

    This F-14J is painted in the 44th "Orange Orchids" TNFW of the T.M. Navy. This squadron is one of 9 all female Naval fighter squarons and ranks number 1 in kills for the T.M. Navy with a total 40 confirmed aircraft shot down with no losses.
  19. I was rooting for the F-23. It was cheaper and if my memory is correct was just a tad better than the Raptor in certain areas.
  20. If You Could Be an Animal........

    Hmmm if I could be a real animal, definitely a White Cobra, or a Red Tiger with Black stripes. Mythical Animal, definitely a blue Phoinex.
  21. thanks! This will be released as soon as I fix the positions of the stars, as you can probably see they are a little off. But that should take about 15 minutes of work. It should be out by the weekend. check back soon, more to come!
  22. Im doin mine on GIMP 2.0. I wouldnt know about photoshop, since it is not free.
  23. Damn nice work HrntFixr!!! I should be uploading my F-23 very soon.

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