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Everything posted by Falcon161

  1. Hopefully MarcFighters is well on it's way to being done. But for now just stick to the Su-17/Su-22.
  2. just imagine tryin to dogfight something that can go up to 12,000 MPH!!!!
  3. Premature mortar ouchy for Jihadi

    hahahaha! I guss thats what ya get when you use gods name when you are a terrorist!
  4. Update. Here is another skin I am workin on. As you can probably notice I tried to place my own decals, but just need to get rid of the stock decals. This skin is based on the 8th TFW "White Star" squadron. This is an experimental sky camo that is based on the grey "Ghost scheme".
  5. F-23E SKY

    From the album Falcon161's Album

    F-23E WIP. This skin is based on a squdron in my short stories fictional orginization. This skin is based on the 8th TFW of the TMAF, it is an experimental sky camo meant to mimick the color of the sky and the clouds..
  6. It has been a while since I have updated this topic so here it goes. I've got two WIP's a skin for the F-16XL and a skin for the F-15C This skin is based on the first stock F-16XL skin, as the decals show. I just need somone to do some decals for me and ask the owners of the original skin and I will release. The skin represents the T.M.A.F's 109th TFW "Blue Jays" This skin is based on Deadheads Splinter camo for the F-15C. I used it as a template for this two tone Light OD green, and Dark OD green. Based on a squadron from a squadron from a short story im workin on. This skin represents the T.M.A.F's 71st TFW "Red Wasps". The squadron used this scheme for the 2nd Vietnam conflict 2006-2007. Like the other I need decals for this one too. If you are interested in making decals for these two please leave a PM or a reply in here. Let me know what ya think!
  7. F-15C OD SPL.jpg

    From the album Falcon161's Album

  8. Blue XL.jpg

    From the album Falcon161's Album

  9. UFO's: Have you seen one?

    ooohhhh man a subject I have had way too many experiences in. Know I have lived near an AF base and an airport almost my entire life and know what landing lights, navigation lights, and aircraft silhoutes look like. My first encounter is when I was 5 or six years old, I went to go outside and watch my father and our friend Lincoln fix our car when all the neighborhood dogs started going nuts! They were barking, growling, snarling, and staring angrily towards the sky. Our Black Lab and our dauchsund were acting the same way and when we looked up into the sky we saw a long white cylindrical shaped object that was being pursued by two fighters, we could tell these were AF jets as the object itself was dead silent and in an instant the damn thing just shot off into the night at an out of this world speed and the fighters turned back. The Local AF base commander said that the object was nothing more than space debris, ha I will call bull on his explanation as well as every other citizen of rockhill South Carolina who saw the object. But it doesnt stop there yill this day I can still see strange objects every once in a while where I live on Oak Island, NC. One object I saw was when I was talking to a girl on the phone looking at the stars. As I was looking at the stars a green streak of light caught my eye, I didnt know what to make of it and didnt think I would see it again. But I was wrong a couple of seconds later I saw it againand was able to follow it with my eyes it was a boomerang shaped object emitting a green glow and trail, it made some outrageous changes in direction mostly sharp acute angles and shot off towards the ocean at an outstanding speed, I would guess probably 13,000 MPH.
  10. I wish I could do my own comms mod but damn strept throat and larengitis is making it difficult to eat let alone talk. Plus the only audio recording I have is on my MP3 player.
  11. Yes my show is comin back on! I missed it so much!!! I was having dogfights withdraw!
  12. True but it would be interesting if all of those aircraft were production and seeing service! BTW love the Mig-1.44!
  13. Daredevil Evel Knievel dies at 69

    man I cant believe it! He will be greatly missed! R.I.P Knievel -you were a brave man!
  14. Although it is dificult I will be trying to make a splinter Camo together for the AH-1W. I'm just trying to figure out the best way to do it in GIMP 2.0, any hints or Ideas????
  15. I read that the Jordanian AF will be putting digitilized camo on their aircraft soon, or at least testing it out.
  16. RAF F-35 Helmet...

    ROFL!!! That is the creepiest helmet I've ever seen! Although it would look better if they got rid of the lights illuminating the eyes.
  17. Expect some more skin pics soon! Currently workin on one for the F-16XL
  18. File Name: TM Marine Corps F/A-18 File Submitter: Falcon161 File Submitted: 21 Nov 2007 File Updated: 23 Nov 2007 File Category: F/A-18 This is a fictional F/A-18 skin based on the 73rd TMMC Tactical Fighter wing from my up coming short story. I want to Thank littlesmoke for helping me with this skin and to the makers of this aircraft! Click here to download this file
  19. hehe I'll be wearing those ABUs next year when I join the USAF! Although I am more partial to the MARPAT myself!
  20. Fixed it, Thanks again HrntFixr! I will be releasing the F-14 shortly! So how do you like the skin for the Hornet?
  21. Agreed. Although I dont think the Army thought its colors out properly for it's ACU.
  22. Awesome to fly! Although I feel it needs some fists to help protect it, I'll play with the ini file and see if I can give it some weapon hardpoints!
  23. I like the looks of this plane Jelhelm it looks to be a mix of JSF, Yak-141, and the Kestrel. Keep up the good work bud! And dont worry bout the others man.

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