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Everything posted by Falcon161

  1. I know modding is hard. That is why I dont bother the modders because it's aggrevating and annoying! I have alot of skins in the works and some need touch ups thats why im a little drawn back about putting up teaser photos.
  2. What Do You Look Like in Uniform Thread

    This is me in My ARMY JROTC uniform at the 2007 SBHS Military Ball! Old pic of me since I have lost weight and gained muscle. This pic is in my work clothes. I work on the beach at Oak Island NC during the summer. As you can tell I lost weight and gained muscle. I dont have a current JROTC pic of me, I used to be a platoon sergeant but Now I am a First Sergeant in both Rank and Position.
  3. Me (Civies)

    From the album Pics of me

    Pic of me in civies
  4. 100_0283.jpg

    From the album Pics of me

  5. Army JROTC uniform

    From the album Pics of me

  6. Damn dude this baby looks awesome! Cant wait till it's release! Yeah btw putting 2 is definitely an Americanism. Although I never figured out why we dont just get rid of the II completely and use the original name! We Americans are weird when it comes to aircraft names !
  7. Love that tiger scheme! That would be an interesting one to fly around in!
  8. COWBELL!!!! I have a fever, and the only way to cure it is more cowbell!
  9. Any Good Anime Lately?

    Yu-Yu Hakasho is a good series quite funny in some episodes, plus the fighting is pretty good. I'll have to take a look at Kyoshiro to Towa no Sora I've heard about it, Im a Shoujo-AI fan so I guess im gonna watch it regardless, but I cried at the end of kannazuki no miko so Im probably gonna cry in this one too. Im also going to have to find some good big robot animes, any suggestions?
  10. ooohhhhh That hint just put images in my head of what the beast is goin to look like. Hey I have got some Ideas for a nice paint job if you are interested. I know you may not be that far with the AV-22, but if you are interested just pm me and I will give you the details. But do tell me, can the AV-22 carry hellfires? or AGM-114's?
  11. ohhhhh....care to tell? My curiosity level just rose! What could be more sinister than dual 20mm Chain Guns?
  12. I cant wait until the Tornado F3 is released! I think it's the better looking of the Tornado series! :yes:
  13. The AV-22 as described in my series has dual 20mm chain guns mounted in a way thats hard to describe but sorta look like how the super hinds is mounted. Pic of gun config on Super Hind <----Click Here
  14. My weaponsdata.ini has seemed to gone poof into thin air!. Damn I knew I shoul have backed it up! Any Idead of what happened? im about to uninstall the game and wait a month to play it again because im having battlefied 2 withdrawl.
  15. okay I'll take you up on that offer suhsjake. But be warned that they will be fictional and may be difficult.
  16. The faction in my short story series calls the attack version the AV-22 Harpy
  17. Any Good Anime Lately?

    Elfien Lied is very grusome and I didnt finish the series for some odd reason. But the Animes I thought were enjoyable were AREA 88, Onegai Teacher, Kannazuki No Miko(Have it, love it, and will never sell it! Im a Shoujo-Ai fan), Akira(Have it and love it), X series (pretty good series with an interesting storyline), Intial D(I love Drifting!!!), HellSing (awesome series!), Blood+, Xenosaga, Appleseed New CG version(Liked it but it doesnt live up to the original, they cut alot of stuff from the original out), And some others that I dont recall right now.
  18. If there is anyone who is good at making decals from scratch I desperately need help.
  19. T.M.N Mirage.jpg

    From the album Falcon161's Album

    This specialized Naval version of the Mirage F1 is only used by the T.M. Navy and has been overhauled with new avionics, weapons packages, and radar. This Mirage is of the 24th Tactical Naval Fighter Squadron (TNFS) based on the T.M.N.S. Kingson which since the escalation of the conflict in the bering straights, is now stationed in Alaska with the 4th Carrier Battle group.
  20. T.M.A.F SEA.jpg

    From the album Falcon161's Album

    On September 23rd 2004, a portion of Northern Vietnam broke off wanting a Democratic Government once again breaking Vietnam in two. A month later intense fighting between the Free Army of North Vietnam(FANV), and the Communist Army of South Vietnam (CASV) began. Since the U.S. Regular forces did not want to get involved the T.M. Sent two Carrier battle groups, 5 battalions of T.M Marines, 5 Battalions of T.M. Army Infantry, 4 Bomber Squadrons, and 12 Squadrons of Attack and Fighter aircraft. One of these squadrons is the 13th Tactical Fighter Squadron which is shown here in a T.M. Version of the F-15C sporting a SEA camflauge pattern.
  21. Green Wolves.jpg

    From the album Falcon161's Album

    The pride of the T.M. Navy the F-14J "Jaykat" in a modified version of the VF-1 Wolfpack squadrons paint job used for the T.M. Navy's 38th T.N.F.W Green Wolves. The Lead aircraft is seen here engaging a Mig-23MF Flogger of the CASV.
  22. BloodRavens.jpg

    From the album Falcon161's Album

    An F-15C of the 234th TFW "BloodRavens" of the T.M.A.F finnishing a CAP over the bering straights. The Blood Ravens are the second feared T.M.A.F Fighter squadron with 45 overall kills with no losses.

    From the album Falcon161's Album

    An F-2 of the T.M.J.A.S.D.F doing a flyby after arriving at Freezer Burn T.M. Airforce base. The F-2 shown here is with the 44th T.M.J.A.D.W(Teen Military Japanese Air Defense Wing).
  24. Now how would I make decals? and then import them into the game?
  25. Painted on the skin. And how would you make a skin high rez.

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