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Everything posted by Falcon161

  1. I prefer real world aircraft other than the star wars. I'm on a modern day aircraft binge myself. Love modern day MIG's and Sukhois, just waiting on the rest of Marcelos great flanker addons! And I'm also waitin on someone to make a MIG-1.44
  2. True. Sad, but true. The F-20 was just too dangerous to fly in real life. But a SFP1/WOV version would be awesome ! I personaly like the the F-20 more than the F-16 and the F-5! So a WOV version would be awesome! Somebody please make.
  3. I think I'll just stick to my AIM-54's and R-27's on my US SU-27.
  4. Damn dude the skins are awesome!!! Are you going to make more? Good Vid! My only gripe is that it wasnt long enough! Well keep up the good work dude!!
  5. I bet if that thing got a lock on a F-22, The Raptor would be in serious trouble!

    Yeah but if you notice the aircraft that derived from the originals are vastly improved EX: SU-27 and its most advanced derivitive the SU-37 which is vastly improved and has better maneuverability, canards, and TVN's.
  7. Flak in WOV

    I've bee nailed by Flak a few times. One of the most memorable was when I was Flying the Super Entendard at about 5,000 feet on a runway strike mission. As I was lining up to drop the 2,000 pound bombs I was carrying the flak just started to fill the sky! But I thought it was eye candy and wouldnt do me harm! Well right about after I thought that 100mm flak blew my left wing and my tail off! Leaving no other choice except to eject.
  8. He did not specify a squadron. And I did some research and I didnt find any squadrons (regular or tigermeet) that had anything like he wanted, so i cannot help you with squadrons or pictures(sorry). But I can describe it as he told it to me to the best of my abbilities! If you are interested.
  9. Damn nice work! suggestion though, and I'm not begging or pleading, just suggesting for someone who flew this plane (friend of the family)who realy wants to see an original paintjob that is dedicated to this amazing Aircraft! I would do it myself, but I uninstalled the game to install C&C 3(though I might reinstall it soon), but nor do I have the neccesary skining know how to do it! But anyway damn fine skin dude! Keep up the good work!
  10. tu-160

    Dont worry dude you're new to this site! I was once new to this site and just like you, a little bit forceful. But I found out myself that good things come to those who wait. Example me patiently waiting for the SU-27 to come out and me still waiting for other great aircraft to come out (like this one). But the next time you want to ask a question about an aircraft that is a WIP, search the forums, which is something I should have done when I was a new member !
  11. tu-160

    Why cant people just learn to be patient! That irritates me alot! What also irritates me is the fact that people have become just to arrogant or lazy to even search
  12. Hmmmmmmmmm. I'm confused as to why this thing is called the MIG-31 and isnt a name that isnt takin. Because the designation of MIG-31 is already taken by the Foxhound.
  13. My dream dogfight an SU-37 or SU-47 VS. an F-22 raptor! And in the hands of an experienced pilot the SU-37 wins!!!! If you couldnt tell I absolutely love the SU-37!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Check This out

    WOOHOOO ! Love this game! I wonder if the graphics are going to be cleaned up more? I remember when I first heard that the Comanche was being canceled! I was infuriated that they wasted 30 billion dollars on this program and then a year or so before the first operational one was to be produced they just cancelled it! I mean what is it going to take? another 8 Apaches going down, before they finaly realize that the apache is just too outdated! Well thats the arrogance of those damn generals, and politicians!
  15. Okay I have been playing WOV for a while and I am ready to move on to a more relistic flight sim and I chose this one. Now the only thing I have to do is find LOMAC and also a good but cheap joystick! But here is the kicker, I only have $50.00! Can any body direct me to a website or something that can fulfill this please? Any help is appreciated
  16. Where to find

    Damn! They have got some killer deals I may have to order from them! Thanks Jedi Master!
  17. OMG! I cant believe my fantasy of fly the SR-90 Aurora is on the horizon! Keep up the good work and I hope you get the flight dynamics right because this thing will be a blast to fly! And I do believe that this aircraft not only flew! But that it still does fly! According to some very reliable sources!
  18. Love the F-14! One of my favourite adversaries when I am in the Sukhoi SU-27! But seriously This plane was amazing and I am quite ticked because they retired it, because they thought it was too old! If it aint broke dont fix it! I mean look at the AK-47!
  19. UGGGHHHHH! Damn I want, I want!!!!!!!!!!! Damn good dude! You are such a tease though! Good story, I think there should be a section where we can post made up stories like that because I know I can make some yall will like (I think).
  20. The battroid mode can be accomplished but it would require redirecting alot of vital systems and also alot of time to train pilots to get use to the control scheme of goig from a fighter to a Mech. I remember 10 years ago when I was 8 I first watched the Robotech anime series on cartoon network (Shutters) I was drawn in and watched it to the last episode! I recently rewatched it and found out that they cut a lot of stuf out to make it "kid friendly" But I still love the series and glad that I can find it on youtube!
  21. Hells yeah! Am I the only person who believes that this can actualy be possible in real life! I mean sure it would be a challenge to do but it would be possible, yet it would be a son of a gun to train pilots to get to transform and fight in this. Well anyway hope to see this and many other Macross related addons soon! Keep up the great work. BTW Minmei still has an annoying voice.
  22. Intro Sequence anyone?

    LOL. Couldnt stand SEED! I just found it too corny! But when I found Area 88 on youtube I was Relieved that there was actualy a decent air combat anime!
  23. Yeah but wasnt the FB-22 just a prototype and never went into production? And I found out that the first squadrons that got the F-22 used to fly the Eagle, so they might have some control simularities.
  24. LOL I thought that movie was good but it would have been better if one of Terminators shot down Jamie fox's character instead of him crashing into a mountain!
  25. Do you think they will make a trainer version of the F/A-22 Raptor? Or are they going to rely on simulater time?

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