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Everything posted by Falcon161

  1. Operation Nova Part 1

    You mean it dude?
  2. Alright In one of the stories I right I talk of the F-4X Neo Phantom Which is a more streamlined, agile, and faster varient of the F-4. Now I was wondering how would that really look? Moddelers are welcome to take my idea and use it as they see fit. Tell me what you think it would look like or if you got the skill show me
  3. Look up F-4x and you will see what it looks like just with a one piece canopy
  4. DOnt know he was working on a bunch of skins and now it is like he dissappeared
  5. Basically the TM's F-4X is a continuation of the F-4x project by The israelis and the USAF....It is one of the First fighters used in the TM Air Services
  6. Almost just needs a one piece canopy and some more modern curves
  7. At nightshade...I know that feeling very well I like to take out helpless victims sometimes...example was coming back from and IRON HAND mission in a Su-30G Mamba and had 3 Mavericks, and five CBU-84's so I attacked some grounded Mig-31 and Mig-29's and went home a happy camper
  8. Damn sounds very similar to what is described and the asthetic changes make it look more modern and a little bit more aggressive
  9. I wanted to start this topic because of a couple of experiences I have had which are listed below. 1st. The first sighting happened in Raleigh NC around mid june or july of 2000 during the day through a pair of Binoculars. I was skanning the sky through a pair of high powered binoculars and something caught my eye a Gray Delta winged fighter plane doing a hard banking turn towards our apartment complex. Even though I was only 11 at the time I was pretty Knowledgable about Aircraft and helicopters especially Military. I did some research and found out that it was a Kfir (F-21 Lion), but I could not recognize any emblems on it, I know it was a star of some sort, it was shortly followed by an Flight of F-16C's. 2nd. About 3 months after the First sighting same place around 10 am. I was outside with a friend talking and we heard Jet engines, but as we were looking around 3 Fighters 2 F-15E's, and what I now know as an Su-33 flew over us close enough to shake the leaves of the trees around us. The Su-33 was Dark gray in color and carrying no weapons or pylons for that matter, it had no markings or even a tail number. 3. When i was at Parris Island We were Marching and some Helicopters flew over which I recognized as being Euro Copter Tigers flying with some AH-1Ws 4.This happened about 45minutes ago. I was laying down and heard helicopters, which is not an unusual occurrence over here, so I go out expecting to see the usual Black Hawk, Pavelow, Huey, Cobra, Chinook, or other Military Helicopter, but lo and behold my eyes see something I thought I would never see, two Mi-35's fly over I am still a little bit in shock about it and I am just trying to figure out what they are doing flying over here. So what are you Strange Aircrat sightings??
  10. Just wondering I saw a picture somewhere with the J-10 having wingtip rails. Any way I could do this?
  11. Alright I saw the Rafaele now I want it badly!!!!
  12. Strange aircraft sightings

    WEll I wouldnt call this one strange but about two or three days ago I was working when I got the urge to look up and I say clear as day a B-52 flying overhead...Now I live on the coast of North Carolina about 45minutes away from Wilmington so I am not used to seeing a Heavy Bomber around this area. F-16's, F-15's, F/A-18's, C-17's, C-130's, and the Occasional F-35 but never a BUFF until that day. It just struck me as odd.
  13. Looks like me and spinners are now in the same realm of skinning......challenge RAF Mig-31
  14. Well they may not be flashy but here are some Teen Military Aircraft in un-crappy Camo. Recently figured out how to use patterns and I am havin some serious fun with it!! B-1B Paladin of the 13th Tactical Bomber Command, TM Air Force Bombing targets in Iraq F-16C Block 30 Fighting Falcon of the 42nd Tactical Fighter Wing, TM Air Force searching for one unlucky convoy Near Iranian Border F-14J Jay Kat of the 37th Tactical Naval Fighter Wing, TM Navy on a strike mission in the Communist Republic of South Vietnam in mid 2004
  15. 42nd TFW.jpg

    From the album Falcon161's Album

  16. 37th TNFW.jpg

    From the album Falcon161's Album

  17. Hey man you gonna release skin templates that are GIMP 2.0 friendly for the UB? Got some fictional skins for The TM varient of this beauty that I want to get done badly.
  18. Just wish I was good at modding so I could actually do it and not rely on someone else to do it
  19. LOL. The AC-5 Gunships in mine go by the call sighn Cerberus.
  20. Hmm I was thinking 2 105mm Howitzers, 3 40mm Bofors, 2 30mm GAU-8. Metal storm armed version as well but I am worth nothin as a modeler! I am just thinking on how scary that would be to have two of the AC-5 circling you
  21. Yeah Kei Nagasei has some killer skins I jsut dont kknow if he is going to release them! I hope he does cause they are freakin killer!!!
  22. I still think this thing would be a bad ass Gunship Think spook only more guns!! AC-5 Globe Crusher! I have one in my stories and I just need to know if the load out would be realistic
  23. Hey what about a fictional Gunship AC-5 Globe Crusher
  24. I thought the shadow cat was sexy just needed a longer nose/cockpit.

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