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Everything posted by Falcon161

  1. 34th Light Fighter wing

    From the album Falcon161's Album

  2. Hey Blackbird nice man I love both the model and the name
  3. Yeah man it will be released when it is ready, cant wait to see it done.
  4. Wha..... That thing is beautiful man!
  5. Hmmmm that Aircraft is Gorgeaous if I had a choice of Nickname it would be Falchion, cause for some odd reason this reminds me of that certain sword
  6. :cray: It's so beautiful man! Gosh that thing is going to be a beast! Any Name or designation it is going by?
  7. Hahaha lol. Swithces to Arnold voice " You're Fired!"
  8. Thats pretty cool! I like that kind of stuff, now imagine the Royal American Air Force
  9. Boeing unveils new F-15 Silent Eagle

    Ooooh pretty! Calling all modders, lol! Seriously though I could see myself flying this thing in the skies of WOV
  10. Dude you Aircraft is freakin gorgeaous! I cant wait to take to the skies in this, keep up the good work man!
  11. Dont.....Tease....Me.....Like.....That!!!!!!!! That thing is gorgeaous and I would love that thing to be in my skies helping terrorize some Raptors, and JSF's
  12. I say smoke them! For all brass knows they are recon planes
  13. Unfortunately man I too am having problems in the job market. Greeat model man it's a blast when you're not getting chased down by F-15 ACTIVES
  14. OOOOH that twin seat A-7 is sexy!
  15. I drooled a little when I saw the Rafael
  16. Bwahahahahhaha whew damn Zur I didnt know you were night Gowns while flying too! JK JK
  17. Hmmmm I like both cause it is fun terrifying The Iraqi Cannon Fodder Air Force in My Su-30G, but it is equally enjoying terrorizing ground forces in an A-10 with a mixture of CBU-97's, AGM-64's, and the 30mm
  18. ROFLMAO thats gold! Hate to be the target of that "Bomb"
  19. that F-4 should rattle their windows pretty good
  20. Good googly moogly dude shoot decals are the reason why I cant get mine done I am stuck using shapes in gimp to stand in for decals.
  21. Damn dude that is pretty damn good! I wish I could get skins done for my short story series done. You any good at adding or creating fictional decal bro?
  22. I think this thing will be a beast! I love this take on it cause it is just going to look so cool!
  23. I personally love using the bomblet dispersal unit on the Tornado! :)
  24. RAMPAGE...

    It seems to be the pilots, For example 4 Su-30G, TMAF versions of the Su-30, against about 20 or more Mig-31M's. We were armed with R-27's, Python 3's, R-77's, and AIM-54's. They managed to damage my wingman with their guns so I sent him back to base. we obliterated the Mig-31's I got about 8 missile kills and 2 gun kills the others im my flight mopped up the others quickly!
  25. I created one check her out I believe she is on page two but it's up to shin weather or not he uses her, cause I made her so that she is not attracted to guys and is a badass/Hot pilot. BTW shin if you decide to use her please let me know, thanks man cant wait to see sketches

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