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Everything posted by ojcar

  1. Sad news for me.

    We are all with you. Be strong.
  2. Some newbie questions

    Second row is also used by gunner kills in two seaters.
  3. Maybe rudders are meant to be attached to stabilizers by the game (this is a "son of a jet sim" anyway). Maybe you can change the damage box to have the faux stabilizer more coincident with the rudder one. This way, when the rudder is lost, also is the stabilizer. You can also change the stabilizer DamageRating to DESTROYED. Your work look very promising. Some day I'll try it.
  4. Thoughts

    I started to mod the game for my own use, and I know my campaigns and FMs are far from perfect (I'm not a computer expert, nor Aeronautical engineer, nor historian)...but I like to make them and play the game. And I couldn't care less if them doesn't meet someone else's standards. I'm not a game professional and don't pretend to be one. Do you like them? Cool, I'm happy with that. Do you feel my mods can be better and want to make some kind of (polite) feedback? Cool, I'll try my best to make them better for all of you and me. Don't like them and want to be like Ubizoo people (the old Il-2 Sturmovik forum, plenty of rivet counters and all kind of trolls)? Not cool. I'm not forcing anyone to download my mods. Don't like it? Don't use it. I feel your pain, Stephen, and I don't like some things I'm reading here lately. But I'll keep on modding, because I love the game. BTW: one of these days I'll bite the bullet and install all of these new FMs. I'm sure they'll be better than mine!
  5. Hello, friends! I just have uploaded a new Armchair Aces update! Its a gigantic update, with lots of new planes. Enjoy it! New in this compilation: -Corrected service start date for Aviatik CI (it seems from Windstock Datafile that Aviatik CI went to frontline sooner). -Bigger ground battles. -New planes: New B.E.2c, B.E.2e, B.E.12, Martinsyde G100, Martinsyde G102, Beardmore Nieuport 12, AEG CIV, Caudron GIV, LVG CII, "new" Pfalz EII. -Deleted Aviatik CII: it was dubious this plane was built in quantity, let alone to fly in combat. -Some new FMs
  6. Spanish Skies

    I don't want to be disrespectful, but it seems the fuselage is too long.
  7. Spanish Skies

    Maybe this one? I haven't fly it very much and I don't really know if it's good. For true great 30's FMs call Baffmeister AR-68E_DATA.zip
  8. Armchair Aces updated!

    Hello! -I don't really know. My campaigns for Armchair Aces Redux (Western Front) are made by copying month by month those in the old Western Front Patch from Red Baron 3D (with some changes here and there). I suppose it's true. There were more planes for the Entente the whole war. On the other hand, my Palestine campaigns are much more researched and (at least in the air units) are very close to the real campaigns. -I don't know. I lose lots of AI pilots and get replacements (but I don't copy my pilots from one saved campaign to the next). -I suppose this is because FE is a "son" of a Jet sim and it maybe doesn't calculate this stuff very well. I didn't notice this before, but I don't pay very much attention to the briefings. Oscar
  9. SPAD XII Cannon?

    Fly a balloon busting mission and see.
  10. SPAD XII Cannon?

    It works with the machine-gun. you push the trigger and you are firing the machine gun and one 37mm shell. Then you must reload the gun (the same button you use when you are reloading a Lewis). This is not an auto-cannon. It fires only a shell each time.
  11. Spanish Skies

    Some I-15 were rearmed in Spain with the ShKAS.
  12. Spanish Skies

    There were some I-152 (Superchato in Spain) at the end of war, and maybe some Fokker D.XXI as well, but until I'm know there weren't used in combat by the Republicans.
  13. Spanish Skies

    Beautiful! But they are an I-153 and a I-152.
  14. Armchair Aces updated!

    Hello! I agree. There are too much air activity in the early campaigns. I let them as they are because the fun factor. Maybe I can tweak this in next version. For Armchair Aces I'm using some old Red Baron 3D mods and copying them into the FE system (with some changes, of course). For some reason the FE code is much more aggresive than the Redbaron 3D one and so you'll have much more dogfights than Western Front Patch, for example. Some things I can do (and needs to be tested): -I can change some Allied "Fighter" squadrons into Recon ones, -I can reduce number of fighters in fighter squadrons. -I can play with Moral in the Squadrons. -I can play with the kind of missions assigned to the squadrons. -I can play with AircraftReplacementTime and AircraftReplacement. What do you think? BTW: the career linker is a very good idea (for example, start the war in Western Front and being transferred to Palestine), but I think some kind of career transfer could damage your earned medals.
  15. Spanish Skies

    Another very interesting site. http://www.fjavier.es/aire1936-39/ Tell me if you have problems with translation
  16. Spanish Skies

    An interesting site (if you read Spanish. If not, use some translator). The planes come with number used. This is important, beause for example only two Dewoitine D-510 were used. http://www.sbhac.net/Republica/Fuerzas/Armas/Armas.htm
  17. More Flamers, Please!

    You can try to make the fuel tank boxes bigger in the data.ini.
  18. I don't know. You must have in mind this is a game where (in its vanilla version) you are a fighter pilot, while 2 seaters are managed by AI. To make things worst, this is the son of a Jet sim (with a lot of "radio" orders instead the simpler "hand" orders we have in FE), so some missions aren't very well done for a WWI sim (recon ones, for example). Nevertheless, two seater campaigns are very fun to play
  19. I don't know. I don't fly bombers very much and when I do, I usually make something like "shallow dive bombing" to destroy or damage the target myself. In Aircraftobject.ini you have this: [LevelBombAI] PullOutRange=100.0 PullOutAlt=100.0 ReleaseAlt=1000.0 SecondPassRange=500.0 SecondPassAlt=800.0 ReleaseCount=4 ReleaseInterval=0.5 [DiveBombAI] RollInRange=1000.0 RollInAlt=1000.0 PullOutRange=100.0 PullOutAlt=100.0 ReleaseAlt=250.0 SecondPassRange=800.0 SecondPassAlt=800.0 ReleaseCount=2 ReleaseInterval=0.8 [RocketAttackAI] RollInRange=100.0 RollInAlt=1000.0 PullOutRange=100.0 PullOutAlt=200.0 ReleaseRange=800.0 SecondPassRange=800.0 SecondPassAlt=800.0 ReleaseCount=4 ReleaseInterval=0.2 [strafeAI] RollInRange=500.0 RollInAlt=250.0 PullOutRange=50.0 PullOutAlt=30.0 ReleaseRange=500.0 SecondPassRange=500.0 SecondPassAlt=400.0 ReleaseInterval=1.0 Maybe if you guide the formation out of parameters, you'll need the attack order...
  20. If you order "attack ground target, they will attack the dangerous targets, aka the anti-aircraft units. This is useful if you want to attack at low level, You bomb the target and meanwhile, your friends will destroy the flak for you. If you don't say anything, your flight mates will do the normal bombing run and attack the mission target. Your wingman usually doesn't attack, so you can do the bombing run with your flight, and after that you can win more mission points by ordering your wingman to "attack ground targets" an destroy some flak units. So, the best is to have at least 4 planes in a bombing mission. Three planes (including you) will do the normal bombing run and throw their bombs to the target. Then you have your wingman with some more bombs. In case you don't hit the target, you can order your wingman to attack some flak and at least have some points (or not, not very wise to attack Pom-Poms!). Or you can run without giving any order to your wingman.
  21. FE2 Observations and Musings

    About the AI settings: -If you Choose Easy AI, the game change the missions to have more experienced pilots by your side than the enemy ones. -If you choose Hard AI, your foes will be more experienced than your friends. -If You choose Normal AI, the game will use the vanilla flies from the campaigns and you'll have more or less experienced pilots in both sides (and depending on what unit you are flying for) I fly Normal AI.
  22. Vogesen 2

    Very good work!
  23. FE2 Bad Framerates

    You can use UseAdvancedShaders=1 and add this: Effects.zip

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