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Everything posted by ojcar

  1. What do we need?

    I'd like a new medals pack covering all "new" countries in game: Ottoman, Austro-Hungarian, Russian, Italian (and even Romanian and Bulgarian if someone makes a Romania map...) And, of course, some more two seaters: A couple late 1917-18 german ones (Rumpler CIV, LVG CV/VI, Halberstadt CVI, Albatros CXII....choose a couple). Halberstatd CLII: very needed if you want to fly a Schusta/Schlasta career in Armchair Aces. Flying escort missions in Western Front in a Roland CII or AEG CIV is hard... A couple of late Italian two seaters (SAML S2, Pomilio PE, SIA 7) But I think I can use nearly any plane (We have a lot of maps for them now)
  2. What do we need?

    Hello! After seeing again some Roland DI draws and pictures, I think Crowford is right. The pilot complaints were about the landing visibility. In fact the front visibility is more or less the same than the Roland CII.
  3. What do we need?

    Well, The Roland DI had even less front visibility than DII. If you want not seeing anything in front of you while in combat...
  4. File Name: Armchair Aces over Palestine File Submitter: ojcar File Submitted: 27 June 2014 File Category: First Eagles Missions and Campaigns Welcome WWI buffs! This is a new series of campaings, covering the air war over Palestine Front in WWI The entire war is divided in mini-campaigns of a month-10 missions. I'm using the fantastic Palestine map. You'll have about 20 mini-campaigns and 200 missions per pilot! You'll fly as British, Australian, German or Ottoman pilot. This series is made for FE2, but you also have a FE1 version. Click here to download this file
  5. Armchair Aces updated!

    Some planes are more spin-prone than others. It's difficult to fine tuning it. You can start here: STALL FACTORS IN SF The Stall parameters for the wings [LeftWing, RightWing, LeftOuterWing and RightOuterWing] are as follows: CLMax is the maximum Lift Factor Alpha is the Angle of Attack AlphaStall is the angle (in degrees) at which the aircraft stalls AlphaMax is the maximum angle of attack (in degrees) the aircraft becomes uncontrollable or enters a spin AlphaDepart is the maximum angle of attack (in degrees) before the aircraft will definitely spin All of these Alpha terms are in degrees from horizontal The lift "curve" is modeled as 4 connected straight line segments - first part with slope of CLa to AlphaStall, then at reduced slope to AlphaMax, then flat top segment to AlphaDepart, and it drops off from there. Also, past AlphaStall, there is some randomness subtracted, so none of the wing panels have exactly the same amount of lift. (this randomness increases in magnitude as Alpha increase). StallMoment is the additional pitching moment you get when the wing section starts to stall. positive pitch (+) makes it so it pitches up as you stall (making it more unstable), negative pitch (-) makes it so it pitches down when you stall (making it more stable). The default value, if you don't specify a value, I think, is -0.02, which I think would make for gentle mushing forward type stall I was looking for... There are a couple of other stall/depart variables added, all of them have default values so if you don't specify, you just get the default behaviour you see... PostStallCma= determinesthe Cma (pitching moment due to Angle-of-Attack (Alpha)) past stall. Pre-stall, the engine uses lift value and xac value to calculate the pitching moment. Once the wing stalls and departs, additional pitching moment of StallMoment + the PostStallCma * (AoA - AlphaDepart) is added. I think this defaults to -0.2 or something. StallHysteresis= (should be from 0.0 to 1.0) determines how far the AoA has to be reduced in order for the airflow to reattach itself. I think 0.0 means the wing section will be unstalled as soon as AoA goes back under the stall angle, 1.0 means wing will unstall only when AoA goes back to 0 deg. I think the default is 0.4 or something. PostStallZeroLiftAlpha = this is the angle at which the lift goes down to zero. Post AlphaDepart, the lift is linearly reduced down to zero at this angle. I think this defaults to 90-deg... Good luck.
  6. Armchair Aces updated!

    Hello, Buddy! I'm happy you are enjoying the game and understand my English-with-mixed-Spanish-gramatics-instructions 1- Aces are really good shooters, but can be defeated (with a lot of practice). This game doesn't have such effect (another bug), but i have finished some missions and when I have read the debrieffing, I have found myself injured. My advise is: never go head to head against an enemy (specially against two guns fighters) and don't be "target fixated". When you see tracers coming at you fron your tail, break!!!! and use the strong points of your plane 2- All these (excellent) objects must be installed by hand in each terrain (a true pain, believe me). You will need to moddify each targets.ini and types.ini. It's a hugue lot of work. In the Eastern Front (and I think in Palestine), Stephen did all this work. Now I'm working for the next update!
  7. Armchair Aces updated!

    I don't know. I suppose it's also a question of control sensibility. WWI aircraf had very primitive ailerons, rudders, etc so I think that more modern aircraft gives you faster response, hence more Gs. (or something like that) Nevetheless, the important think is you can change BlackoutStartG and RedoutStartG to your taste. And don't worry about your English. I'm from Spain and you are from Ukraine. It's a miracle I'm talking with you and we are understanding something...
  8. Armchair Aces updated!

    It's simply because the WWI planes can't reach such accelerations (G's) under normal maneouvres. You are flying at about the same speed of a car. Bulldogs or I-15 fly at about 280-370 km/h. If you dive with one of these in game, you can reach 450 km/h easily and pull a lot of Gs in the recover. And they have 440-750 Hp engines. Youl'' have much more power (and surely acceleration) than a SPAD or SE5a The typical WWI aircraft flies at about 160-190 Km/h. The typhical SPAD XIII had 220Hp. So they don't reach a lot of Gs (and if you try too hard you'll probably break your plane, because their poor tolerance)
  9. Armchair Aces updated!

    Well, I'll give you some clues: -Extract the file -Put the file in your Objects folder. -Start the game. -Go to Single mission. -Fly a powerful airplane (I have tested it in a Fokker VIIF) -When you are in the air (better in 1000m or more height), make a power dive. -When you reach a lot of speed, do a looping or a inverted looping (very unrealistic maneouver in this plane, but it serves as a test) -Tell me what happens in your screen . -If you don't like it in this way go to the file (open it with wordpad) an play with these lines: [PilotGLimits] BlackoutStartG=4.0 BlackoutAmount=1.01 RedoutStartG=-2.5 RedoutAmount=0.05 RestoreRate=0.05
  10. Armchair Aces updated!

    Put this in your objects folder and test it AIRCRAFTOBJECT.zip
  11. Armchair Aces updated!

    Yes, as said before, it's an old game and it has some bugs, but I still love it!
  12. Roland D.IIa

    Oh dear...could you simply enjoy the plane? It must be very hard to Stephen to spent his free time building an aircraft and reading a neverending give me-give me-give me... At least this plane is much better than the WOFF or the ROF versions...Oh, wait!
  13. Version 1.2


    Welcome WWI buffs! This new series is a compilation covering 15 months of air war in Galicia Front in WWI. The entire war is divided in mini-campaigns of a month-10 missions. I'm using the brand new Galicia 2 terrain by Stephen1918. You'll have about 15 mini-campaigns and 150 missions per pilot! The beauty of this approach is that you can follow your fav unit throught the war, or you can simulate unit transfers for your pilot. You can start as a two seater pilot (as most Germans did), and then be "transferred" to a fighter unit. This mod is intended for FE2, but I think it works fine in FE with a little text edit (change all SPAD7_150 references for SPAD7 ones).
  14. Well, It's difficult, because I'm not the owner of these files. Some planes are from The A-Team Skunkworks site and they have their rules (that I respect). Some other files are from people that aren't here from ages (Peter01 for example) and I cant have their permission. The most difficult is to make your first install. My advise is to install plane-by plane, skin-by-skin and test it. Im sure when you'll install your tenth plane you'll be an expert. My advise if you want to have the whole Armchair Aces series. -Make an install to each theater (Palestine, Galicia, North Sea, Western Front) -I'd try the North Sea first (Forgothen heroes mod). It has very few planes to install. -Then I'd install Palestine. It has some more planes, ground objects, etc -Then go for Galicia. Some more planes and stuff. If you have installed correctly these three, you can go to: -Armchair Aces Redux (aka Western Front). And be ready to install a ton of different stuff. I now it can be tedious, but once you have the basic install, updated are usually a matter of install a couple of new planes. Piece of cake. By the way, a new medals pack with Russian, Austro-Hungarian, Ottoman and Italian medals is badly needed. Capitaine Vengeur, I'm looking at you!
  15. Victory at Sea

    Well man, you made me to buy the game!
  16. Well, itt's not fair to compare a very old picture of a very old sim (this is a Red Baron picture, not even a Red Baron 3D picture) that worked in my old 386 machine (With MS-DOS, not Windows at all), with any modern game. It's like saying: "I'm not very impressed with the Ford-T, I like much more my Ford Mustang 2015". I'm sure the man will do a modern sim (if the project is finished anytime)
  17. LFG Roland D.II

    The D.IIa had somewhat lenghtened nose, axle moved forward and revised louvred access panels....but it looks nearly the same. I have no problem to making a D.IIa FM if you don't mind some little inaccuracies in the model. But have in mind pilots liked the D.II more, because the Mercedes engine didn't lose so much power than the Argus one in great heights.
  18. Anatra D "Anade"

    What's happened with the file? I can't download it.
  19. F2B package



    So you all have the wonderful F2B by the A-Team? And the not least wonderful Peter01 FM for this bird? Very well, I have tuned a little more the FM (more easy take off for the AI), and have added a virtual second Machine gun for the observer. You'll see only one Lewis (that's the way the model it's done), but be careful, because there are two Lewis firing at you (in the very same location). I also changed the POW in the cockpit, so it's much more easier firing the Vickers! The original FM (F2Ba, the one without wing Lewis, historically more correct) is from a 275 Hp Falcon III engined, so I have decided to make both Falcon I (190Hp with only one Lewis) and Falcon II (220Hp) engined Bristols!!!!
  20. Bombs won't drop

    I don't know.....I'm running the game in Windows 7 and it works OK.
  21. Bombs won't drop

    You should have a key to select weapon. Select the bombs and after that you can release them with the proper key.
  22. Windows 10

    If not broken, not fix it!
  23. Armchair Aces updated!

    Hello, friends! Armchair Aces Redux has been updated once again! New stuff in 1.4: -Schneider CA1 tank -Halberstadt D.V -Albatros D.I (Stephen1918) -Fokker D.III (Stephen1918)
  24. Cavalry Units


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