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Files posted by ojcar

  1. Armchair Aces over Italy

    Welcome WWI buffs! This is a mammoth compilation of a series covering the (mostly) complete air war in Italian Front in WWI. 
    The entire war is divided in mini-campaigns of a month-10 missions. I'm using the shockingly beautiful CaporettoV2 map by Gterl. You'll have about 25 mini-campaigns and 250 missions per pilot!
    The beauty of this approach is that you can simulate unit transfers for your pilot. You can start as a two seater pilot (as most Austro-Hungarians did), and then be "transferred" to a fighter unit. 
    This mod is intended for FE2. FE1 pilots will need to edit the campaigns to fly them, for example changing the name of the planes like AlbatrosD5_170 to AlbatrosD5 or something like that....Please, don't ask me for a FE1 version. I'm doing 117 campaigns for the entire series and it's a lot of work!!!! Nevertheless, if someone want to make an FE1 version it has my agreement (if it's free for the people, of course).
    So, be ready for a downloading fest.
    Before installing this mod it's better you have an Italy only install for your FE2


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  2. Armchair Aces over Galicia

    Welcome WWI buffs! This new series is a compilation covering 15 months of air war in Galicia Front in WWI.
    The entire war is divided in mini-campaigns of a month-10 missions. I'm using the brand new Galicia 2 terrain by Stephen1918. You'll have about 15 mini-campaigns and 150 missions per pilot!
    The beauty of this approach is that you can follow your fav unit throught the war, or you can simulate unit transfers for your pilot. You can start as a two seater pilot (as most Germans did), and then be "transferred" to a fighter unit.
    This mod is intended for FE2, but I think it works fine in FE with a little text edit (change all SPAD7_150 references for SPAD7 ones).


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  3. Armchair Aces Redux

    Armchair Aces Redux by Ojcar
    Welcome WWI buffs! This is a mammoth compilation of a series covering the (mostly) complete air war in Western Front in WWI.
    The entire war is divided in mini-campaigns of a month-10 missions. I'm using the two stock maps plus the Vogesen map. You'll have about 39 mini-campaigns and 390 missions per pilot!
    New in this compilation:
    - In 1.5:
    -Roland D.II
    -Roland D.IIa
    -SPAD 11
    -SPAD 16
    -Fixed some typhos in campaign files


       (4 reviews)



  4. Armchair Aces over Palestine

    Welcome WWI buffs! This is a new series of campaings, covering the air war over Palestine Front in WWI
    The entire war is divided in mini-campaigns of a month-10 missions. I'm using the fantastic Palestine map. You'll have about 20 mini-campaigns and 200 missions per pilot!
    You'll fly as British, Australian, German or Ottoman pilot.
    This series is made for FE2, but you also have a FE1 version.


       (1 review)



  5. AI flyable rigid Airships

    Well, a quick and dirty work to make AI flyable two of the excellent Stephen1918 airships.
    -The real L32 Zeppelin was shot down in 1916 over Horns Reef by the cruisers Galetea and Phaeton while trying to raid England. Before this it made 77 recon missions over North Sea.
    The model we have is intended to have a generic German rigid Airship to use in campaign mode (you should create units with one plane and only one pilot).
    -The real R23 class was never used in combat, but two of the improved R23X were built in 1918, and in fact one of them, the R29 attacked the UB-115 U-boat (it also was attacked by some ships. The submarine was sunk, and this was the only recoorded success of a British rigid airship.
    Both airships are hard to destroy with machine guns, but the AI fighters will try to pass through the Airship sometimes (a game engine limit). Bad idea! The fighter will be destroyed (and the pilot probably will had the VC or Legion d'honneur) and the Airship badly damaged.
    To install them you should put the AirshipR23 and ZeppelinL32 folders into your Aircraft folder.
    Enjoy it!
    Both models and skins by Stephen1918
    All FMs, Loadouts and .ini stuff by Ojcar
    Special thanks to Peter01 and Hitchingbroke!


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  6. Unsung Heroes

    Welcome to a very different WWI campaign experience! This is a semi-fictional Floatplane campaign.
    This campaign start in November 1917, in North Sea. A very interesting month, because in October the German High Seas Fleet, operating in the Baltic, assisted in capturing the islands of Oesel, Dagö and Moon (Google for Operation Albion, please). Also, in November 1917 was the Second Battle of Heligoland Bight (Google for it, please).
    At the same time Germans kept on sending out their submarines and merchant raiders, Entente forces continued trying to blockade shipments to the German ports. From time to time, German Fleet units ventured out to shell the British coast in an attempt to lure British ships into a trap. And, of course, fishing ships and coastal merchants continue to operate along the German coasts. The German High Seas Fleet remains in the Baltic Sea, and Zeppelins are a menace too...As I said, very interesting times!
    This campaign depicts the use of Seaplane Tenders in both sides, trying to spot the enemy ships, hunting down the Zeppelins and attacking enemy ships, submarines, and of course planes.
    Thank you to Stephen1918 for all the wonderful planes, ships, airships and the wonderful terrain......And of course all the texts revision and betatesting! Stephen, you rock!


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  7. Armchair Aces 1918

    The last chapter in the series. This one finishes the war. Thank you all the modders an community!


       (2 reviews)



  8. Armchair Aces 1917

    This is the third chapter of Armchair Aces, covering air ops in Western Front, 1917. About 120 missions per pilot. You can fly as Australian as well now!
    You must have install Armchair Aces 1915 and 1916 before this!


       (1 review)



  9. Armchair aces 1916

    This is the second chapter of the series, covering 1916 ops. About 120 missions per pilot.
    You can fly as a Belgian pilot too.
    You'll need to have Armchair aces 1915 installed


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  10. F2B package

    So you all have the wonderful F2B by the A-Team?
    And the not least wonderful Peter01 FM for this bird?
    Very well, I have tuned a little more the FM (more easy take off for the AI), and have added a virtual second Machine gun for the observer. You'll see only one Lewis (that's the way the model it's done), but be careful, because there are two Lewis firing at you (in the very same location). I also changed the POW in the cockpit, so it's much more easier firing the Vickers!
    The original FM (F2Ba, the one without wing Lewis, historically more correct) is from a 275 Hp Falcon III engined, so I have decided to make both Falcon I (190Hp with only one Lewis) and Falcon II (220Hp) engined Bristols!!!!


       (1 review)



  11. Armchair aces 1915

    From the Readme and installation notes:
    Welcome WWI buffs! This is the first chapter in a series covering the (mostly) complete air war in Western Front in WWI. Next chapters coming in the standard two weeks!
    The entire war is divided in mini-campaigns of a month-10 missions. I'm using the two stock maps plus the Vogesen map. This first chapter starts in August 1915, so until end of 1915 you'll have 50 missions per pilot! (and be in mind this is the shortest chapter)
    The beauty of this approach is that you can follow your fav unit throught all maps, or you can simulate unit transfers for your pilot. You can start as a two seater pilot (as most Germans did), and then be "transferred" to a fighter unit. You can start as a RNAS pilot, and be in the RAF at the proper time, you can start in Escadrille 124 (the La Fayette escadrille) in French Army and end the war ir a USAS unit......A lot of possibilities.
    This mod is intended for FE2, because in 1917 and 1918 you'll need the different Albatros, Strutters, SPADS et al with different engines that FE2 has. FE1 pilots will need to edit the campaigns to fly them, for example changing the name of the planes like AlbatrosD5_180 to AlbatrosD5....Please, don't ask me for a FE1 version. I'm doing 117 campaigns for the entire series and it's a lot of work!!!! Nevertheless, if someone want to make an FE1 version it has my agreement (if it's free for the people, of course).
    So, be ready for a downloading fest.
    Very important!!!! Read the Readme!!!!


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  12. Fix for dust effect in Stephen1918's infantry (FE2)

    The dust effect in Stephen1918 infantry is made for FE1 and doesn't work in FE2 using Dx10. So I fixed this issue.
    To install, put the RunningInfantryEmitter inside your modded Effects folder overwtritting when asked


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  13. Pfalz D.III, D.XII, Roland DVIa package

    So you all have the wonderful Pfalz DIII and DIIIa by the A-Team?
    And the not least wonderful Peter01 FM for this bird?
    Very well, I have tuned a little more the FM because I think it needed to be a little tuned down. The DIIIa in game was faster than an Albatros DVa (180Hp) (just the contrary to pilot
    stories about it). No more!
    The Pfalz D XII was the contrary case. It was a close competitor for the Fokker VII, but in game was slower than the old DIIIa, so it has a new FM as well.
    I have made also an FM for the Roland DVIa, beacuse there is no Peter01 FM for this plane (I think so). It's fast and nimble, but doesn't climb very well. Probably needs more testing...
    Besides, reading about the Mercedes DIII engine history I noticed that early Pfalz DIII had the Mercedes DIII engine and late Pfalz DIIIa had the Mercedes DIIIaü (180Hp), but this engine
    was in service in March 1918 and the DIIIa were in the units in late 1917, so.....we were lacking an engine!
    At the same time, Albatros DIII and DV were given the Mercedes DIIIa (170Hp), so I have made a 170 Hp Pfalz!


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  14. Bofors 40 mm L70 Antiaircraft gun

    New Bofors 40 mm L70 Antiaircraft gun, using the 3D from Kesselbruth's Bofors 40mm L60 Antiaircraft gun. New version with radar and new gundata to make it useful for NF4+ and SF2V/WOV air and ground expansion pack (normal difficult for russian aaa guns).
    Also, alternate Bofors L60 Antiaircraft gun and alternate Cold War Antiaircraft guns GUNDATA.INI, simulating Shrapnel. This alternate data is lighter than NF4+ and SF2V/WOV air and ground expansion pack (normal difficult for russian aaa guns), but heavier than the out of the box Thirdwire AAA.
    Please, read the Readme.
    Good flying to Red mudmovers!
    Thank you, Kesselbruth, for your wonderful work, and all Thirwire
    Community (the best modding community ever).
    Be free to use or mod these files in any freeware mod.


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  15. MiG-15 Fagot A mod 1.1 version

    Well, the MiG-15 and MiG-15bis were nearly identical in looks, so I have modded the good ol' Pasko's MiG-15bis into a MiG-15. The Data.ini is strongly based in the new MiG-15bis package from Dave (I love this and the new Sabers).
    The differences are:
    -Worst airbrakes in MiG-15
    -Different guns.
    -Different engine
    -Mig-15 is heavier than MiG-15bis
    I have touched the Data.ini only. Nearly all the credit must be for Pasko and Dave. It's their work!
    The external model is the same than MiG-15bis. All the MiG-15bis skins fit in MiG-15.
    Good hunting!
    Errr....Sorry, but there was an error in the first release, making the MiG-15 lighter than MiG-15bis. This is now corrected.
    As a plus, I have included Ordway's MiG-15 cockpit. It's a Must-Have!
    Remember: I have done a few changes, but the bulk of the work and all the credit for this plane must be for Pasko, Dave and Ordway!


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