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      26 September - Maintenance Notification   09/21/2024

      CombatACE.com will be offline this upcoming Thursday morning, September 26, 2024. The duration of this event will be 4-5 hours. Our website will be unavailable and return an error during that time. Maintenance of our equipment is unavoidable, and this downtime will allow the opportunity to replace worn and damaged fans, power supply units, and thermal paste throughout all our equipment. Thank you for reading our maintenance advisory.


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Posts posted by Coyote

  1. I am thru and thru US of A..I have been to that god forsaken desert over there the first time. I think this time will be different. I also love Bush in office, and support him as a citizen. I do however think there is a hidden agenda here. I have seen nothing bad that Iraq has done to this point. They havent found any weapons, and Saddam is actually not being an ass. It looks to me that our government is really hard pressed to send troops there...Like I said before Bush and Powell really wanna go there...

  2. Just thought I would pop in and lewt everybody now that The Den is down. I have everything switched to the new host except the Domain name. They told its gonna take at least 72 hours...UH..pain...anyway I should be backup this weekend..Dont worry I havent stopped working. Since I didnt get anything up this last weekend, this weekend is gonna be a BIG weekend..I will be releasing alot of skins. The list includes:


    1 A-4

    2 Phantoms (1 of which is a gorgeous Japanese Air Defense skin)

    2 B-57

    2 Il-28

    and I might even finish off my Mig 19's..got 3 on the boards for release. So thank you guys for being patient with the move, and I promise the wait will be worth it!

  3. Just thought I would throw this out there, but I will be releasing 6 new A-4e skins, and maybe a couple of new Mig skins, we shall see..I'm looking at Sat night, or even sunday for the release. I wanted to release them, and the new site layout bout the sametime. The list includes:


    VA-34 "BlueBlasters"

    VA-23 "Black Knights"

    VA-55 "WarHorses"

    VA-46 "Clansmen"

    VA-22 "Fighting Redcocks"

    VMA-331 "Bumble Bees"


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