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Everything posted by GwynO

  1. File Name: Foreign Sabres Pack File Submitter: Kopis n Xiphos File Submitted: 18 Jul 2009 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Aircraft 17th July 2009 SF2 version updates by knx, all props go to original creators as listed below dotted line. Install instructions, drag and drop Objects folder into your mod folder. Here's the original readme, not all of the contents are included here as the pack seems to have been broken down into smaller packs, more on the way soon: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ................. F-86 Sabre /MiG-15 README: First of all I would like to think “USAFMTL” for allowing me to be a part of this effort. Secondly thanks go to David Zurawski for his wonderful F-86 Sabre that is such a work of art. Thirdly thank you to all that have modeled and skined the work to developed individual sub-models of the F-86. Thanks to Jimmy Bib for all his graphical engineering. Lastly thank you to “Fubar 512" for his expert guidance in my effort in Flight Modeling. If ever the was an aircraft the looked, felt, smelt, and tasted like a fighter aircraft ; it’s the F-86 Sabre! And being an actual jet rated pilot, with a little over 1,200 actual flight hours, compelled me to tweak , my “Sweet Sabre”. Being my all time favorite aircraft and being an avid history nut about the Korean Conflict compelled me in an effort to add to these works that so many started. First of all. All data contained in the data.ini files was deeply researched by “USAFMTL” and myself. Only minor tweaks where utilized, building on the work of those that created the aircraft models. All aircraft preform to Dash 1 specifications to the degree of 99.9%. All aircraft where thoroughly tested by hundreds hours of actual, not autopilot, testing. The yank and bank style of A.C.M. with this aircraft is gone. Key points are : 1) Keeping a high energy fight. 2) Thinking well ahead of what the aircraft is, or what you want it to do. 3) The required use of the speed brakes to alter or set up YOUR fight or flight, in reference to turning radius. Not just chopping the throttle, that is a only a good way to die. 4) And for the self proclaimed, “Fighter Aces”, fly these models on the HARD setting, to truly test your skill. 5) All F-86 and MiG-15 are uniform in performance. The aircraft preform as did the actual models of this noble era. 6) The addition of armor to all aircraft end the ,“QUICK KILL”. These can be altered still to fit ones preference. A little history: 106 OF THE F-86A-5 MODELS WHERE COMMITTED TO THE KOREAN CONFLICT. THE LAST F-86A WAS NOT REPLACED UNTIL JULY1952. 127 TOTAL OF THE F-86E-5 MODELS WHERE COMMITTED TO THE KOREA CONFLICT. (37) F-86E-1 MODEL. (45) F-86E-5 MODEL. (45) CANADIAN BUILT F-86E-6 MODEL (SHIPPED BETWEEN FEBRUARY AND JULY 1952. FIRST F86E WAS THE FIRST MODEL TO FEATURE THE "FLYING TAIL". SHIPMENT BEGAN TO KOREA IN JUNE 1951, FIRST ARRIVING WITH THE 4TH F.I.W.. FOLLOWED BY SHIPMENT IN NOVEMBER 1951 TO THE 51ST F.I.W., REPLACING THE F-80C. 91 OF THE F-86E-10 MODELS WHERE COMMITTED TO THE KOREAN CONFLICT. FIRST F-86 MODEL TO FEATURE THE "FLAT WINDSCREEN". THE F-86E-10 PRODUCED WITH PROVISIONS TO ACCEPT THE J-47-GE27 ENGINE, BUT WERE PRODUCED WITH THE J-47-GE-13 ENGINE OF LESSER THRUST. SHIPMENT WHERE ACCEPTED SEPTEMBER 1951 - APRIL 1952. The Spring of 1952 brought to a close a critical time period in the air to air conflict. The Communist forces ended an active campaign to win air superiority. THE EARLY F-86F-1 MODEL BROUGHT TO THE PILOTS IN KOREA MANY ADVANCEMENTS, MAINLY THE UPGRADE IN ENGINE PERFORMANCE OF THE J47-GE-27ENGINE. ALSO NOTABLE FEATURES INCLUDED THE A-4 GUNSIGHT AND INCREASED ARMOR FOR THE FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEMS. THE F-86F-10 MODELS WHERE THE START OF, “A TRUE MIG KILLING MACHINE!", AND THE LAST OF THE SMALL WING SABRES TO SEE ACTION IN KOREA. SHIPMENT TO THE 51TH F.I.W. IN JUNE 1952, FOLLOWED BY SHIPMENT TO THE 4TH F.I.W. IN SEPTEMBER 1952 MANY OF THE GREAT ACES GAINED THEIR VICTORIES IN THE F -1 THRU 10. EARLY F MODELS SABERS COMMITTED TO KOREA F-86F-1 59 AIRCRAFT F-86F-5 8 AIRCRAFT F-85F-10 34 AIRCRAFT A TOTAL OF 40, OF THE 371, PRE-“6-3" EXTENSION , F-86F-30 MODELS WHERE COMMITTED TO KOREA, BEFORE THE ADVENT OF NORTH AMERICAN RETOOLING THE REMAINDER OF THE F-30 MODELS TO THE '6-3' WING CONFIGURATION. THIS MODEL BEING THE FIRST “DUAL STORE - FIGHTER BOMBER VERSION” OF THE SABRE AND THE FIRST OF THE “LARGE WING” SABERS. DELIVERIES BEGAN IN OCTOBER 1952. BEGINNING IN SEPTEMBER 1952 A TOTAL OF FIFTY “KITS” WERE SECRETLY SHIPPED TO KOREA TO CONVERT THE F-30S, AND REMAINING EARLIER F-1 THRU 10 ON HAND. EVENTUALLY “KITS” WERE SHIPPED TO CONVERT ALL F MODELS WITH THE “6-3 EXTENSION.” A TOTAL OF 208 F-86F-30 6-3 HARD WING SABERS WHERE COMMITTED TO KOREA. MANY HERALD THE HARD WING SABRE AS THE ULTIMATE MIG KILLER OF THE KOREAN WAR. INCLUDED IS A MODEL OF THE TEST PROJECT OF THE F-86F-2 “GUNVAL” . EIGHT F-86F-2 “GUNVAL” MODELS WHERE TESTED IN COMBAT WITH THE 4TH F.I.W., STARTING IN MARCH 1953. INCLUDED IS A MODEL OF THE RF-86F Reconnaissance SABRE. Comments and questions can be answered at Combat ACE. Please remember the characteristic come from the Dash 1 manuals of the actual aircraft. I hope you enjoy these “TWEAKS”! And if you don’t, then you can make your own! Again thanks to all the folks that did the hard work, the modelers that started it all!!!!!!!! Respectfully, Darrell G. Maddux “Tazkiller” Installation: Unpack the contents into a Temp Directory of you choice. 1) Place Aircraft into Aircraft Directory. 2) Place Sound Files into Sound Directory. 3) Place Pilots into the Aircraft Directory. 4) Go Fly!!!! Click here to download this file
  2. Foreign Sabres Pack



    17th July 2009 SF2 version updates by knx, all props go to original creators as listed below dotted line. Install instructions, drag and drop Objects folder into your mod folder. Here's the original readme, not all of the contents are included here as the pack seems to have been broken down into smaller packs, more on the way soon: ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... F-86 Sabre /MiG-15 README: First of all I would like to think “USAFMTL” for allowing me to be a part of this effort. Secondly thanks go to David Zurawski for his wonderful F-86 Sabre that is such a work of art. Thirdly thank you to all that have modeled and skined the work to developed individual sub-models of the F-86. Thanks to Jimmy Bib for all his graphical engineering. Lastly thank you to “Fubar 512" for his expert guidance in my effort in Flight Modeling. If ever the was an aircraft the looked, felt, smelt, and tasted like a fighter aircraft ; it’s the F-86 Sabre! And being an actual jet rated pilot, with a little over 1,200 actual flight hours, compelled me to tweak , my “Sweet Sabre”. Being my all time favorite aircraft and being an avid history nut about the Korean Conflict compelled me in an effort to add to these works that so many started. First of all. All data contained in the data.ini files was deeply researched by “USAFMTL” and myself. Only minor tweaks where utilized, building on the work of those that created the aircraft models. All aircraft preform to Dash 1 specifications to the degree of 99.9%. All aircraft where thoroughly tested by hundreds hours of actual, not autopilot, testing. The yank and bank style of A.C.M. with this aircraft is gone. Key points are : 1) Keeping a high energy fight. 2) Thinking well ahead of what the aircraft is, or what you want it to do. 3) The required use of the speed brakes to alter or set up YOUR fight or flight, in reference to turning radius. Not just chopping the throttle, that is a only a good way to die. 4) And for the self proclaimed, “Fighter Aces”, fly these models on the HARD setting, to truly test your skill. 5) All F-86 and MiG-15 are uniform in performance. The aircraft preform as did the actual models of this noble era. 6) The addition of armor to all aircraft end the ,“QUICK KILL”. These can be altered still to fit ones preference. A little history: 106 OF THE F-86A-5 MODELS WHERE COMMITTED TO THE KOREAN CONFLICT. THE LAST F-86A WAS NOT REPLACED UNTIL JULY1952. 127 TOTAL OF THE F-86E-5 MODELS WHERE COMMITTED TO THE KOREA CONFLICT. (37) F-86E-1 MODEL. (45) F-86E-5 MODEL. (45) CANADIAN BUILT F-86E-6 MODEL (SHIPPED BETWEEN FEBRUARY AND JULY 1952. FIRST F86E WAS THE FIRST MODEL TO FEATURE THE "FLYING TAIL". SHIPMENT BEGAN TO KOREA IN JUNE 1951, FIRST ARRIVING WITH THE 4TH F.I.W.. FOLLOWED BY SHIPMENT IN NOVEMBER 1951 TO THE 51ST F.I.W., REPLACING THE F-80C. 91 OF THE F-86E-10 MODELS WHERE COMMITTED TO THE KOREAN CONFLICT. FIRST F-86 MODEL TO FEATURE THE "FLAT WINDSCREEN". THE F-86E-10 PRODUCED WITH PROVISIONS TO ACCEPT THE J-47-GE27 ENGINE, BUT WERE PRODUCED WITH THE J-47-GE-13 ENGINE OF LESSER THRUST. SHIPMENT WHERE ACCEPTED SEPTEMBER 1951 - APRIL 1952. The Spring of 1952 brought to a close a critical time period in the air to air conflict. The Communist forces ended an active campaign to win air superiority. THE EARLY F-86F-1 MODEL BROUGHT TO THE PILOTS IN KOREA MANY ADVANCEMENTS, MAINLY THE UPGRADE IN ENGINE PERFORMANCE OF THE J47-GE-27ENGINE. ALSO NOTABLE FEATURES INCLUDED THE A-4 GUNSIGHT AND INCREASED ARMOR FOR THE FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEMS. THE F-86F-10 MODELS WHERE THE START OF, “A TRUE MIG KILLING MACHINE!", AND THE LAST OF THE SMALL WING SABRES TO SEE ACTION IN KOREA. SHIPMENT TO THE 51TH F.I.W. IN JUNE 1952, FOLLOWED BY SHIPMENT TO THE 4TH F.I.W. IN SEPTEMBER 1952 MANY OF THE GREAT ACES GAINED THEIR VICTORIES IN THE F -1 THRU 10. EARLY F MODELS SABERS COMMITTED TO KOREA F-86F-1 59 AIRCRAFT F-86F-5 8 AIRCRAFT F-85F-10 34 AIRCRAFT A TOTAL OF 40, OF THE 371, PRE-“6-3" EXTENSION , F-86F-30 MODELS WHERE COMMITTED TO KOREA, BEFORE THE ADVENT OF NORTH AMERICAN RETOOLING THE REMAINDER OF THE F-30 MODELS TO THE '6-3' WING CONFIGURATION. THIS MODEL BEING THE FIRST “DUAL STORE - FIGHTER BOMBER VERSION” OF THE SABRE AND THE FIRST OF THE “LARGE WING” SABERS. DELIVERIES BEGAN IN OCTOBER 1952. BEGINNING IN SEPTEMBER 1952 A TOTAL OF FIFTY “KITS” WERE SECRETLY SHIPPED TO KOREA TO CONVERT THE F-30S, AND REMAINING EARLIER F-1 THRU 10 ON HAND. EVENTUALLY “KITS” WERE SHIPPED TO CONVERT ALL F MODELS WITH THE “6-3 EXTENSION.” A TOTAL OF 208 F-86F-30 6-3 HARD WING SABERS WHERE COMMITTED TO KOREA. MANY HERALD THE HARD WING SABRE AS THE ULTIMATE MIG KILLER OF THE KOREAN WAR. INCLUDED IS A MODEL OF THE TEST PROJECT OF THE F-86F-2 “GUNVAL” . EIGHT F-86F-2 “GUNVAL” MODELS WHERE TESTED IN COMBAT WITH THE 4TH F.I.W., STARTING IN MARCH 1953. INCLUDED IS A MODEL OF THE RF-86F Reconnaissance SABRE. Comments and questions can be answered at Combat ACE. Please remember the characteristic come from the Dash 1 manuals of the actual aircraft. I hope you enjoy these “TWEAKS”! And if you don’t, then you can make your own! Again thanks to all the folks that did the hard work, the modelers that started it all!!!!!!!! Respectfully, Darrell G. Maddux “Tazkiller” Installation: Unpack the contents into a Temp Directory of you choice. 1) Place Aircraft into Aircraft Directory. 2) Place Sound Files into Sound Directory. 3) Place Pilots into the Aircraft Directory. 4) Go Fly!!!!
  3. I get broken files from time to time, don't know what causes it, but I noticed it happens less often when all background software such as anti virus, firewall etc. is off, and downloading from mirror rather than main download link. I had to re download a ton of files over the years. Oh and it doesn't seem to like chrome, I am much more likely to get broken files with chrome than firefox or ie.
  4. File Name: U.S.A.F. Early Model Sabres SF2 File Submitter: Kopis n Xiphos File Submitted: 16 Jul 2009 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Aircraft 16th July 2009 SF2 version updates by knx, all props go to original creators listed below the dotted line. Install instructions, drag and drop Objects folder into your mod folder. Notes: I will try to figure out why the magnetic compass to the right of the cockpit isn't showing up, just a case of finding the appropriate bmp from first series games I think. Will update as and when. Please let me know if you spot something else that needs updating/tweaking. I'm sure there is something I missed, so point it out to me please if you can, the reason I'm uploading now as it is, is so that issues can be pointed out and resolved before the rest of the packs to follow. Regards, Gwyn. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ....................................... The original readme follows, note that this pack is only one specific part of what is described here, the next lot I will be updating are the later model USAF Sabres (I don't know who is doing the MiG-15s) F-86 Sabre /MiG-15 README: First of all I would like to think “USAFMTL” for allowing me to be a part of this effort. Secondly thanks go to David Zurawski for his wonderful F-86 Sabre that is such a work of art. Thirdly thank you to all that have modeled and skined the work to developed individual sub-models of the F-86. Thanks to Jimmy Bib for all his graphical engineering. Lastly thank you to “Fubar 512" for his expert guidance in my effort in Flight Modeling. If ever the was an aircraft the looked, felt, smelt, and tasted like a fighter aircraft ; it’s the F-86 Sabre! And being an actual jet rated pilot, with a little over 1,200 actual flight hours, compelled me to tweak , my “Sweet Sabre”. Being my all time favorite aircraft and being an avid history nut about the Korean Conflict compelled me in an effort to add to these works that so many started. First of all. All data contained in the data.ini files was deeply researched by “USAFMTL” and myself. Only minor tweaks where utilized, building on the work of those that created the aircraft models. All aircraft preform to Dash 1 specifications to the degree of 99.9%. All aircraft where thoroughly tested by hundreds hours of actual, not autopilot, testing. The yank and bank style of A.C.M. with this aircraft is gone. Key points are : 1) Keeping a high energy fight. 2) Thinking well ahead of what the aircraft is, or what you want it to do. 3) The required use of the speed brakes to alter or set up YOUR fight or flight, in reference to turning radius. Not just chopping the throttle, that is a only a good way to die. 4) And for the self proclaimed, “Fighter Aces”, fly these models on the HARD setting, to truly test your skill. 5) All F-86 and MiG-15 are uniform in performance. The aircraft preform as did the actual models of this noble era. 6) The addition of armor to all aircraft end the ,“QUICK KILL”. These can be altered still to fit ones preference. A little history: 106 OF THE F-86A-5 MODELS WHERE COMMITTED TO THE KOREAN CONFLICT. THE LAST F-86A WAS NOT REPLACED UNTIL JULY1952. 127 TOTAL OF THE F-86E-5 MODELS WHERE COMMITTED TO THE KOREA CONFLICT. (37) F-86E-1 MODEL. (45) F-86E-5 MODEL. (45) CANADIAN BUILT F-86E-6 MODEL (SHIPPED BETWEEN FEBRUARY AND JULY 1952. FIRST F86E WAS THE FIRST MODEL TO FEATURE THE "FLYING TAIL". SHIPMENT BEGAN TO KOREA IN JUNE 1951, FIRST ARRIVING WITH THE 4TH F.I.W.. FOLLOWED BY SHIPMENT IN NOVEMBER 1951 TO THE 51ST F.I.W., REPLACING THE F-80C. 91 OF THE F-86E-10 MODELS WHERE COMMITTED TO THE KOREAN CONFLICT. FIRST F-86 MODEL TO FEATURE THE "FLAT WINDSCREEN". THE F-86E-10 PRODUCED WITH PROVISIONS TO ACCEPT THE J-47-GE27 ENGINE, BUT WERE PRODUCED WITH THE J-47-GE-13 ENGINE OF LESSER THRUST. SHIPMENT WHERE ACCEPTED SEPTEMBER 1951 - APRIL 1952. The Spring of 1952 brought to a close a critical time period in the air to air conflict. The Communist forces ended an active campaign to win air superiority. THE EARLY F-86F-1 MODEL BROUGHT TO THE PILOTS IN KOREA MANY ADVANCEMENTS, MAINLY THE UPGRADE IN ENGINE PERFORMANCE OF THE J47-GE-27ENGINE. ALSO NOTABLE FEATURES INCLUDED THE A-4 GUNSIGHT AND INCREASED ARMOR FOR THE FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEMS. THE F-86F-10 MODELS WHERE THE START OF, “A TRUE MIG KILLING MACHINE!", AND THE LAST OF THE SMALL WING SABRES TO SEE ACTION IN KOREA. SHIPMENT TO THE 51TH F.I.W. IN JUNE 1952, FOLLOWED BY SHIPMENT TO THE 4TH F.I.W. IN SEPTEMBER 1952 MANY OF THE GREAT ACES GAINED THEIR VICTORIES IN THE F -1 THRU 10. EARLY F MODELS SABERS COMMITTED TO KOREA F-86F-1 59 AIRCRAFT F-86F-5 8 AIRCRAFT F-85F-10 34 AIRCRAFT A TOTAL OF 40, OF THE 371, PRE-“6-3" EXTENSION , F-86F-30 MODELS WHERE COMMITTED TO KOREA, BEFORE THE ADVENT OF NORTH AMERICAN RETOOLING THE REMAINDER OF THE F-30 MODELS TO THE '6-3' WING CONFIGURATION. THIS MODEL BEING THE FIRST “DUAL STORE - FIGHTER BOMBER VERSION” OF THE SABRE AND THE FIRST OF THE “LARGE WING” SABERS. DELIVERIES BEGAN IN OCTOBER 1952. BEGINNING IN SEPTEMBER 1952 A TOTAL OF FIFTY “KITS” WERE SECRETLY SHIPPED TO KOREA TO CONVERT THE F-30S, AND REMAINING EARLIER F-1 THRU 10 ON HAND. EVENTUALLY “KITS” WERE SHIPPED TO CONVERT ALL F MODELS WITH THE “6-3 EXTENSION.” A TOTAL OF 208 F-86F-30 6-3 HARD WING SABERS WHERE COMMITTED TO KOREA. MANY HERALD THE HARD WING SABRE AS THE ULTIMATE MIG KILLER OF THE KOREAN WAR. INCLUDED IS A MODEL OF THE TEST PROJECT OF THE F-86F-2 “GUNVAL” . EIGHT F-86F-2 “GUNVAL” MODELS WHERE TESTED IN COMBAT WITH THE 4TH F.I.W., STARTING IN MARCH 1953. INCLUDED IS A MODEL OF THE RF-86F Reconnaissance SABRE. Comments and questions can be answered at Combat ACE. Please remember the characteristic come from the Dash 1 manuals of the actual aircraft. I hope you enjoy these “TWEAKS”! And if you don’t, then you can make your own! Again thanks to all the folks that did the hard work, the modelers that started it all!!!!!!!! Respectfully, Darrell G. Maddux “Tazkiller” Installation: Unpack the contents into a Temp Directory of you choice. 1) Place Aircraft into Aircraft Directory. 2) Place Sound Files into Sound Directory. 3) Place Pilots into the Aircraft Directory. 4) Go Fly!!!! Click here to download this file
  5. Your Fav Car movie

    Feel free to laugh, but mine is Cannonball Run. Dun du duh! Captain Chaos!
  6. Right, I shall keep an eye out when testing! I assume for slats, as they help out during high alpha, low energy states, that the retract value should be higher than deploy. Cheers for the heads up.
  7. Thanks! I will search for those entries. The current settings for the F86-30 for example, are: Setting[1].DeployValue=102.9 Setting[1].RetractValue=123.5 Are the existing values wrong and need to be reduced universally to those numbers, or do you mean to watch out for reversed entries (greater/lesser) as in with the swing wing issue? Cheers.
  8. File Name: FJ-3M File Submitter: Kopis n Xiphos File Submitted: 15 Jul 2009 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Aircraft 15th July 2009 SF2 version updates by knx, all props go to original creators as listed below the dotted line. Install instructions, drag and drop Objects folder into your mod folder. Simples tsiek! Notes: The old shadow entry and shd gives the "shadow appearing as a shaft of grey to the ground" problem, however so does the newer method on my system. Swap out the xx in the FJ-3M.ini [shadow] entries to see which one you prefer. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ............................................ FJ-3M Fury Mod by column5 First, let me thank Zur for allowing me to mod his excellent F-86. I'd also like to acknowledge DanW who did the original F-86 skin, which I modified for this aircraft. You do not need the F-86 to use this mod, but if you DON'T have it you should: http://www.simtweak.com. Soon after the Korean conflict began, the US Navy realized that its current front line fighters, the F9F Panther and F2H Banshee, were no match for the new MiG-15. The Navy wisely contracted North American Aviation to modify the superb F-86 Sabre for naval use, and the result was the FJ-2 Fury (the FJ-1 designation had already been applied to a completely different aircraft). The Fury was developed over the course of the 1950s into the FJ-3, represented here, and ultimately the FJ-4. Unlike the FJ-4, the FJ-3 is externally very similar to the F-86, and is well represented by Zur's F-86 model. The 'M' in the aircraft's designation represents the ability to carry early Sidewinder AAMs. The FJ-3 is also equipped with four Mk12 20mm canon. This package includes a skin representing the bright colors of VF-53 Iron Angels circa 1956. Click here to download this file
  9. FJ-3M



    15th July 2009 SF2 version updates by knx, all props go to original creators as listed below the dotted line. Install instructions, drag and drop Objects folder into your mod folder. Simples tsiek! Notes: The old shadow entry and shd gives the "shadow appearing as a shaft of grey to the ground" problem, however so does the newer method on my system. Swap out the xx in the FJ-3M.ini [shadow] entries to see which one you prefer. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... FJ-3M Fury Mod by column5 First, let me thank Zur for allowing me to mod his excellent F-86. I'd also like to acknowledge DanW who did the original F-86 skin, which I modified for this aircraft. You do not need the F-86 to use this mod, but if you DON'T have it you should: http://www.simtweak.com. Soon after the Korean conflict began, the US Navy realized that its current front line fighters, the F9F Panther and F2H Banshee, were no match for the new MiG-15. The Navy wisely contracted North American Aviation to modify the superb F-86 Sabre for naval use, and the result was the FJ-2 Fury (the FJ-1 designation had already been applied to a completely different aircraft). The Fury was developed over the course of the 1950s into the FJ-3, represented here, and ultimately the FJ-4. Unlike the FJ-4, the FJ-3 is externally very similar to the F-86, and is well represented by Zur's F-86 model. The 'M' in the aircraft's designation represents the ability to carry early Sidewinder AAMs. The FJ-3 is also equipped with four Mk12 20mm canon. This package includes a skin representing the bright colors of VF-53 Iron Angels circa 1956.
  10. Happy Birthday Nicky

    Nicky! Wonderful age to be! Old enough to get away with stuff you did when you were 17, and got into trouble for.. but young enough to still enjoy doing it!
  11. Roger that Skipper! This is a list of the files I just DLd to do over the coming days/week (or possibly a little more) [1176]KandLSabres [1337]PAF_F86F35_v0.6 [1920]sabre4 CANADAIR_CL_13B_Mk.6_SABRE__early CANADAIR_CL_13B_Mk.6_SABRE__late f86_eda f86e_hunters F_86D_31 F_86F_2 F_86F_30FB_2Sqn F_86F_40 fac_sabre_pak fah_sabre_pak FJFury ForeignSabres Sabre_small_pack U.S.A.F._Early_Model_Sabres USAFLateModelSabres [773]A_6_A [1874]Gasintruder [2517]EA_6B A_6A_FOTI A_6B A_6E A_6E_SWIP A_6E_TRAM A_6E_USMC [early] A_6E_USMC (1) [late] EA_6A So that's all the A-6s and all but the F-86D 45 and F-86K from the Sabres. If anyone has some of these done already please let us know so as not to duplicate. Cheers.
  12. No worries! Just off to the download section for some guilt free downloading! Will be ready as soon as possible.
  13. I would like to volunteer for A-6 and F-86 families if that's alright?
  14. My offer still stands, as soon as someone tells me which aircraft to do, I will get started. The initial idea of having groups working on specific planes so as not to waste peoples time was a good one. I won't bother starting something not having a clue if someone else is already five minutes from finishing it, not being rude, just don't wish to waste my time, or others. Any specific plane requests? Family of planes even? Maybe we should all post a list of what is done, being worked on, and what's left to do? Edit: didn't see that list above oops.
  15. Saw this...........

    A bit of a red herring! Dolly zoom is for motion picture, not still photography The same effect can be achieved using a long focal length lens, extremely wide aperture, blistering fast shutter and iso settings coupled by an awful lot of luck to get such a shot just right. Even with speed shooting, you would be lucky to get everything just right as in the picture, not impossible by any means, but a bloody good shot if it is real!
  16. Saw this...........

    Might this have been a dolly zoom shot, as in the famous staircase scene from Vertigo? Zooming in the camera while simultaneously moving the camera physically away from the subject thus causing the background to appear to grow disproportionately large compared to the foreground. This can be quite unsettling to see as it messes with the way the mind is used to computing field of view, often used in science fiction and horror films to show unreality, tension and so on.
  17. In a way you are right, it was a step on the way towards ccip, but there are some marked differences. The real Norden bombsight, like the German Lotfernrohr 7, was extremely complicated compared to the excellent bombsight mod in the Canberras on this site. The real ones took control of the aircraft auto pilot and flew the aircraft to what the computer calculated as the best drop point, it then pickled the bombs at the moment determined by computer. Although woefully inaccurate at times, they where the beginning of a long line of similar somewhat computer dictated bombing aides, only much later being replaced with things like CCIP and PGM's that once again put more control in the pilot's hands. Unfortunately TK doesn't think there is any fun to be had in simulating anything even vaguely in the ball park of the real Norden bombsights, labs, loran, radar offset bombing, dive toss, ccrp or anything of the like. So it's that or ccip I'm afraid. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norden_bombsight By the way, just in case you can't tell, I am gutted about this because almost without exception, flight sims skip on this huge stage of evolution in aircraft from WW2 to the 1980's going as they do, from iron sights to ccip as if there was nothing in between. I wish a sim would think to cover these things without needing to go into the extreme depth of study sims, just a simlite approach like Thirdwire's that doesn't gloss over 40 odd years of AG tech would be great!
  18. Afghanistan

    They can't stand deet, citronella or Frank Zappa music. I loath mozzies too, place is crawling with them. But about the media, war and what not.. seems to be a general resentment at all levels about what we are actually doing, i.e. what are the criteria before we can say ok, mission accomplished now let's get out of here, certainly it won't be when we capture Osama since likely that would neither soften or deter the suicide bombers and their masters. We are fighting an ideology, and just as we found out in WW2 with the ultra fascist brainwashed zombies that were the SS and so on.. it takes a lot more than a few thousand people to do that. Realistically we can't win this war through conventional warfare alone since the ideologues won't come out on a front line to fight, possibly having a million or more troops to go house to house would help eradicate the current cohort of insurgents, but there would always be the ideologues left hiding behind their civilian apparel, and they would continue to poison the minds of those ignorant enough to fall under their spell. Hence the battle for hearts and minds, the attempts to improve education, medicine, sanitation and so on in Afghanistan is as vital as hunting the Taleban because not only we have to kill the buggers, we have to make sure the next generation actually have something to loose and nothing to gain from joining them in the first place, this is why the Taleban hate our construction work there, it reduces their grip on the population because most Afghans just as anyone else don't want to live in the 7th century.
  19. Best "what if" ever! And a bloody gorgeous plane too!
  20. The Combatace Newsletter

    Need an editor? I would love to help! I'm qualified to teach English to foreign types according to Cambridge University, so a bit of "marking" practice would be fine by me.
  21. A quick hello

    Aye, glad you're ok! Funny but was just thinking of you the other day, trying to figure out who was the oldest member we have here, I'm sure you won't take offence! Happy birthday matey!
  22. Operation Strike of the Sword has kicked off with 4,000 American Marines and some 600 Afghan soldiers aiming to bring some kind of peace to Helmand. All my prayers and thoughts go out to these brave men as I'm sure most of CA do too. News reports of one Marine captured, may God return him safe and sound and keep him and his family strong.

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