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Everything posted by GwynO

  1. one of the worst 2 weeks in my life.. :(

    Words fail me. Such a tragic conclusion to what should have been the rest of his life after serving his country. May you find peace and remember him by the good times.

    How bout Canada dry ale? I want to taste this Beer Can Chicken of which thou spake, likewise I should love to furnish your BBQ with my famed Octopus grilled with secret herbs and spices even Lloyd Grossman doesn't know about.

    That would just taste of India! Duude I got to do that soon!
  4. Happy Canada Day

    A big happy Canada day! Thank you for the maple syrup, Benton Fraser, and being there for us in two World Wars
  5. I'm going to move over all the first series games onto my spare drive tomorrow. Should free up about 39 gig the rest will be all second series. But I will keep first eagles stuff where it is for now until FE2.
  6. Would love to help, please anyone pm me if someone wants me in a team to make something for everyone. I have a ton of planes and am familiar with what needs to be done, have been doing it myself for a few things already. Only thing is I am very slow! But should manage a plane every other day, maybe more.
  7. Happy Birthday!

  8. I was given a warning screen after opening that page for some reason. Something about content from "pilotspub.org"
  9. Oh nice one Erik, good to know the reasons behind it It must be a quirky thing as I can go to any page with Aaron's sig included and it doesn't do that! Only that specific thread. Never mind, so long as the site is safe. Edit: Correction.. I just opened another thread with Aaron's sig and it gave me the warning, it never used to before a couple days ago, but now I know what it is, I just allow it anyway. Nothing's blown up so far
  10. No worries anyway. Strange though as I can open the Thirdwire page without any warnings. Nevermind.
  11. Righty, well I started PC flight simming with the semi detailed Novalogic MiG-29, followed by Flanker 2.0 which I never really got the hang of. Tried LOMAC but never seemed to run good on my systems and have lost the disc since. I have been playing Thirdwire games for years but am left wanting more switchology and systems management.. so.. can you good people please advise me which is the better between Allied Force and Blackshark. Things I consider most important are realism, ease of use, must have a free view mode to look round the cockpit, but most of all must be able to run without too much jerkiness on a laptop with 1 gig ram, 2 GHz AMD Sempron and a Geforce 8200M G graphics thingy. I might be asking the impossible in terms of system specs but what would you guys advise? N.B. Please don't make it a bash starforce thread though! I believe that came with LOMAC too and I didn't encounter a single problem with it so for me it's a non issue.
  12. Letter to Richard Branson

    It's better than mushrooms!
  13. Advice please!

    Oh nice one mate! If you can that would be ace! So does one need Falcon 4 first and then Allied Force is like an addon onto it is it?
  14. Letter to Richard Branson

    Honest to God I haven't laughed that hard since 1997, my abs are proper worked out from all the uncontrolled guffawing. Thank you so much for sharing that!!! :lmaosmiley:
  15. Happy Birthday Stary!

  16. Advice please!

    I'll definitely be scouring the second hand shops! I saw it once in a Game store but didn't buy it, the next day I changed my mind and it was gone! I suppose the ultimate geek credentials of a flight sim is when you can honestly tell your friends that you would probably be able to at least start the plane in real life, take it up and land just from playing the sim, that's the kind of detail I am looking for and it sounds like either of these games may offer a bit of that. I know it's Sad in some respects, but alas I will (probably) never fly a real F-16 or KA-50 so there is always living the dream through simulations! Maybe one day I could run onto the apron of a thirdworld airbase and hotwire a Falcon. I'd bring it straight to CA for you all to have a spin with it too of course
  17. Advice please!

    What have I done! I left the laptop on all night downloading a fresh purchase of BS after reading the min specs.. however it won't have been the first time I spent money on a game only to have to save it till the next hardware upgrade! Hopefully it will be a bit extra support to the sim industry in the meantime! I will give it a whirl (that wasn't funny was it) but probably will buy AF as well! Glutton for punishment that I am, I think I will enjoy both! Especially the backwards carrier traps, I mean I thought that was the way everybody does them?
  18. Hobbies....

    Same here in the UK, if it of obsolete calibre and an antique (100 years or more I think) then you can freely own and display them as antiques. If you want to fire them it isn't all too hard to get a black powder license and have some fun in the back yard. Mind, what they don't know won't hurt them sometimes. Be careful if your going to load her up though! My Godfather found two duelling muskets in a chimney of a house he was fixing up and the owner gave them to him as he is into restorations and stuff. He managed to get them back to a beautiful condition reminiscent of the marvellous job shown in your pictures.. only to blow out the barrel of one testing it down the garden :cray:
  19. Daves

    Hello Dave!
  20. Shooting mount update

    Post pics when you get back! And have fun!
  21. The Official Chuck Norris CA Thread

    Chuck Norris once ran so fast around the Earth, he caught up with himself and roundhouse kicked his own head for being in the way.. with his left fist.
  22. Looks a lot like the YAK 38, which was VTOL capable.

    :HB: And many more to come!
  24. RAF Cosford Airshow

    Anyone going? I'm undecided, have to decide if it's worth sleeping rough at the train station tonight for a 5 hour airshow or just get there by public transport tomorrow and catch a couple hours at the end.

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