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Everything posted by GwynO

  1. arrggghhhh

    I only had the one out, about 18 years old at the time too. That hurt like backside burglary for weeks but mostly from getting a secondary infection in the unplugged gap creating a vicious abscess the size of a golf ball. All it took the "dentist" to get it out though was a shot in the gum, a small flathead screw driver , a pair of pliers and a foot. All out in under 10 minutes. If you had all four out, I feel for you bud! Get well soon!! If the ibuprofens don't work, ask your doc for codeine phosphate based painkillers, they are the next up the scale. And for God's sake keep your wound clean! You DON'T want an infection!
  2. Happy Birthday Moonjumper aka Crusader

    Indeed! And many happy returns of the day
  3. Happy Birthday To Fates and SayWhat

    And many happy returns of the day
  4. Indian Air Force on high alert

    If they have people like that in their army, I hope they don't get close to the nuclear stuff, it is insane that you should have to live day by day next to that kind of situation, this is why the West has such problems with Iran having nukes, or North Korea yet Pakistan continues to hold power of the nuclear button but no power it seems to stop the terrorists in their own country. My best wishes and prayers are for you and yours Ghostrider, may we all see a peaceful Christmas time in the Asian subcontinent this year and forever. Peace, love and respect.
  5. Merry Xmas you bastards!

    happy (Bastard) Christmas! Seriously you have been missed I'm sure! No one can bomb a German ship from high up like you Brainless, I loved your challenges even as hard as they were! Happy Christmas!!
  6. Merry Xmas you bastards!

    :lmaosmiley: I wasn't going to say it! It's mostly illegal here anyway unless you are the owner of the carp. One site I worked this year had a carp pond right next to a lorry park, cue hilarity as Turkish and Polish drivers proceeded to catch carp through various means and cook it by their trucks. One guy really must have wanted that carp because he spent all afternoon shooting an air rifle into the water. It tastes like mud and dust, but to each their own I guess.
  7. Let's hope it's a good one, without any tears. Merry Christmas everyone! :drinks_drunk: :spartak:
  8. Merry Xmas you bastards!

    Merry Christmas to you too you old bugger! Santa really should relocate to the antipodes seeing as he has to start with you guys a whole 12 hours before us. I haven't even finished the Christmas shopping yet, need to get a couple copies of Hot Fuzz, and no it isn't a porno! About this time tomorrow, I will be two drinks from paralytic, stuffed fuller than the turkey and zonked out well before the Queen starts yaking on. Wake up after she finishes and go walk it all off round the village. Rinse and repeat for Boxing day minus the presents. What about you? Is it really true that Aussies have a BBQ for Christmas? I know Polish will eat carp tomorrow, Lithuanians will eat a very moreish cake made with poppy juice, Greeks wont open their presents till the 1st of Jan. Amazing the variety of Christmas traditions around the world but I'm quite happy with our quiet family tradition of getting absolutely blamo. Happy Christmas everyone!!!!!
  9. Happy Christmas TK style! This looks much nicer, little things like more lights in the cockpit, lettering on the armaments, the water looks better than on my latest patched mega install. The RWR now displays a vector line to the threat making sead easier. It even plays reasonably well on my ancient and broken laptop with all eye candy on high! Pulling up from dropping 3 500lb's onto Mr. Scud and surprised to behold from an external view, lots and lots of bright yellow secondaries.. I'm not sure if the bombs actually contain explosive now or if that was unsolicited help from wingy but either way, it augurs well. I still wish the LABS counter did something useful, or just for any kind of fire control simulation, that always has and always will be my number one immersion killer. Annoying in some ways because now I know the difference these little things make in total, I can't imagine going back to SF with latest patch and so will probably buy all of the titles again. TK will most likely continue patch support or three and somewhere down the road, again we will all likely feel we have been given a lot more for free than we spent, so all in all.. Thank you TK :fans:
  10. What the ?

    Do you think you should apologise for that comment? I am disgusted frankly that you can say that when they didn't even hurt it, it's called playing, I can assure you that had the pup felt threatened in any way it would have bounded away the first time.
  11. Confessions of a terrorist

    Thank you for keeping us all up to date with this Ghostrider. It seems a very complete confession, lets hope these people, times and places can be corroborated and prove useful for future counter terrorism planning. Knowing your enemy better than they know themselves is key to winning, we need to know where these terrorists train, how and who trains them. I didn't expect such swift results considering the length of time suspects like Al Libi spun webs of lies to interrogators, hopefully this youth has cracked and perhaps even regrets his decisions, if so this may well be a crucial piece of evidence in the war against terror.
  12. The Person Below Me

    Four times, all wrongful IMNHO. The person below me has never been to Wales but they want to.
  13. The beatles

    There are places I remember all my life, Though some have changed Some forever, not for better Some have gone and some remain. All these places have their moments Of lovers and friends I still can recall Some are dead and some are living In my life I loved them all. One of my favourites and funny thing is I was thinking this song round in my head all day at work today! I would be hard pushed to choose a Beatles song I don't like, but as Storm pointed out, the radio can kill great bands and great songs from over play.. I love Floyd but detest the Wall album at times specifically because everyone only ever knows two songs from that album from their entire work.
  14. I think I fouled myself! I am laughing so hard, I love it! Will it be for download? I wonder if Kinnok had won '92, would the RAF look like that? edit: reposting images, should know better
  15. Indian Air Force on high alert

    your signature picture speaks for itself
  16. Indian Air Force on high alert

    Right on! Every word. Our PM just went over and though he had the balls to say to them that over 75% of all terror threats to the UK have so far been traced back to links in Pakistan.. What do you think he chose to do about it? Give them millions of pounds that we can't afford so they can please spend it wisely to counter terrorism! They wont even let our intel guys see the suspected leaders. That is at least one thing I admire about the Bush years, to pursue terrorists back to their homes and where necessary bring them into custody. Terror needs to be stamped out and if that means not being entirely PC (sovereignty and so on) so be it.
  17. Live Mocha

    Very interesting! I will give it a try, it's about time I learnt Greek properly seeing as I am planning to live there.
  18. Happy Birthday BongoDriver.

    Aye, your Typhoon rocks! Have a great birthday and many happy returns of the day!
  19. Thanks for the link, I missed the beginning last night. Particularly poignant that the RAF had no exercises for what to do after dropping the nukes. I heard an ex Vulcan pilot on radio 4 describe his thoughts on the matter, to carry on flying east below the radar until the last drop of fuel then bail out and start a new life with a Siberian wife.
  20. Step up the career ladder

    I sign in here almost every day and consider this forum as the nearest to a virtual chilling out spot, a place to come and see what's cooking and have a laugh, so hope I don't come across arrogant now but just wanted to share with you some good news that happened today. I received in (red) black and white, official confirmation that I have qualified to teach English, specifically to speakers of other languages. I also received a very nice reference letter from the course leader to use now I will be searching for a better job, one line made me laugh though.. "complete absence of complacency" I think they are referring to my attitude of continuous improvement e.g. If I have one drink, I can always have one more!
  21. Step up the career ladder

    Thank you all for your kind words. Scouserlad, that clip is hilarious! I almost died of laughter!! I hope my students don't see me that way, I tend to let inuendo creep into my lessons all too often!! One involving Bulgarian sausage in particular. Can you imagine what would happen if someone tried that with a corner shop guy in Fazakerley!!
  22. Step up the career ladder

    Cool, I can try, it would be better in a class though, I would suggest many places but they are all in Greece E ensine-me a língua de mulheres Brasileiras!
  23. Step up the career ladder

    Thank you!
  24. Rushing to downloads section right now!!!!!!!!!!!! Early Christmas present or what! Wahoo!
  25. Wow! These guys need some tips on how to kiss, I don't think the point is to show your girl how hard you can suck!link

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