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Everything posted by GwynO

  1. F-18 down

    How lucky was that though, no one killed. Accidents will happen no matter how well trained and maintained the force is. It might not be all bad though, if the bug goes the same way as the eagle, there will be a lot more orders for F 22s presumably in the near future.
  2. 9/11 guilty

    Just saw this on the headlines. About time. I hope they never get the satisfaction of martyrdom, life in jail will hurt them more and serve as a stark reminder to their followers what happens when you try to take on the West. Link reason for edit: fixed link
  3. Check your pm in a couple minutes, don't want to hijack this thread further
  4. sometimes I wish we had concealed carry for certain types of jobs here too! I have been a security guard for the past 4 years and the job I have tomorrow is fairly daunting. Philosophically I'd rather that all guns were at home, at the range or other suitable place and not on the street but in practice of course, life as we know it runs not to the writ of philosophical thinking. Not long to go for me now thoug, I'm finally getting out of this insane job!! We can't even have cs spray or batons, not even mag lite in the day time!! Even worse, we are discouraged from wearing protective vests as they appear "threatening" to the public. I must say though, in all my time, it isn't guns that are the main weapon here in the UK, it is fists and knives on the street and bottles in the pubs and clubs. Luckily for me, I have survived encounters with each of the above on more than one occasion.
  5. Kewll video laa! Would be ace to use them for a mod of this mission, one my favourite Para/combined forces missions (that I heard about anyway!) "Operation Barras - Sierra Leone"
  6. I want them all! I don't know what the rules and regs are in Greece but I hope one day in the future I could apply for a license to build my very own high powered rifle.
  7. Scouserlad, I don't mean to depart from what you meant by this thread.. but with all due respect to TK, I feel that there is something majorly majorly missing or even wrong with all flight sims and it isn't the lack of aircraft, rather it is the completely unrepresentative way that we use them. Take a look at this link "Things that are sorely missing in all flight sims". The simple unpalatable fact of the matter is that dive bombing was an ineffective means of putting your crew in the biggest possible threat envelope for the longest amount of time. Some sort of fire control has been used in almost all aerial bombing since the Korean war to avoid putting aircrew in unnecessary WWII dive bombing scenarios. Now how hard would it be to add into the flight engine a parameter that models dive toss bombing, your target passes the pipper, you pickle and pull up, the weapon releases at the point where it's calculated velocity vector intersects the target and for realism you add a probability of error of say 10%, you may not get as many bombs on target... but you would be doing it (wasting bombs) more like they were in reality. Just think of the difference having a marker on the hud showing you where the enemy radar is emitting from would do, or flying at two and three thirds of the speed of sound at 60 thousand and pickling a stick of bombs from a MiG 25 BM.. They had a fire control system for that too in reality. Again, sorry if I haven't replied in the spirit that you meant, but in another way I think maybe this is the larger lacunae out of any sim, not just thirdwire's and i'm not bashing TK in any way. Just sick of reading how it was done compared to how it's simmed.
  8. Nope, it is nothing to do with me, i'm just a satisfied fan! If you haven't grabbed the beta I would recommend you start with that, they have a lot of other stuff to include when they are ready.
  9. That scenario is one that I totally agree with, I am all for people owning guns and having them at home for home protection, find a burglar and point the gun, if he moves threateningly kill him, and the interesting thing is that if you had a gun, no matter the legality of the gun, it would be legal for you to kill the burglar with your gun if you could prove that you had reason to believe your life was in danger. (Principle of instant arming) However what Tony Martin did wrong in the eyes of the law is that he didn't only shoot at them in the house, he followed them as they were running away from his house and kept shooting. It is hard to defend yourself in court that you were acting in self defence when the attacker is running away from you when you shoot! What made it much much worse for him is that he hid the gun and went on the run. If he had called the police, chances are that the burglar would have been taken to hospital and survived, even if he didn't it would have stood a much better chance of getting him a non custodial sentence or even no sentence at all.
  10. Bunyaps getting updated is only true in the sense that Wombraider and AOCbravo have included it in theirs, but the Bunyap team haven't updated in since 06 as far as I know, seriously, the best weapons pack in terms of completion and detail is this one clicky linky It includes all of Bunyaps apart from the nation specific stuff as they are working around other ways to do the same thing, all of the MF weapon pack, and a lot of other stuff that you wouldn't get with either the Bunyap or the MF pack, e.g. Fast Cargo's stuff, all of Lindr's weapons packs, Krizis's stuff, and best of all it's all arranged in neat individual folders like the MF pack and is continously being added to, tweaked and updated. Having used the beta, I would never go back from this one now!
  11. Thanks for TK

    Huge thanks indeed! TK's games and the community around them have enthused my interest in military aviation as well as provide me with countless hours of fun! (and no short measure of frustration at times, but its always worth it!)
  12. After all that Thanksgiving goodwill... this news SUCKS. My view son bringing guns out in public are already known and need not be repeated. I agree with Ruggbutt here, it is not the object that is at fault in the incidents that involved guns, but the sick mental attitudes of those that pulled the triggers. Less gangsters is good, although I would prefer a social answer then again so wouldn't we all. If we had the answer to why people act like retards, the world would be an amazing place but as is, we need stop gaps, and if extra security measures such stor lock down even if by CS, then so be it imho. I am a security guard and have NEVER heard of anything so stupid as a shopping spree stampede before now. Black friday... irony turned to pathos. I am so sick of this world, not only we have the idiots (particularly islamists at this time) in the "east" to contend with but are reminded that so called civilised "westerners" can be just as abhorrent in their lack of common decent bon home towards their fellow citizens! If consumerism means this, I don't want it in my country.
  13. Terror In Mumbai!

    This surviving prik wants his shaheed, while he still breathes, if he has been trained as per the islamist terror manuals he will give nothing but red herrings. All of it should be recorded and the scum bag kept alive as long as possible in prison. His ultimate dissapointment will be that he lived to see that his actions did more harm than good to his fellow islamists as his own country publicly wash their hands of him and India hopefully will pursue his trail all the way to his doorstep. India will win out, the mughals came, they failed. Period.
  14. A Thanksgiving thought...

    Ruggbutt, your words convey just how I feel about it too
  15. Happy Turkey Day

    Happy Turkey Day! Out of curiosity, how many people deep fried the Turkey this year? I never tried it as my fryer is only deep enough for chips.
  16. Break up of United States?

    I totally agree, not one empire has ever managed to last indefinitely. Perhaps this is even inherent in the very nature of civilisation that when one kind exerts itself too widely, it collapses for a variety of reasons. You allude to an interesting phenomenon happening with Britain, the British Empire is well and truly gone, yet the echo of the once mighty "pink map" empire ensures (as does the English language) that Britain is both remembered and respected on the world stage. Just as ancient Greece and Rome lingered on and found new ways to survive, so is the case for Britain and America. What will end is not the Union of American States, but the political and trade leverage that this Union enjoys on the rest of the world that will end. It is true that America only achieved a global power status between world wars, in no small way thanks to the fact that America was geographically out of harms way and able to export food and goods while Europe bankrupted itself. Ditto Second War. On through the Cold War and it was a two horse race between the USA and the USSR in terms of political influence around the world. It was expected that the USA would become the sole super power in the absence of the later, however the kind of influence that the USA has is subtle and subject to change as it does not invade countries (exceptions apply) rather securing agreements that work in her favour. With no force to back up these agreements is it any wonder that the developing world will strike deals with China, Russia, India, Venezuela and just about anywhere else that offers a competitive alternative. It will be interesting to see how America reacts to a perception of loosing influence as the world shifts from a two horse race to a position where there is no real super power. I reckon that in twenty years time, it wont be clear at all who is the most powerful nation on Earth, eventually though, fear, greed and jealousy will rear its head and nations will seek to grab a clear lead before the "others" do it first. Cue arms race and probable Third World War, if anyone will benefit from such a war it would be the side that fights least and produces most if history is anything to go by.
  17. Did you defrag recently? I have noticed that using either windows native defrager on XP SP3 or Defragler, sometimes it takes entire folders and dumps them inside other totally unrelated folders, example, Complete Harrier folder moved into F100d folder after last defrag.

    Neither do I, why can't we all live in peace. If it wasn't for the evil Tipari tendencies, Aalen could be useful for society, they could pilot cross channel hovercraft for instance but noooo

    Then we need to call in the Indian Navy for some Anti Pirating Eel SHipping Interdiction Training, or APEs**t.

    We need traps in all water mills plumbed into CA inter tubes, that's the old English way to deal with these vermin.
  21. Happy Birthday Dagger

    Happy Birthday and many returns of the day!
  22. India sinks Somali pirate ship

    Chak de pate!! Well done INS Tabar, Go India!
  23. I caught myself wondering the same thing on the first day I bought FE. I just didn't feel comfortable flying a German plane against British planes, weird gut feeling. I got over it pretty sharpish as it is after all only a game, but having said that I do prefer to fly as British in WW1 and WW2 at least two thirds of the time. In later eras I choose almost at random.
  24. I really liked the tweaked f9 weapon view mod, so that was by WingWinner? I didn't know. I certainly like the far out zoom on f6 view but I prefer the standard f5 if I remember, the thread I referred to mods the f5 into a check six view but we already have a check six since the latest patches.
  25. Have a look here http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...amp;hl=viewlist I remember one that changed the f9 view for weapons as well, I think it may have been by the same guy.

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