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Everything posted by GwynO

  1. I think you want to change what the external/outside view does. I remember a modification a year or more ago, it increased the distance from the camera to the aircraft for the f6 view, i don't remember who made it but this may be what you want.
  2. Welcome to Combat Ace Calvin, always good to here from people with real experience.
  3. Kennedy Assassination

    Because the banal truth hurts, so much more humanity to be had in the construction of fairy tales. Sartre would bound to have choked on his coffee reading some of the stories in this thread. Conspiracies like religion, rely on faith, they are impossible by their own rules to prove or disprove. Any "proof" to the contrary is taken as proof of the uber powerful God/Devil or "government" spinning the self proclaimed truth. Any "proof" of the conspiracy relies on extended logic that almost defies all credulity. It is amazing how far conspiracy theorists will go with their fairy tales when pushed, always making another hypothetical, untestable layer to the onion of incredulity. From Government to economic forces to the inevitable Semites did it to Ancient Egyptians fighting evil Romulan bankers then back through UFO's and earthlights to Amazon breasted Atlanteans before a rendezvous in space with A.C. Clark and another spliff/strong coffee and yet higher will they go without ever once stopping to wonder... what if it actually was a simple nutjob acting on their own initiative? Would that reality be just too boring to live in or is it too scary for them, too scary that life and death can happen to anyone, no matter how iconic, at random, no higher human/alien intelligence needed. Reason for edit: To apologise in advance if my comment in any way seems a snipe at people here, everyone is entitled to an opinion no matter how it is deduced and its good to test them in discussion Although I do have my own theory.. it works if you follow my logic, Aleister Crowley did it using a time machine and a Voodoo doll with loft settings on the full metal backed tarot card that pierced Kennedy's skull, Paul Daniels then hypnotised the entire Coroner's team and their families to lie through their teeth. Prove me wrong and win an Escudo van today.
  4. Cruzex IV photos

    Fantastic pics. Are those Cessnas carrying fire bombs or drop tanks? Who won the "war"?
  5. Kennedy Assassination

    I believe that is exactly the reason why Oswald killed him, and had he survived, there would have been many more willing to kill him. It's also the reason I doubt that the Soviets would have had anything to do with it. Kennedy was the best thing to happen for the Soviet hawks.. he encouraged a space race that the Soviets believed they could win, he was weak and ineffectual when it came to Cuba.. Thanks to Kennedy, air support for the Bay of Pigs was not forthcoming and led to the current status quo over that island. I can't see how the Soviet military could have had any reason for topping him. Mossad, the Mob, or fundamentalists on the other hand...
  6. Kennedy Assassination

    Very interesting reading. I wonder had those attempts been successful, would we see so many conspiracy theories pointing the finger at the "government" or some other usual suspect. My gut instinct is that one reason why the Kennedy conspiracies gained so much ground is that the segment of the American public that were shocked and dismayed that this happened to their "nice guy" gained comfort from any explanation that made this event something special, elevating it from the level of common Americans to some sinister other. Rather than accept he was killed by a fellow citizen, any other explanation no matter how implausible was a comforting alternative.
  7. Kennedy Assassination

    From what I gather, Kennedy got the goat of many many many people, not least the right wing nut jobs who took a young liberal s******** in the White House as a step towards "Commienism" tm. I wonder, when the inevitable shots are fired against Obama, what kind of conspiracy stories will that provoke? Perhaps it is just to uncomfortable to realise that in a country where passions run so high about politics, race and so on, where almost everyone can get a gun... assassinations will inevitably result. What other options are there.. I believe there may be a spare Pope Mobile at the Vatican if he is interested, but in all fairness, I wonder why no one tried topping off Bush
  8. OMG!

    So this guy or his girl probably wont read this, but is their really any need to be so nasty? I think its cool this guy thinks enough of his girl to put her up (not something i'd do but meh) Probably a lot of our girls wouldn't turn everyone on here either but the kind of excitement and rejoicing almost at the "ugliness" of someone else probably betrays insecurity with ourselves, as in quick lets laugh at that because then i look cool, wont be laughed at. Very mature guys.
  9. That's the closest I could think to do it to but that leaves out the search element, kind of dull just flying to the precise point even if there is a pilot figure or other such person to land on, what's the point, not like he can get on anyway, would still be there waving to you as you pull up and away. No idea how YAP did it, no more money spare till after Xmas.
  10. The Person Below Me

    Reproba. Ego operor non fere agnosco Latin The person below me has flown higher than 90k feet in real life
  11. So... If we had a sight built into the left side view from cockpit and gave it a hud system, perhaps the game may support a calculated aimdot for the guns which would simulate pretty well what you describe. Sounds simple but I have no time to look into it till Tuesday.
  12. What is your Favorite midnight snack?

    It will soon be midnight and after much brandy, methinks the time has come for some fake burgers to go from freezer to micro for 2 mins as I slice open 2 muffins that will be placed open on a plate. The burgers will be done, they will sit on open muffins as edam cheese falls on them in thick flakes as snow on sturdy winter boughs. The muffins, closed, will sit in the micro for a further 1 minute score seconds. It will be done. I will not lament the lack of sauce or chilli for my innards are glad. Good night all! Am going in!!!
  13. Double Happy Birthday!

    Xronia Pola! aka Happy Birthday Guys!
  14. The Person Below Me

    False... I'm lying, but now I've told you so the answer is true. The person below me has had their colon cleansed with red devil lye as part of a masonic initiation.
  15. Putting a Buddhist head on, add no sound unless it improves on silence.. Lexx, your speaking above my intellect by degrees, I would love to contribute something to the community one day but that is a whole lot of tiles bro!! I don't even know what is best, fix the hole in the sky... somehow, or go for a convex sky but come up with a way to solve the terrain clipping.. I thought philosophy was hard but it's nothing compared to modding. And you didn't say, just what are those "things" under your buff in that screenie, am dying to know
  16. The Person Below Me

    Oh just relax, were all friends here jajajaja FALSE!! The person below me blows milk bubbles while listening to MJ
  17. What are those things under the Buff? I think there's a face in one, and one looks uncannily like a flying badger Good Luck with your ongoing strategic progress man! One day we will get to really make war in that bizillion meter map of yours! :spartak:
  18. More German Casulties

  19. Apologies for additional thread hijacking but I would recommend the defragger stable mate of CCleaner for the following reasons: You can check the drive and if it shows that everything is by and large ok except one particular folder (recent downloads, newly installed programs and so on), you have the ability to only defrag the folders you wish.. saves time. That said, the program seems to do defrag the whole drive quicker than windows does. I have a niggling doubt though that defrag including the windows kind, can cause unexpected folder tree irregularities such as folders being nested where they shouldn't.
  20. The Person Below Me

    False! Only because of PVC, Lycra baby! The person below me has ingested large amounts of Nutmeg and realised the true meaning of "hurl"
  21. Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit's Chriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiistmaaaaaaaaas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Early!! wowewewa From when I was 10 I fantasised about flying the 111, but wet dreams where made from Bones!!!!!!!
  22. Me too, but one other thing more than all that would satisfy me in terms of mission realism is functional LORAN and LABS bombing as the choice between dive and precision bombs rather than precision aircraft (always had a thing for Aardvarks) belies the true nature of bombing mission reality from Korea onwards imo, but then I may be wrong, I don't know? It would be good to here from those with the experience and knowledge, how prevalent such bombing systems where to real missions?
  23. I feel the same, If I treat the mission as if my very life depended on it I usually enjoy it more and get better at it. For this purpose I occasionally like to call my other half to show her how its done lol Keeps me focused. A tank man in real life! My respects to you sir and all those here who have real life experience of military missions of all kinds
  24. Achhh that came over wrong, in no way is it easy to die for your country in any service, I didn't mean to say that.. perhaps a better angle would be to just remark that those guys back then had a lot more on their case so to speak, less equipped in terms of training as you describe to start, and of course the scale of triple A, SAMs and fighters facing them there and them now in Asstan and Iraq is a world apart. Your only 36!! I don't know why that surprises me but it does, that means your only one decade to the year older than I am! heheh

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