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Everything posted by GwynO

  1. That is terrible, I take it that production ceased before the end of the war if so many where shot down compared to the 75% survival rate? Do I understand your post as, that you taught the USAF on Vietnam (from a historical point of view), or do you mean to say you actually taught in Vietnam? Either way I am very interested on this particular conflict despite being born after it ended, it seemed only over the horizon to our generation through school and films and so on. It is sobering to realise just how big the scale of that conflict was compared to what we have now. I guess our guys and girls in blue have it dare I say, easy in relative terms (which is a good thing of course and not to take away from the risks they take, just in relative terms)
  2. Hella cool indeed! The Thud is one of my favourite mud movers in these games, it almost feels "safe" to fly in low and get the hell out of there but can't say I have ever bagged a mig! They turn tighter than a Lady boy. Can't imagine the elation those guys felt on climbing out of the pit after those engagements.
  3. Your stories really intrigue me Lt. Cater, but one thing I am confused, are you talking about real time service or purely in the sim?
  4. We would need a green fog shader
  5. WOE

    I feel your pain, try this clicky linky It has solved a lot of my post patch carrier/naval object issues but not all, still trying to get Operation Rubicon to work post patch. The method outlined there will at least solve the problems of multiple instances of ships mating, blowing up on deck, submerged ships and so on though so give it a try and let us know how you get on.
  6. O.J. Simpson found guilty

    That book he had written was awful, I had been prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt previously but that really showed a complete and total disregard towards the families and human decency, it tipped the balance against him I think. What a total tard, may he think long and hard of what he really did do!
  7. On the warpath

    Sounds familiar to me. I tried to get the unlock code for a mobile phone I bought for my gf. Seeing as I bought the handset full price rather than discounted for being tied to a sim, imagine my response when it became clear that once a sim card went in, it was tied to that one company!! I went all around the trees barking and put out a fortune in call costs but after several weeks the only option remaining was to get it unlocked for £10 in a second hand shop. Big companies don't seem to care about the individual, so long as they can move enough gear to make up for the odd few they loose from things like this, they don't even blink. The only way to get these people to DO something is to get a consumer guru to take up the case for you, we have a handful of well known (that really is the key here) consumer programs on tv; when those get on the case and make it public, the companies soon start to think of ways to silence you. (or make good their obligations depending what spin you prefer). Bottom line, keep trying for the while and pray that something moves.
  8. The stock terrains are usually good for my install too, it's on the third party terrains that I find some targets that show a red box but no object. Immediate symptom of missing texture etc but on zooming in the view and making the angle of pov shallower, the thing is clearly visible on a separate floor beneath the floor so to speak.
  9. Which terrain was this? I start on the ground with external view and noticed some terrains will have aircraft start below "land level", keeping external view on and allowing the plane to take off on auto it can be seen to emerge out from beneath the land whereas flying noe I often find terrain avoiding radar to show me land where there isn't any visible and no land where there clearly is, noe is touch and go due to crashing into invisible land. Some groundobjects appear either completely underground or half way. This all seems related to the water issue involving heightmap issues and I'm tempted to think that this has some relation to problems with carrier behaviour (i.e. two identical carriers one on top of the other) however, what the solution is ?
  10. Dsawan, are you moving control ini files around? Follow my steps above to get your clean patched game first if you haven't already, then you will have a clean and up to date control ini inside the fully patched game. Now possibly you have a shortcut for the game somewhere, in all programs, on your desk top, this can get risky with multiple installs of the game because they don't always boot up the version you want so delete or ignore all of the shortcuts to the game, instead navigate to the exact folder where you have installed the fresh game and applied patches to. So now you see the game exe you know that when you click it you are getting into that version of the game, try to change the controls from the options menu, save and close the game. Open the game again from the very same exe that you opened and the changes will be saved... if not, there is something mysterious happening that should not be happening. Notice I did not move any control ini files in the steps above, if you need to have controls set for a separate game, e.g. WOV, SFP1, WOE, then you can repeat the steps above for each individual game, it is time consuming but hopefully it will work. If these steps failed for me, my next option would be to open the folder again, ignore the exe file and open the control ini, I would then find my old control ini that worked in my old game, I would open them both to look and I would manually type in the buttons I want mapped line by line, being very careful not to delete the new functions that are not in the old one. I would save the new control ini as Default.ini in the Controls folder of the new game and close the old one, however if saving in Vista, you don't put .ini just call it Default. Now try loading the game again and if it still isn't working properly I would cry. If all else fails, send me your old control list for the old game, the one you like via pm. Tell me which game you want these controls to work for and I will try to change it for you and pm it back to you. I know just how frustrating these little things can be, I'm still trying to work out why I get two carriers trying to hump each other on some maps myself and am almost at the point of doing a fawlty.
  11. Happy Birthday to....

    Happy Birthday Piloto! Drink, fek and have many many more!
  12. If your making a folder with ONLY the main exe file and applying the patch, it will fail as the newer patches look for the object cat files as well, they may even look for other files but for certain they need to find the cat files as well. Best possible way is to find a nice clean empty space of memory e.g. spare drive or largely empty one. Install each and every thirdwire game that you have into this, download all the latest patches for each respective game and run where applicable. (if you bought Strike fighters when it was new, you may have to install the SFP1service pack first before the last SF patch) So now you have all your Thirdwire games patched up to the latest standard, you may consider the following thread clicky here useful if you want to reduce the space consumed on your previously spartan drive. Ok so now the controls, you did keep a copy of the controls ini how you liked it right? If yes then open it with notepad, and open the all new vanilla patched control ini, compare and contrast, change the assignments for the new one to match your old one if you like BUT do not just drop the old one no matter how good it worked before, into your new patched up game because... there are new features now such as toggle engine (ctrl I) and quite possibly the game will look at your old control ini (if you stuck it in there), spit it out and use the new shiny default one instead. If after all those steps you still can't get your control ini to change, I really don't know what to suggest mate
  13. You can merge all four thirdwire jet era sims following the exact method detailed by Gerwin in this link clicky linky Because TK didn't want to include a merge feature for WOI, that game was intended to be a stand allone historically accurate representation of the theatre, not a place for European jets to fly over. If you want to merge all four jet era thirdwire sims, go for it! Follow this link to do it yourself clicky here I followed Gerwin's steps to the letter and using his Ini tool, wrong objects in wrong places are less of a problem. Thus shrinking the four games to fit on my mp3 stick, I can carry the game everywhere in my pocket for an opportune moment at work or college. Also if many people decide to follow those exact steps to have a nice bite sized vanilla merged environment, we could finally have more people available to host and join multiplay sessions as we would have matching data to share. Also such a compact base game is perfect for copy pasting all over an external hardrive so you can add mods to them, mess about with them etc etc but you always have the vanilla base intact on your mp3 in case you need to start again with something.
  14. Did you let the Bunyap pack extract direct to your game folder? It may just be that your aircraft data ini files have been overwritten by the '06 weapon pack then you would need to undo those changes for the default weapons to show up or indeed for the MF pack. Somebody correct me if I'm mistaken but I thought I remember that the Bunyap pack includes modded data ini files for default aircraft??
  16. You are a weapons master! How many weapons is that from you this week? BUT... I DIDN@T EVEN KNOW WE HAD A FRIGGIN B_3666 SIXPLANE!!!!!!!!!111111
  17. Yet another checkride...

    Heyy I meant no cheek, quite the opposite, was a joke as in 4000 hours divided by 24, divide by 7, divide by 4... is 5.95 calender months, I meant to highlight just how long in the seat that is when you think of it all together like that. Certainly not something you can do half heartedly. Respect to you and your service time dude! Sorry if I was missunderstood, whisky plus forum = my posts
  18. Problem with my computer

    No worries. I used to have avg and noticed it happening to me a lot too but in general, any other program running will compete with your game for cpu and ram so for max frame rates and a smooth ride I turn everything else off.
  19. Ansons2 You are Awsim!! I wanted to make a Greece Turky mod for years, this terrain has become my favourite already!!
  20. Yet another checkride...

    Could you do a bit more than 4000 Fast Cargo? A little bit more and and that's a full 6 months!
  21. Problem with my computer

    Turn off the internet, turn off antivirus and firewall and clear the ram then start the game. Restart said programs before turning the net back on after you finish your game.
  22. Mission Change

    If you guys are anything like the Rock Apes or rapes :tomato2: (raf regiment) you will be fine!! Huge mountains of wrath securing the boys and girls in blue uniforms, but whatever you do, stay safe, and remember your training even if it didn't seem useful at the time, instructors have usually been there themselves and do not waste breath giving you duff info. Stay safe and tell us what you can when you return!! Godspeed mate! REASON FOR EDIT: Mistaking their for there for the 7 millionth time despite being a trainee English teacher Dohhhhhh.
  23. Mc Cain's Plane

    I bet you felt really proud, I would! Recently flew on a 737 from Amsterdam, one of three aircraft types I have flown in, the other two being two types of Cessna years and years ago. Finally popped my flying to other countries cherry this month looool
  24. Got a new job today...

    Excellent news, I wish you the every success and blessing for this new job!

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