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Everything posted by GwynO

  1. Some Cool Aviation Pics

    erm not that I would know what p0rn sites look like ahem
  2. Just thought I'd share with you all who like to use pics for loading screens etc, also maybe of use to anyone wanting to decal, skin etc. My Dad has always been interested in military aircraft and in recent years has gotten heavily into photography, I have asked if I can put up the link to his and my stepmums online albums for this community and hes cool with that, maybe if you use his pics a mention in the props would not go amiss, they are Will and Wendy, heres the link: Will and Wendy's Milatary Aviation Albums Thats my Dad in the yellow jacket He has good relations on base at No. 4 Flight Training School at R.A.F. Valley, I believe one of his friends is currently operational on Sea Kings, there are some good internal pics of one in there somewhere as well as some nice pics of visiting aircraft from other countries.
  3. Well trust me to completely miss remember things that happened ten years ago, my Dad just corrected me, apparently the chaps sticky was "Dirty" not "Bitty" lol As for the Eagle minus canopy, he thinks someone at the Valley Aviation Society may have got a picture at the time, I will put up a link to their site soon as I get hotsnail to work again
  4. Brilliant, I Love it!! The Phantom is one of my favourite aircraft of all time, the addition of ccip to the hud makes bombing runs much less guess work. Im seriously considering a few tweakings of the Phantom myself to represent the Terminator Turkish counterpart.
  5. I'm glad you like them! I will pass on your comments to my Dad, he was thinking of some kind of watermarking at some point but I think he didn't want to spoil the pictures, but then again their really good for a 59 year old with no formal photography training imo, and I'd hate to see some of the more unscrupulous ppls on the net use them and claim all the credit or worse still use them as some part of payware (no need to continue opening THAT can of worms ) I like the way Airliners have watermarked theirs though, also as I explained to him this community is one of the best in terms of respect and giving credit where its due, he was happy that people might find some interest in the photographs. No doubt he will post more up as he is a regular visitor at the airbase. They reminded me of all the trips we used to make there some years ago when I was little .I remember some F-15's over on a sort of exchange training exercise around Llanberis pass, I have a signed copy of an aviation mag special on the Eagle at home from one of the pilots, it's singed from Mc Clean, "Bitty" (remember this was just after Gulf War 1 lol) well I often wonder what became of him as there was an incident up in the pass where for some reason the back seater ejected while the pilot remained and flew the bird safely home to Valley minus the canopy, I always wondered if it was that guy but I don't think they named the aircrew. I'll go search see if I can find any old news pages on that incident.
  6. I concur, I made many Iranian friends when I was a student and not one of them was a supporter of the Mullah's, a couple in particular really interested me with how they described their own families as what I could only describe as closet Zoroastrian, according to these young Iranians, many Iranians feel a great pride in the "old" religion rather than the status quo. My impression of Islamic Revolutionary Iran based on the translations and selection of rhetoric that finds its way through the media as well as their overt political actions is mixed, on the one hand they present themselves as a shining example of secularised Islam, yes it is possible for a woman to drive a car or wear a short skirt or go dating or go to a nightclub, things that are punishable by God knows what in some close by Arab countries; however on the other hand Amadinajacket for one expressed on the world stage, views of Israel and millenialism (regarding the coming of the medi) that can only raise concern. Overall, at the present time I think its best to spy on them like theres no tomorrow, allow their moderates some more time to gain influence away from the extremists; I feel that the ego trip of joining the nuclear club could do less harm to the collective mental state of Iran's politicians than the results of a strike, but of course I would not like living within range of their weapons. I agree wholeheartedly that if strikes are unavoidable, they should be extremely carefully chosen and executed with precision; in such respect internal sabotage may be a lot better than crossing yet more international boarders (results speak for themselves, crossing boarders in recent times has hardly reduced the overall hatred towards the West if anything it has increased it) Iran is not another Iraq, already on its knees from Gulf War 1 and sanctions, it is certainly not another Afghanistan therefore to use the analogy of insects it is perhaps best to accept that this hornet has a sting but if treated with respect it will not sting even if we are busy "tending to" the wasps nests and bees nests (Afghanistan and Iraq respectively), omg I'm sounding like Eric Cantona, amagunagetaparacetemol
  7. Happy Birthday FastCargo

    Happy Birthday!! Now blow out those candles before the curtains catch light
  8. Thank you for this brilliant pack! I was confused why I was having a ctd after the loadout screen when I press to fly, no loading screen or anything, I was sure I was following the instructions to the letter. Topcat mentioned on here about the options file being involved so I opened the stock option file up and copied over each block of text from the one included with the pack and saw that the problem for me was the graphics options; it seems that it was configured to run on a higher rez screen than I have and also the entry for hotas config was not relevent to my setup, just something for people to be aware of if they have the same symptoms. Thanks once again for the hard work, it kicks ass!
  9. The plans of mice and men.. just got over the shame reflex and thought to admit defeat, real life got very much in the way of all gaming for me in Jan, gf needed help with a massive project of her own so I didn't even come online for almost 3 months then just when I came back to using the laptop for fun my gaming was once again ruined by a particularly nasty virus, one so resilient to all forms of cleaning, fixing, repairing that it kept me awake for 48 hours solid in the end before I just couldn't take it any more!!!!!!!! trying the "shake wildly and hit across the desk while screaming ala Basil Fawlty" method cost me £140 for a new screen and still had to restore Windows as all fixes for those three viruses wouldn't work. Anyway.. so a few days ago with my gf's workload easing off a bit, I thought to restart my Thirdwire hobby from scratch. So far i have reinstalled sfp1, wov, woe, fully patched all to latest versions, bought, installed and patched up woi; but now comes the hard part of deciding what is really most necessary to have for each install, the last setup I had was an organic growth over about 3 years and gynormous but pleasing and am missing all those little things which I forgot how or when they came to be... nevermind I spose this is a great time to get back to the process of learning to make a terrain/campaign at long last and to read up on all the developments since Xmas!
  10. Movie Lines that make great signatures...

    "If your going to shoot, shoot, don't talk" - The Ugly (The Good, The Bad and The Ugly)
  11. kh-25mt karen guided missile, it was just a test to see if firing a guided missile in a climb would give it further range, reasoning being that it seems logical a guided missile could use kinetic energy to coast to a target same as a guided bomb provided the guidance system can "see" the target and has power to drive the servoes. I just tried again and got some mixed results, all the successes from the range with this missile from the Susi so far have been from 46nm to 44 nm max ranges, mach 1.03 to 1.07 (info from debug) at release, altitude 12,300ft to 12,500ft pitch up between estimated 3 and 7 degrees, anything close to 10 degrees and the missile climbs too high and appears to loose aspect on target and lands way off. Altitudes above 20,000ft also don't seem to work as the missile seems like it can't make the turn required to hit and overshoots, also could not get a hit from below 5000ft. I will test other release parameters at some point but right now sleep beckons. I would be interested to learn if these missiles or similar where ever tested from that kind of distance in real life, seems a bit too hit and miss of an approach for a guided missile but interesting non the less as I for one would far rather drop my load from a safe distance than get into range of bad things. If ever i develop a knack of building things im going to figure out a standoff delivery for the toilet. Just add some fins here and there etc etc and tada a fully EO guided Toilet Ultimately Rocket Delivered or T.U.R.D hmm definitely time for sleep
  12. Gocad and Gepard, thank you very much! That fixed it I just wrecked a good proportion of the red range with a mix of ordanance, just out of curiosity i tried lobbing a guided missile from 44 miles and followed it with weapon view, it hit the target!
  13. I manually installed the weapons that come with the Susi, all the weapon files where already in there and now the weapondata.ini definitely has the weapons as they are referenced in the loadout ini but still no weapons appear in the loadout
  14. Awssim plane, unfortunately I only get droptanks in the loadout screen, I tried every single mission type on every map I have installed and in a range of years from service entry to now. Im using fully patched up WOE with Nato fighters 1 and 2 and the last weapons pack, any idea what might be the problem?
  15. Happy new year.

    lol our hearing seems to be working ok again now, the same cannot be said for the patio which now contains a respectable scorch mark
  16. Happy new year.

    Happy New Year!! I almost blew up my girlfriend already tonight.. thought I'd test some rather large bottle rockets so she could see what to expect at midnight, just as the fuse was lit im calling her from 5 metres away to come closer to get a better view as the porch would obscure the view unless she came right out to the tube... oops! the rocket got stuck in the tube so come closer turns to RUN LIKE HE..BANG!! She just laughed it off like a marine lol

    I wish all my friends here at CA a wonderful Christmas regardless of religious affiliation or not, or mode of enjoyment have a blinder. In all the years I have been reading this forum from when it was biohaz even before i was a member, theres one thing that really really makes me feel proud to be part of this community beyond all other considerations and it's how homely, helpful and non arrogant we try to be with each other, i mean overall compare this site to so many other forum groups, sites and whatever else on the net and you really see the difference in terms of our abstention from flame wars and personal attacks... To all the members, moderators and administrators who make this site a daily pleasure to belong.. Thank you! Merry Christmas
  18. A Little Christmas Cheer

    I agree, fear and not knowing any different, which is why the air is the most powerful conflict zone in the battle for freedom and in this case not aircraft but airwaves that carry communication of images, ideas, lifestyles etc. The communication superhighway hopefully will be the route out of the closet for some of those youngsters trapped in ideological prison to admit to themselves and their compatriots that they to want to decide for themselves how they think, feel and behave. I also salute this girl and all those who dare to think for themselves. Socrates vive, la lucha sigue. Peace
  19. I Passed......

    Congratulations and may you be very sober for the morning after the day after the night of celebrating!!
  20. Does anybody know what happened to the Cyprus campaign? I found about a dozen posts between here, avsim and simhq suggesting that USAFMTL made one at some point but the file seems to be missing.
  21. A Little Christmas Cheer

    To piggyback off of Column 5, there is a big difference between racism and cultural stereotyping. If we are going to deal with absolutes and say that ALL of something is bad per se, we can say that all attitudes that claim it is right to kill a daughter for disobedience are wrong, that all belief systems that blame a woman for a man having raped her are wrong, that any group who ban any of it's young born from growing up knowing each other regardless of sex and ideology is wrong, fair enough we can do that. What no one is doing here is saying all Muslims are wrong or bad, neither am I saying all Asians are bad.. I for one am saying and I think Column 5 would agree with me that it is fair to say that the majority of Islamic fundamentalists ARE wrong. Let's not get this confused with saying because most of something is bad that all of something associated with is bad also, that would be like giving up entirely on German people because of the despicable acts of the Nazis, a historical minority but one that needed to be dealt with. If we agree that there is a problem within not a small part of the worldwide Muslim population, we should not be made to feel guilty because not all Muslims are bad people, we should be allowed to call a spade a spade, it is a Muslim problem that sharia law is interpreted by SOME people to the extent it did in this tragic case, it is right that we say it in the same way it was right to say the Nazis in 1939 where a German problem. I hope honest to God that in the future, no one would ever judge the German people for the actions of a historical minority of nut jobs in the same way I hope Asians wont be judged by the actions of these nut jobs but the nut jobs are hear folks and whether we like it or not, the Nazis where German, and the fundamentalists in this case are Muslims. Some people will no doubt refuse to get any of this into their heads so once again the main point ... don't confuse absolutes with relatives no one is saying ALL Germans are bad or ALL Muslims are bad, just that when most Germans where Nazis, those Germans WHERE bad and likewise, my opinion, if fundaMENTAList attitudes prevail in a Muslim community.. that particular Muslim community IS bad, deserves to be discussed and should be helped by all means to change because you know what, ignoring issues like honour killing, incest, rape and freedom of youths to choose does not a free country make.
  22. A Little Christmas Cheer

    Scots told you that they have a problem with sheep bothering in Scotland, Scots repeatedly told you that they personally know of cases of it happening, one crazy Scot even admit to you he did it?? Scots wore skirts with no zippers in your rez??? Really using my logic, if you replaced the majority Asian with majority U.S. South in the same context, if for five years of eating, sleeping,talking, breathing, living and existing almost entirely within a U.S. South community of people here in Wolves and hearing nothing from them but constant references to how inbreeding is a major though embarrassing problem in the U.S. South, so and so married her cousin, so and so's father killed so and so for it, then yes I would think mate, that it happens a lot more than it should do in the first place but no I would not, and do not think ALL or even most participate. Besides my point was not that All Asians do things to their siblings, my point was that to some adherents of some ideologies, if and when a guy does things to his sister, it's the girl that gets the blame and linked to that is my suggestion although implied that when said ideologies deny and punish ALL contact between male and female that is not strictly familial unless married... the result is frustration, conflict and wrong things... very wrong bad things which need never happen to anyone.

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