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Everything posted by GwynO

  1. A Little Christmas Cheer

    Sharing the same toilet, shower and bath with Indian boys for 2 years, same with Pakistanis for 2 years and having a Bangladeshi girlfriend for 2 years during 5 years of university when of that time i'd say 95% of my friends in this city are Asian... I don't say in that post that ALL asians do incest, but i stick by my remark that in all my 5 years of living with and talking with Asians on a 24 x 7 basis, that the concept of brother sister incest and the fact that it happens is well known and discussed and joked about in the Asian community. If you don't live in a muti cultural city let alone in an extremely ethnic part of one as I do, then films music and books are another glimpse at a peoples culture but nowhere close to living, eating, drinking, laughing, etc with people.
  2. Beautiful vipers video, I really appreciate the offer of help, i will let you know when I am ready to beta test the terrain if you like? Oh and Niiice signature picture
  3. A Little Christmas Cheer

    In Saudi it is, i had to study Islam for part of my degree. Saudi has a religious police and a normal police, the religious police can check your papers and if they find a woman with a man who is not related to her either as her husband, father, brother or grandfather... the punishment is decided by clerics If you grow up in Saudi you can effectively forget about dating, casually strolling or chatting with the opposite sex like in the West hence the f***ed up "mentabilities" that devolve in some parts of this world. Just chatting with any Indian, Pakistani or Bangladeshi or from watching Asian film, you see how very very common the idea of incest is but typically in many cases it is the girl who is punished as she is considered the one who tempts the male to lust, Eve gets the blame first all the time. Anyways, Funda-mental-ists belong in the dustbin of history along with Hitler, Genghis Khan, Pol Pot, Saddam Hussein, Betamax and Hanson
  4. Excellent! I will search for them now, thank you! Gwyn
  5. It would a very nice addition and then just the voodoo to go and we have the whole century series. My schedule is totally crazy until mid January but when i eventually get more than 2 hours free time a day, the terrain is first priority. I am a total novice as all I have ever done is tweak a few ini's to smooth out problems or get things to work differently, nothing major, so anyone with the skills and time to contribute is more than welcome How about two campaigns, a historic one set in 1974 which would definitely need a Deuce, and a contemporary one set in the near future?
  6. How could I forget?

    Happy Hanuka, Merry Christmas and "Nadolig Llawen a blwyddyn newydd dda" from Wales to all at CA
  7. 9 miles for a phoenix sounds a bit close, iirc it was well bvr. Only recently I discovered that I could actually get a lock on from huge ranges, something I completely overlooked was to press home rather than insert to aquire target. What I used to do was zoom around looking for blips on the search radar setting, press insert to aquire but obviously nothing, keep going closer and closer try search and track if it was available, insert again, nothing, try boresight mode then finally at about those ranges you describe bingo press insert to aquire target fire and hope for a kill.... what a waste of time, configuring my new joystick I read the targeting commands again and theres a much better way, set the search to the longest range, find a blip, keep going till your blip is about the middle of the radar screen because in most cases, the middle of one radar range is the maximum of the next lowest, so with the bogey half way down the radar screen hit shift pgdown to move to the next lowest radar range and you will have the ability to designate a bogey with your radar by pressing home, keep pressing home to shift between any and all bogeys on the radar screen for example if the nearest one to me is the one i want i wait for the scan line to pass near it then hit home. Next press insert to lock the radar onto that target. I have all the option settings set to hard apart from visual targeting so you get the yellow box on the target, then press end as this will place either a red box or a blue box on the target and tell you what plane it is, this is as near as we have to an IFF system (Interrogate Friend or Foe) AFAIK and this is obviously useful when your about to launch a phoenix from a bizillion feet away or an archer from 20 miles, we dont want to randomly fire at radar blips without knowing what they are which is the whole point of IFF systems in real life BVR engagements. So now you have found a blip, designated it, locked it interrogated it so you know it's friend or foe, your ready to select a radar missile, fire then depending what kind it is you will either have to keep your target painted with your radar until the missile goes terminal on it's own guidance system is has that capability (you can press f9 for weapon view and wait until the target looks like it's not very far as a guestimate for when it would be self guided) or if you have a fire and forget missile, do what you want to do i.e. find another target and fire at that one, or get in closer to use heat seekers or really close to use guns. Anyways, this is how i use the long range of missiles like the amraam, archer, hawk, phoenix (really long range) etc to best effect now rather than wait for boresight which is so close it's almost on top of them. Whether you get a kill from such bvr ranges is another thing entirely as I found out testing some hawk sams launched from Iranian F-14's. Phoenix missiles however, are devastating and sooo satisfying to take down a squadron of enemy from so far they can't even see the tomcat on their radars. Hope this is useful and sorry if it's repeating what you already knew.
  8. IMHO The most comprehensive and sane analysis of the disturbance to date, Respect Streak
  9. My most repeated phrase for times like these: "I have a plan, I don't know what it is.. but it is a plan" lol no worries, it will just take a lot of time which I don't have right now but after Xmas work should relax a little then theres a lot of reading up any threads which relate to terrain modding, oh and visiting the Terrain Guru's mountain hideout of course, maybe I should ask the Great A'tuin
  10. I see, i'm readin the construction tips on Major Lee's aerodrome right now and it says pretty much the same. I wouldn't have any more of a problem playing over a 60% sized mid east than 60% sized Germany or South East Asia. At the end of the day it will be hard to learn terrain creation as it is, so if it's a little harder to learn to use the EAWEuro files, so be it im up for it! However the increase in realism would obviously mean longer time getting from a to b and make fuel consumption especially critical when flying from either mainland to Cyprus and back.
  11. Please forgive my confusion, but does that mean 60% full relative to the size of the Aircraft, groundobjects etc in which case it needs to be scaled up somehow? As and when I learn how such maps are made in the first place, I might consider building a new map of the entire area but for now it seems like the best available option as any Cyprus campaign would need Greece and Turkey as well as the island itself. There is probably a limit to the amount of terrain the game can handle as such I doubt the Germany map is one to one scale relative to the aircraft, I may be wrong but I just "feel" that aircraft take a lot less time traveling over sizeable areas such as Germany or SEA than they should do in reality.
  12. Thanks Wrench, I was going to ditch the historical campaign idea anyway as what I had in mind was a purely "what if" modern scenario i.e. Greece and Turkey go to war now! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUoRxdLx-gM...feature=related there are plenty more videos from Greek/Turkish training sessions on you tubes Assuming permission is not a problem, what's wrong with using the Mid East map which does have mainland Turkey and some of Greece? So we may need Master Terrain Gurus hmmm right im packing some Boost bars and 7up for the trek up to their mountain ashram, anyone wanting to join me along the way towards a modern Cypress campaign is more than welcome! :yes:
  13. Duw we could have a cymanfa at this rate bois
  14. I guess we add the rest of the terrain files from the sfp1 stock dessert or maybe from the mid east terrain, well trial and error will reveal all. Thanks very much for the link, i missed it as when I clicked on it before all that came up was the campaign loading screen jpg. By the way, wyt tin siarad Cymraeg?
  15. I meant that USAFMTL is credited with making the Mid East terrain which contains Cyprus, not that he made a campaign, it was Galen Thurber that was thinking of making a campaign. There was discussion about getting the campaign to work and issues around the size of the zip file on Biohaz forums in 2003 but it seems to have vanished since then, does anyone else know if it still exists? And yes i guess i am just too lazy (busy) to learn how to build one myself lol so thank you to all the talented people who do make stuff for everyone to enjoy - Diolch yn fawr
  16. The Bear Has Awaked

    Definition of Criticise <------ English language was invented by the English and we do spell it criticise. We dont "stave" our people either but am not sure this is the place to start a whose country is best/s**ttyest thread, in fact am pretty sure that kind of thing is best left entirely on other sites, just my 50 p
  17. Aye, this issue knocked about a while ago and someone suggested to keep printscreens of the medal screen, procedure being hit printscreen when the medal screen is on, alt tab out to desktop then open ms paint or better and paste the image, save as a jpg or bmp and keep them in a folder somwhere. I can't get text for foreign medals in either wov or sf so it looks like it will be a tedious yet easy (hopes) ini tweaking session at some point
  18. Roll Call

    Lima 2 recieving, standing by
  19. Anime

    I can't get cable at all in Wolverhampton so it's a trip to the dvd store for me lol. Have you seen Toshio Maeda's Urotsukidoji? Never ever watch it in a dark room while so called friends drop acid into your drink without telling you! Ghost in the Shell is a classic sci fi anime too as is Vampire Wars, i wish we had ANoD.
  20. Anime

    Oh yeh the anime is way better than the movie version, whats ANoD? i googled it but can't make out if it's a distributor or a maybe internet tv host?
  21. Anime

    Im a casual anime fan, what i mean is if its on i while watch it but i dont really go out to find stuff because my best friend in school was a hard core fan and ive always wanted to keep from getting "hooked" like he was man he must have spent at leat £3000 between 1998 and 2002 on manga vhs imports and most of it is good but two series really stuck out in my memory, The Guyver series is an absolute classic, very good sci fi theme. My second favourite is Crying Freeman, although not sci fi it is a deep plot oriented series that i think id reconmend to anyone wanting to see more Anime. Have fun and take care not to spend all those hard earned dollars Manga Rules
  22. Funniest film scene ever

    The scene from Borat when he fights Azamat and chases him with the rubber fist, the whole sequence of that had me laughing so much in the cinema i cried tears of happiness. Watching it again on DVD it was still hilariously funny
  23. You need to get the extract utility working because the cat file contains the hud data ini, you cannot change its contents until it has been extracted, try uninstaling the cat file extract utility, reinstal and try again.
  24. Monty Python Quotes

    Bugger off! I'm stuffed O go on! It's only waffa thin
  25. Monty Python Quotes

    Q: Whhhhhhat is the average velocity of a Swallow? A: Well that depends, is it an European Swallow or an African Swallow? Q: Huh? ohh bugger.. arghhh (Falls into a rather large hole)

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