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Everything posted by WarlordATF

  1. Triplane schemes.

    i found it, sorry about that. i had taken it out awhile back and forgot to put it back. Doh!
  2. As some of you know i lost WOI when my HD Crashed a few months ago, I also lost my confirmation code. Last night i E-mailed Support at Thirdwire and explained what happened an in only a few hours TK had E-mailed me my Confirmation code and a download link! He didn't have to do that, it was my fault i had lost the game and code before i had backed it up,I even said so in my e-mail, but he still came through and i have WOI again! That was so cool of him! TK and Thirdwire rules! I just wanted to post and let everyone know what a great Person/Company we support by buying these sims! (This time i backed it and the code up before i even installed it.)
  3. MB-339A

    Works Great Now, very nice aircraft! Thank You for the quick fix!
  4. MB-339A

    No problem man, we have all been there. Take your time and like i said, Great Mod otherwise!
  5. MB-339A

    I'm Having a little problem with this one, anyone else seeing this or did i do something wrong during the install? Otherwise it looks great! Model and Cockpit are amazing! Nice Job!
  6. Triplane schemes.

    I think that was for the A-Teams Model, I don't think we have it for the TW model yet.
  7. Triplane schemes.

    that is a great pic! but i was thinking of this scheme... http://www.fokkerdr1.com/Profiles/Profile%20TC3.htm
  8. Triplane schemes.

    Your Skins are great, you have a very nice eye for detail! i have been grabbing them as soon as they are released. I know your starting to get slammed with requests, but any chance of Lothar's Dr.1?
  9. A Cool Story...

    If your like me, Your Dog is part of the Family. My German Sheppard Wolfgang is one of my best friends and i thought i'd pass this story along... http://www.comcast.net/articles/news-natio...21/Iraqi.Puppy/
  10. WHOA Check This!

    Does not surprise me at all, You probably saw a flight on a low level training mission in some form of Black (Classified) Aircraft. I strongly believe that our Air Force has several aircraft and possibly spacecraft that the public know nothing about and keeping them secret is key to keeping us safe. I don't believe the USAF should tell the public about Black Operations Aircraft if it might give a hostile country insight against us. I also believe that if they do tell us about a secret aircraft its because they already have something better. There have been too many things seen in the night sky to dismiss them all as hoaxes. All the Triangle UFOs seen in recent years lead me to think that the TR-3A (if that name is correct) may be operating now and is above and beyond anything we currently know about. Some people are disturbed by the thought of Secret Aircraft, but to me its reassuring that the USAF is doing its job protecting America.
  11. I Just want to tell you both good luck, were all counting on you! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8KGZfSCI1E...feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTE_gdWyB5E...feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDFwpUytHno...feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTYgM6oPZCQ...feature=related
  12. WHOA Check This!

    Alien or not, i'm not so sure. I'm not arrogant enough to think that out of all the planets in the universe earth is the only one with life, but i personally believe that most UFOs are made right here on earth. The Nazi's,The Allies and the Soviets all experimented with disk shaped aircraft and to think that they just stopped is kinda silly. I have always believed the best recon aircraft would appear to be a UFO. Even if its spotted and reported it won't incriminate the country who operates it unless its shotdown. How can they fly manuevers that would kill a human pilot? Well we have had Remote Controlled aircraft for many years, UAVs are nothing new and not risking a pilot would be a major plus on a recon mission. As for this Story, who knows, it could have been anything. It is interesting that we were working on new jamming equipment at the time, but who knows? A Simular case happened involving a F-89 Scorpion over the great lakes and resulted in the loss of the aircraft. Will we ever know the whole truth about UFOs? Probably not unless one is shotdown in a major city with alot of witnesses where it can't be covered up. Have i ever seen a UFO, well yes. When i was a teenager we (about 10 of us) saw a bunch of lights in the sky in the general direction of Homestead AFB and they appeared to be making 90 degree turns and rapid accelleration beyond anything i have seen a fighter jet do, They were there every night for about a week. It was a little creepy, but i still doubt that they were little green men, I tend to think it was the Boys in Blue with a new toy.
  13. Good Points, I can see now why some would want another install. Personally, I'll stick with multiple Aircraft folders, but you have made me realize i will also need multiple GroundObject and Weapons folders to avoid the problems you mentioned of objects that shouldn't be there in certain theatres. Its easy enough to have a main Aircraft/GroundObject/Weapons folder with all the units in it, then you just create a new folder add what you want and rename both folders so the new folder takes the place of the main one. Dedicated installs do make it a one click deal so i see why people use them. My reasoning has nothing to do with HD Space, its just easier to backup 1 install with everything than 5 installs with a little of this and that. Anyway, as long as the game runs ok and you get the units you want, i don't think either method is wrong.
  14. I just create multiple Aircraft folders within the same install. All the Terrains,Weapons and Ground Units play well together as long as the start and end service dates are set correctly. In my Objects Folder i have Aircraft, AircraftWWIIEuro,AircraftWWIIPac, and i just create a new folder for any other plane sets i want. Makes it easy to switch the game quickly by just re-naming the Aircraft folder from Modern to WWII ect. The downside is if a mod uses a custom sky effect or something that might need to be saved into another temp folder and installed when needed, but i usually just choose one effects set and pretty much stick with it. Is there any other reason why multiple installs are needed? Maybe i'm missing something.
  15. I just want to tell you both, Good Luck, Were all counting on you. Joking aside, Great Job Everyone! The screens look incredible, Its gonna be alot of fun!
  16. I just want to tell you both, Good Luck, Were all counting on you.
  17. I have been having fun with my F-111B Stand-in, I based its radar on the F-14As but weaker and made a copy of the AIM-54A and tweaked the numbers a little to simulate a prototype missile and named it AIM-54 since the AIM-54A Phoenix was not in service when the F-111B was being tested, but i bet a few existed. Only problem so far is i cant get the Tailhook to work right. Its not catching the wire and the AI crashes it into the deck. Its still been fun to play with though. EDIT: I think the F-111B would have been very effective in the cold war, If they could have reduced the weight/maintence. The Navy liked to keep aircraft in the air at all times for fleet defense anyway so F-111Bs would be on-duty round the clock which would have made it a maintence nightmare.However, The AIM-54 and Radar at that time would have been a major advantage because targets could be knocked out before ever becoming a threat to the fleet. 4 on the Wings and 2 in the bay, even with a 50% success rate, a 4 ship can destroy a squadron at 30+ miles. Then don't forget the Phantoms also flying who can intercept or mop up. It could also have assisted the Intruder on strike missions by loading it down with bombs in its natural attack role. The Navy in Vietnam could have used a Carrier based F-111B. If the Sea Vark would have held together in a carrier enviroment. If they could get weight under-control. Both Ifs were enough to kill it.
  18. Wonderful News! I loved what you did with Israel 2 and DBS is my favorite terrain since i live just south of Tampa. I'm not a 3d model builder but If there is anything i can do to help just ask!
  19. Sounds like he Patched a Modded Install. Can you tell us exactly what you installed and in what order?
  20. We all have them, those Missions that we just can't forget. Good or Bad, Lets hear them! For me it was over Korea, I'd hit my target and got jumped by some MiG-9s. I should have dropped tanks, but instead i tried to outfly them. At last i had them almost in guns range, when out of nowhere a pair of Sabers zipped in and stole my kill, i have never wanted to shoot down a friendly so bad.
  21. Its working ok for me, but i don't know if the correct Heightmap issues have been worked out or not. I have Vista so im used to turning off the shaders, i still don't use them because i get better framerates with them off. What i think i did was to go into the korea_data.ini and delete the height map info from each texture entry that said HasWater=1 or 2. I did that for almost all of my terrains and i'm pretty sure Korea was one of them. It was the only way i could get the Aircraft Carriers working on the Cuba Terrain.
  22. The Person Below Me

    False, the hovercraft got repo-ed. The Person below me has mistakenly hit ESC instead of F1 in a TW Sim.
  23. Anyone have this Hard Drive?

    WD Makes pretty decent drives. I put my HDs through alot of use, my machine is constantly running between myself, my girlfriend and some friends and family that come over. Most of the time is used for gaming and that can be very stressful on a drive.I would figure between everyone it runs 18 hours a day usually. I have killed a few WD Drives but only after over a years use. In fact the last drive that failed was an eMachines OEM WD2500JS 250GB Caviar SE SATA Drive and i'd estimate i got a year and 3 months of heavy use before it started developing bad sectors. It still works, but i don't want to risk having important data where a bad sector develops. Right now im using a 200GB WD Caviar SE SATA as my backup drive and a Seagate 500GB Barracuda SATA as my primary. Seagate offers a 5 year Warranty and I want to see if they are really that good. Another thing about giving your HD a long life is cooling, Heat is a HDs worst enemy, I Have 2 cooling fans drawing air over my drives constantly and it helps. All in All, I think you bought a decent drive and it should perform fine for you.
  24. Very True and His R-77 mods, Our Modders have been very Busy recently. I wish i could do more to help, but my skills are limited to .ini edits. Again, A Huge Thank You to Everyone for all the hard work!

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